Donald Trump Said He Wore a Mask and Said He looked Like The Lone Ranger -- Now Comes Wisdom on April Fools Day

May 4, 2022
Trump isn't like the average person -- He's a self-described Stable Genius, with the best words capable of making the most perfect phone calls.

He Said He Wore a Mask and Said He looked Like The Lone Ranger -- Now Comes Wisdom on April Fools Day. What a Stable Genius! I bet he thinks no one knew Lincoln was a Republican, until he demanded the GOP make it well known

"Let's follow Trump's odd logic for a minute: If life under Biden is like April Fools' Day every day, then the things that Trump is worrying over aren't real. The open borders and teams of mental patients he conjures up are a hoax."

"It's sort of strange, but I think of the United States, every day is April Fools' day. And they said, sir, what do you mean by that? I don't like the sound of that. I said, listen to this, and I just gave a couple of ideas. We have open borders when they should be closed. It's April Fools' Day. We have prisoners, people from as we just said mental institutions, and terrorists being dumped into our country when they should not be accepted. April Fools' Day, right? Who would do that? Who would do this? Who would allow prisoners in?"

He's smarter than you howlers...
red howlers.jpg
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He's smarter than you howlers...View attachment 752845
Trump Family Portrait?


Melania likes her own poses -- the raunchy nudes

raunchy melania 1.jpg
Trump Family Portrait?


Melania likes her own poses -- the raunchy nudes

View attachment 752857

What a beautiful woman.

I know, not your type.


All you, Dante.
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Poor upset OP

Didn't you like The Donald being real , normal and chatty ?

You poor little darling . Do tell us what other allergies you have .
Of course, Donald Trump didn't know what a face mask was. HE's a Bullshitter

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