Dominion and Maricopa County Ignoring Subpoenas Proves the Election System is Corrupt


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Dominion and Maricopa County Ignoring Subpoenas Proves the Election System is Corrupt​

4 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jeff Dornik

The Arizona Senate has subpoenaed the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Dominion Voting Systems to get the remaining routers and passcodes needed to complete the Arizona Audit. The response from both parties is a complete disregard for transparency in the integrity of our elections. The summary of their response? The election was completely secure, but we won’t prove it to you… just trust us. Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that one…

The Arizona Senate, as we all know, has been leading the charge with their forensic audit of the 2020 Election to verify the results. From Day 1, the Democrats and Mainstream Media has done everything within their power to discredit the audit before it could even take place.
The Democrat Senators refused to be a part of the audit for the purposes of being able to discredit the audit by means of accusing it of being a partisan conspiratorial witch hunt. In reality, the only reason it’s “partisan” is because the Dems refused to be a part of it.
The Mainstream Media has continually attempted to discredit those involved, making all sorts of wild accusations against Cyber Ninjas and anyone even remotely associated with the investigation. If you notice, they always refer to the Arizona Audit as the “audit” (scare quotes), “the so-called audit” or the “alleged audit.” This is all an attempt to undermine the findings that they know will come out of it.
The Arizona Audit has taken quite a bit longer than anticipated primarily because it is a forensic audit, which is more than just counting ballots. This is done to ensure that all procedures were followed to the letter of the law and the voting machines were properly installed and used. In order to complete this audit, they need the passwords from Dominion Voting Systems and the Routers from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
Both Dominion and Maricopa County have refused to cooperate with the audit, which has led to the Arizona Senate taking it to the next level and issuing subpoenas. In spite of this, both parties have ignored the demands… which makes them look guilty.
For example, both Maricopa County and Dominion deny that they have the passwords and security keys needed to complete the forensic audit. One of the parties has that information… but if neither has it, who does? If it’s Dominion, that’s a serious concern from a security standpoint. If Maricopa has it, why are they refusing to hand it over?

The fact that it really happened before our eyes watching improbable shifts, bizarre stoppages of counting, suspicious blocking elections poll watchers from the count, and calls for Joey Xi Bai Dung and non calls against Trump. It was no surprise counting after the fact would overwhelmingly favor Bai Dung.
Fair and Open Elections, That’s all WE ask for. But PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists refuse to allow this....
The Electoral system was corrupted by PMS/DSA Democrat Commies last year using the pretext of the Chinese Covid-19 pandemic. That is obvious. The question remains who how can we fix it. Somebody should be locked up for not replying to Subpoenas of the court. If nobody is locked up, it shows how corrupt Democrats are in Arizona. Dominion should be shunned countrywide for refusing openness and transparency for their machines. Citizens should rise up and object to Maricopa County and Dominion for flagrantly ignoring openness. If they do not, then they deserve what they got, election fraud!

Dominion and Maricopa County Ignoring Subpoenas Proves the Election System is Corrupt​

4 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jeff Dornik

The Arizona Senate has subpoenaed the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Dominion Voting Systems to get the remaining routers and passcodes needed to complete the Arizona Audit. The response from both parties is a complete disregard for transparency in the integrity of our elections. The summary of their response? The election was completely secure, but we won’t prove it to you… just trust us. Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that one…

The Arizona Senate, as we all know, has been leading the charge with their forensic audit of the 2020 Election to verify the results. From Day 1, the Democrats and Mainstream Media has done everything within their power to discredit the audit before it could even take place.
The Democrat Senators refused to be a part of the audit for the purposes of being able to discredit the audit by means of accusing it of being a partisan conspiratorial witch hunt. In reality, the only reason it’s “partisan” is because the Dems refused to be a part of it.
The Mainstream Media has continually attempted to discredit those involved, making all sorts of wild accusations against Cyber Ninjas and anyone even remotely associated with the investigation. If you notice, they always refer to the Arizona Audit as the “audit” (scare quotes), “the so-called audit” or the “alleged audit.” This is all an attempt to undermine the findings that they know will come out of it.
The Arizona Audit has taken quite a bit longer than anticipated primarily because it is a forensic audit, which is more than just counting ballots. This is done to ensure that all procedures were followed to the letter of the law and the voting machines were properly installed and used. In order to complete this audit, they need the passwords from Dominion Voting Systems and the Routers from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
Both Dominion and Maricopa County have refused to cooperate with the audit, which has led to the Arizona Senate taking it to the next level and issuing subpoenas. In spite of this, both parties have ignored the demands… which makes them look guilty.
For example, both Maricopa County and Dominion deny that they have the passwords and security keys needed to complete the forensic audit. One of the parties has that information… but if neither has it, who does? If it’s Dominion, that’s a serious concern from a security standpoint. If Maricopa has it, why are they refusing to hand it over?

