Donald Trump gives up on healthcare reform... after only two weeks

Honestly guys, I'm speechless.....

Is this a fucking joke? This was a disgraceful display of incompetency, and Trump supporters should be completely embarrassed. I know they are a delusional personality cult and will try to spin this, but..... speechless.
Now they will move on to plan B; which is do everything in their power to make sure the ACA fails. They are determined to screw us any way possible.
They don't have to do anything, ACA will fail.

What's to fail? Only a tiny minority of Americans get their insurance from the exchanges, despite all the implications to the contrary. Most Americans by far get their insurance through their employers, Medicare, Medicaid, or the VA.

What's to fail?
Honestly guys, I'm speechless.....

Is this a fucking joke? This was a disgraceful display of incompetency, and Trump supporters should be completely embarrassed. I know they are a delusional personality cult and will try to spin this, but..... speechless.
Now they will move on to plan B; which is do everything in their power to make sure the ACA fails. They are determined to screw us any way possible.
The ACA has already failed. They said they were going to lower insurance costs by $2500/yr for everyone and it failed.
They said they would insure millions of of Americans and instead are insuring millions of illegals.
They said that the Affordable Care Act would make health care affordable and they failed.
They said if we wanted to keep our doctor we could, so they failed.
They said if we wanted to keep our current plans we could, so they failed.
The only thing keeping the turd afloat is Medicaid expansion.....and now that is going to shit.
Now most people on the ACA can't work more than 29 hours a week.
Without trillions from the Treasury in subsidies, nobody could get any health care treatment on the program.
Doctors spend more time filling out forms than they do treating patients because of the massive regulations in the program, so they instead dumped Obamacare recipients from their practices.

The ACA is an Epic Fail already, and it's getting worse by the day.
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Honestly guys, I'm speechless.....

Is this a fucking joke? This was a disgraceful display of incompetency, and Trump supporters should be completely embarrassed. I know they are a delusional personality cult and will try to spin this, but..... speechless.

He shot down Ryan care... O-Care is next...
He's low energy.
The ACA has already failed. They said they were going to lower insurance costs by $2500/yr for everyone and it failed.
They said they would insure millions of of Americans and instead are insuring millions of illegals.
They said that the Affordable Care Act would make health care affordable and they failed.
They said if we wanted to keep our doctor we could, so they failed.
They said if we wanted to keep our current plans we could, so they failed.
The only thing keeping the turd afloat is Medicaid expansion.....and now that is going to shit.
Now most people on the ACA can't work more than 29 hours a week.
Without trillions from the Treasury in subsidies, nobody could get any health care treatment on the program.
Doctors spend more time filling out forms than they do treating patients because of the massive regulations in the program, so they instead dumped Obamacare recipients from their practices.

The ACA is an Epic Fail already, and it's getting worse by the day.
I don't know if you can see, chicken-little, but the sky is not falling. Only 2 statements in that entire rant are true. The rest is bullshit.
If that were true hotels would charge that rate too. But in a Capitalistic systems, hotels have to compete with one another and charge reasonable rates. So should Hospitals.
Oh, it's true alright. Two months ago I had to go to the hospital and the bill was $29,000. If I didn't have insurance, I'd be on the hook for that.
We need to force them into competing with one another for customers. Build more Hospitals. Let them have empty beds if they charge too much. You don't do that by paying the bill, whatever it is, for the customer via government handouts, but by charging the customer directly. This is where medical savings groups will work.
We need to force them into competing with one another for customers. Build more Hospitals. Let them have empty beds if they charge too much. You don't do that by paying the bill, whatever it is, for the customer via government handouts, but by charging the customer directly. This is where medical savings groups will work.
That would've worked if they would've left the public option in the ACA.
Honestly guys, I'm speechless.....

Is this a fucking joke? This was a disgraceful display of incompetency, and Trump supporters should be completely embarrassed. I know they are a delusional personality cult and will try to spin this, but..... speechless.
In business you move on to the next project while a few people remain behind on this one to see what needs to be done to get a deal happening. It's actually very smart of him. This didn't work out and has some issues that need to be dealt with. Move on to something else while you work on those issues. I think most of you are too used to politicians getting all stuck in one rut while there are several others that need attention as well.

