Don Lemon Speaks Over Terry Crews: Dead Black Children Are 'Not What Black Lives Matter Is About'


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Don Lemon Speaks Over Terry Crews: Dead Black Children Are 'Not What Black Lives Matter Is About'

7 Jul 2020 ~~ By Tyler O'Neil
On Monday night, CNN host Don Lemon spoke over black actor Terry Crews, lecturing him about the Black Lives Matter movement. Crews noted that Black Lives Matter has a broad range of demands far outside the realm of police brutality, and if other black voices try to suggest other approaches to various issues, they find themselves shut down and branded as “Uncle Toms.” Lemon illustrated Crews’ point by speaking over him, dismissing the actor’s concerns about black-on-black crime that has killed innocent children caught in the crossfire.

Crews began the interview noting that “when you issue a warning and a warning is seen as detrimental to the movement,” you get shut down.
“When you have the leaders of the black lives movement who are now talking about, ‘If we don’t get our demands we’re going to burn it down,’ other black people who are talking about working with other whites and other races being viewed as sellouts or called uncle toms, you start to understand that you are now being controlled,” Crews argued.
“Someone wants to control the narrative, and I view it as a very very dangerous self-righteousness,” the actor explained. He suggested that the leaders of BLM view “themselves as better,” that “their black lives mattered a lot more than mine.”
“It’s a great mantra, it’s a true mantra. Black lives do matter,” Crews added. But he insisted, “I don’t want to move from one oppressor to the next.”
“People who are running these neighborhoods with violence and then claiming that ‘Black Lives Matter.’ When you look at the parents of these little kids who are mentioned saying, ‘Hey man, why aren’t they speaking up for me, too?’ 
 It’s about who is controlling a narrative,” Crews argued. “It’s got to be ‘All Black Lives Matter.'”
“When you look at the city of Chicago, there are nine people who died by gun violence by black-on-black gun violence from June 20 all the way to today,” he noted. Why isn’t the Black Lives Matter movement talking about that issue?
Lemon gave a rather interesting answer. He suggested that Black Lives Matter isn’t about all black lives mattering, but rather only about police brutality. This explanation does not hold up, of course, because the Black Lives Matter movement uses police brutality as a springboard to claim that “institutional racism” pervades American society. Black-on-black crime is an important issue to address when a movement makes grandiose claims like that.

America needs to address police brutality, but the (mercifully few) police shootings of unarmed black men — horrific as they are — do not prove that America is awash in systemic racism. Terry Crews is right to warn of the excesses of the Black Lives Matter movement, and he is right to insist that all black lives matter — because they do, and Black Lives Matter needs to act like it.

CNN is at the bottom of the viewer barrel. The only time I'm forced to view it is when I'm in an airport waiting for the next flight. I used to think that Fredo was dumb, that was until Don Lemon appeared on the scene. Now CNN programs the Dumb and Dumber shows. If you include Anderson Cooper, Wolf Blitzer or jake Tapper now you have the comedy of the Three Stooges.
Meanwhile back to Lemon... is there anyone here that can explain the irrational hatred of Progressive Marxist Socialist Leftists like Don Lemon? He supports BLM and hates the police who have, until this summer with the defund the police craze, kept the murder rate much, much lower in the black community of New York City. Now, blacks are dying from black-on-black gun violence including innocent children at a higher rate than Covid.
President Trump, before the pandemic, gave the people (including Black people) the best economy and lowest unemployment in history. Yet, this clown Lemon would rather watch his people suffer and die rather than support our president.
All in all, Lemon is a racist and his words fall hollow on the ears of people except those who are ideologically bent and racist themselves.
lemon is the dumbest Mfer on TV.....I wish a black hole would swallow him up.....

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