The fact that it really happened before our eyes watching improbable shifts, bizarre stoppages of counting, suspicious blocking elections poll watchers from the count, and calls for Joey Xi Bai Dung and non calls against Trump. It was no surprise counting after the fact would overwhelmingly favor Bai Dung.
Fair and Open Elections, That’s all WE ask for. But PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists refuse to allow this....
The Electoral system was corrupted by PMS/DSA Democrat Commies last year using the pretext of the Chinese Covid-19 pandemic. That is obvious. The question remains who how can we fix it. Somebody should be locked up for not replying to Subpoenas of the court. If nobody is locked up, it shows how corrupt Democrats are in Arizona. Dominion should be shunned countrywide for refusing openness and transparency for their machines. Citizens should rise up and object to Maricopa County and Dominion for flagrantly ignoring openness. If they do not, then they deserve what they got, election fraud!
Ignoring blowhard trolls does not prove corruption. What an idiotic claim
Instead of complying, attorneys for Dominion and the supervisors sent letters to the Senate. The supervisors said they have given what they are legally and responsibly able to provide, and Dominion said that they don't legally have to provide anything, given they are a public company.
(same thing the Arizona Senate Repubs are saying about info that Ninja has)

Much of what the Senate demanded it had already asked for in the initial subpoenas that made the audit possible — the county provided everything but the routers in response to those subpoenas, and stated again Monday it won't provide the routers for security concerns. Additionally, the county said it doesn't have any additional passwords to the machines.


Dominion and Maricopa County Ignoring Subpoenas Proves the Election System is Corrupt​

4 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jeff Dornik

The Arizona Senate has subpoenaed the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Dominion Voting Systems to get the remaining routers and passcodes needed to complete the Arizona Audit. The response from both parties is a complete disregard for transparency in the integrity of our elections. The summary of their response? The election was completely secure, but we won’t prove it to you… just trust us. Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that one…

The Arizona Senate, as we all know, has been leading the charge with their forensic audit of the 2020 Election to verify the results. From Day 1, the Democrats and Mainstream Media has done everything within their power to discredit the audit before it could even take place.
The Democrat Senators refused to be a part of the audit for the purposes of being able to discredit the audit by means of accusing it of being a partisan conspiratorial witch hunt. In reality, the only reason it’s “partisan” is because the Dems refused to be a part of it.
The Mainstream Media has continually attempted to discredit those involved, making all sorts of wild accusations against Cyber Ninjas and anyone even remotely associated with the investigation. If you notice, they always refer to the Arizona Audit as the “audit” (scare quotes), “the so-called audit” or the “alleged audit.” This is all an attempt to undermine the findings that they know will come out of it.
The Arizona Audit has taken quite a bit longer than anticipated primarily because it is a forensic audit, which is more than just counting ballots. This is done to ensure that all procedures were followed to the letter of the law and the voting machines were properly installed and used. In order to complete this audit, they need the passwords from Dominion Voting Systems and the Routers from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
Both Dominion and Maricopa County have refused to cooperate with the audit, which has led to the Arizona Senate taking it to the next level and issuing subpoenas. In spite of this, both parties have ignored the demands… which makes them look guilty.
For example, both Maricopa County and Dominion deny that they have the passwords and security keys needed to complete the forensic audit. One of the parties has that information… but if neither has it, who does? If it’s Dominion, that’s a serious concern from a security standpoint. If Maricopa has it, why are they refusing to hand it over?

The fact that it really happened before our eyes watching improbable shifts, bizarre stoppages of counting, suspicious blocking elections poll watchers from the count, and calls for Joey Xi Bai Dung and non calls against Trump. It was no surprise counting after the fact would overwhelmingly favor Bai Dung.
Fair and Open Elections, That’s all WE ask for. But PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists refuse to allow this....
The Electoral system was corrupted by PMS/DSA Democrat Commies last year using the pretext of the Chinese Covid-19 pandemic. That is obvious. The question remains who how can we fix it. Somebody should be locked up for not replying to Subpoenas of the court. If nobody is locked up, it shows how corrupt Democrats are in Arizona. Dominion should be shunned countrywide for refusing openness and transparency for their machines. Citizens should rise up and object to Maricopa County and Dominion for flagrantly ignoring openness. If they do not, then they deserve what they got, election fraud!

The refusal of elected officials to handover any more documentation to these lying criminals is proof positive that they’ve had enough of this bullshit. They spent six months auditing these ballots and they found nothing and so their solution is to keep looking and looking and looking for as long as they can keep the money rolling in from the suckers who are donating to the cause.

It is time for public officials to end this grift and to start considering charges against these crooks.
If ignoring those subpennie things proves guilt, Trumpybear ordering all his henchmen to ignore them make him guilty too.

I wonder if Trumpybear will get one of them subpennies from the House?

What the county and Dominion say they won't provide​

The supervisors sent the letter after meeting Monday morning in a closed-door session to discuss how to respond to the subpoena, among other topics.