It wasn't smart and where he failed was not doing what he promised with Ryan's bill, which really was Obamacare still, then trying to leverage the freedom caucus by not even negotiating, but saying you have a binary choice on the matter, to which anyone would wisely laugh at because it's so far from the truth. Yea some deal maker he is. Ran to lefts side on that one pretty quick and didn't even attempt to come center. Which with concerns to Obamacare, anything in the center is still shit, since that bill lacks any and all principles and equate health insurance with actual healthcare, big difference.
We need to force them into competing with one another for customers. Build more Hospitals. Let them have empty beds if they charge too much. You don't do that by paying the bill, whatever it is, for the customer via government handouts, but by charging the customer directly. This is where medical savings groups will work.
That would've worked if they would've left the public option in the ACA.
No, having the government pay for it means the tax payer pays. Making it so everyone can afford a bed when there is a limited amount of beds guarantees that the cost, or the retail price, of the bed goes up. Just like College seatings. The more customers vying for a limited resource the more expensive that resource becomes.
No, having the government pay for it means the tax payer pays. Making it so everyone can afford a bed when there is a limited amount of beds guarantees that the cost, or the retail price, of the bed goes up. Just like College seatings. The more customers vying for a limited resource the more expensive that resource becomes.
Wrong! The public option would've forced the for-profit insurance companies to make their prices more competitive, because the government would cut out a full 25% of administrative costs. The government is already set up to administer healthcare through Medicare.
Honestly guys, I'm speechless.....

Is this a fucking joke? This was a disgraceful display of incompetency, and Trump supporters should be completely embarrassed. I know they are a delusional personality cult and will try to spin this, but..... speechless.
In business you move on to the next project while a few people remain behind on this one to see what needs to be done to get a deal happening. It's actually very smart of him. This didn't work out and has some issues that need to be dealt with. Move on to something else while you work on those issues. I think most of you are too used to politicians getting all stuck in one rut while there are several others that need attention as well.

It wasn't smart and where he failed was not doing what he promised with Ryan's bill, which really was Obamacare still, then trying to leverage the freedom caucus by not even negotiating, but saying you have a binary choice on the matter, to which anyone would wisely laugh at because it's so far from the truth. Yea some deal maker he is. Ran to lefts side on that one pretty quick and didn't even attempt to come center. Which with concerns to Obamacare, anything in the center is still shit, since that bill lacks any and all principles and equate health insurance with actual healthcare, big difference.
I agree, him going along with this plan was not smart. He was voted in to do away with obiecare and get free market solutions in place. I'm kinda pissed off he even signed off on this new version of obiecare. That was stupid. What isn't stupid and is my point is he can move on to the other things he promised and get those rolling while coming back to his original healthcare plan and getting that ready to go. A giant fuck up. Fix it. But no reason to stop all of the other programs and fixating on that one for now.
Honestly guys, I'm speechless.....

Is this a fucking joke? This was a disgraceful display of incompetency, and Trump supporters should be completely embarrassed. I know they are a delusional personality cult and will try to spin this, but..... speechless.
In business you move on to the next project while a few people remain behind on this one to see what needs to be done to get a deal happening. It's actually very smart of him. This didn't work out and has some issues that need to be dealt with. Move on to something else while you work on those issues. I think most of you are too used to politicians getting all stuck in one rut while there are several others that need attention as well.

Government is not a business. Politicians are not supposed to be businessmen. This is not about turning a profit, this is about creating a system of support for this country's most basic needs.
Honestly guys, I'm speechless.....

Is this a fucking joke? This was a disgraceful display of incompetency, and Trump supporters should be completely embarrassed. I know they are a delusional personality cult and will try to spin this, but..... speechless.
In business you move on to the next project while a few people remain behind on this one to see what needs to be done to get a deal happening. It's actually very smart of him. This didn't work out and has some issues that need to be dealt with. Move on to something else while you work on those issues. I think most of you are too used to politicians getting all stuck in one rut while there are several others that need attention as well.

Government is not a business. Politicians are not supposed to be businessmen. This is not about turning a profit, this is about creating a system of support for this country's most basic needs.
This is where you're wrong. The federal government is the biggest business in the US. The only thing that makes them different is they don't have to actually produce anything to keep alive unlike most actual business'. Government doesn't have to turn a profit, they not only shouldn't but can't. You can't make a profit by taking one persons money and giving about ten cent's of that to someone else after you pay your government employee a hundred thousand a year and full healthcare and eight weeks vacation to just move the money.

What government needs to do is provide value for the money they are taking. Are we getting good value out of our tax dollars? I see way too many illegals in this country so obviously we aren't getting our dollars worth from border protection or deporting these people. That needs fixed, maybe a wall and some stepped up enforcement would do it. I'm not seeing the value in my tax dollars going to the UN. Nothing at all really. I don't see any value in being in that organization at all. I don't see any value in public television. We have somewhere around 500 television channels to watch. Public broadcasting may have been needed when you had no other choices in certain areas but that no longer applies. You can get TV anywhere. I don't like paying for a mass murder institution. Paying for planned parenthood is pretty much equal to having your tax dollars paying for Auschwitz. It's death camp. They don't do any medical work. They kill people, that is all.

I could keep going forever but will stop. Do you understand what I'm saying here?

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