County leaders flatly refused to provide routers that were requested, which they have done since they were first requested as part of earlier subpoenas.

"Specifically, providing these routers puts sensitive, confidential data belonging to Maricopa County citizens — including Social Security numbers and protected health information — at risk. Further, the Maricopa County Sheriff has explained that the production of the routers would render MCSO internal law enforcement communication infrastructure extremely vulnerable to hackers,” wrote Thomas Liddy, civil division chief for the County Attorney's Office.
The Press will not do a legitimate investigation into the 2020 election crimes because they are part of the Democrat Cult.
The Press will not do a legitimate investigation into the 2020 election crimes because they are part of the Democrat Cult.

There is no "Democratic Cult". The press and the courts both did a "legitimate investigation" in election crimes in 2020 and found that there were none. That Trump and his lawyer were lying "for improper purposes", and those lawyers are now being disbarred for lying to the courts.

Every investigation into the 2020 election, has found absolutely no evidence of cheating on any kind of massive scale. Trump claimed "thousands" of dead people voted in Georgia. State elections officials found 5 attempts at votes cast by dead people, and they were all voting for Trump.
Dude, you always use the BEST sources! :lol:

  • Overall, we rate NOQ Report Far-Right Biased based and Questionable based on the promotion of conspiracy theories, right-wing propaganda, poor sourcing, a lack of transparency, and false information.
The Press will not do a legitimate investigation into the 2020 election crimes because they are part of the Democrat Cult.

It is NOT the role of the press to do “legitimate investigation” of anything. It is only when legitimate investigative bodies fail to investigate - like in the Larry Nasser case, that the press brings these things to light, but the responsibility for investigation still falls to law enforcement and the Justice Department.

The FBI, local law enforcement, and the Justice Deoartment all investigated and chased down every legitimate claim of election fraud.

William Barr even expanded FBI powers to go in and investigate before the count was even finished, and still no significant case of voter or election fraud were found.

You have thousands of people claiming that the election was fair and honest, including elections officials, judges, and Secretaries of State, and one lying conman claiming the election was stolen.

Why do you continue to believe the lying ConMan who has no evidence of what he saying?
No corruption or election fraud? Why is Dominion simply refusing to comply with subpoenas?
Doesn't sound like someone with nothing to hide, does it?

Fair election my ass!

Dominion and Maricopa County Ignoring Subpoenas Proves the Election System is Corrupt​

4 Aug 2021 ~~ By Jeff Dornik

The Arizona Senate has subpoenaed the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Dominion Voting Systems to get the remaining routers and passcodes needed to complete the Arizona Audit. The response from both parties is a complete disregard for transparency in the integrity of our elections. The summary of their response? The election was completely secure, but we won’t prove it to you… just trust us. Yeah, I think I’ll pass on that one…

The Arizona Senate, as we all know, has been leading the charge with their forensic audit of the 2020 Election to verify the results. From Day 1, the Democrats and Mainstream Media has done everything within their power to discredit the audit before it could even take place.
The Democrat Senators refused to be a part of the audit for the purposes of being able to discredit the audit by means of accusing it of being a partisan conspiratorial witch hunt. In reality, the only reason it’s “partisan” is because the Dems refused to be a part of it.
The Mainstream Media has continually attempted to discredit those involved, making all sorts of wild accusations against Cyber Ninjas and anyone even remotely associated with the investigation. If you notice, they always refer to the Arizona Audit as the “audit” (scare quotes), “the so-called audit” or the “alleged audit.” This is all an attempt to undermine the findings that they know will come out of it.
The Arizona Audit has taken quite a bit longer than anticipated primarily because it is a forensic audit, which is more than just counting ballots. This is done to ensure that all procedures were followed to the letter of the law and the voting machines were properly installed and used. In order to complete this audit, they need the passwords from Dominion Voting Systems and the Routers from the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors.
Both Dominion and Maricopa County have refused to cooperate with the audit, which has led to the Arizona Senate taking it to the next level and issuing subpoenas. In spite of this, both parties have ignored the demands… which makes them look guilty.
For example, both Maricopa County and Dominion deny that they have the passwords and security keys needed to complete the forensic audit. One of the parties has that information… but if neither has it, who does? If it’s Dominion, that’s a serious concern from a security standpoint. If Maricopa has it, why are they refusing to hand it over?

The fact that it really happened before our eyes watching improbable shifts, bizarre stoppages of counting, suspicious blocking elections poll watchers from the count, and calls for Joey Xi Bai Dung and non calls against Trump. It was no surprise counting after the fact would overwhelmingly favor Bai Dung.
Fair and Open Elections, That’s all WE ask for. But PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists refuse to allow this....
The Electoral system was corrupted by PMS/DSA Democrat Commies last year using the pretext of the Chinese Covid-19 pandemic. That is obvious. The question remains who how can we fix it. Somebody should be locked up for not replying to Subpoenas of the court. If nobody is locked up, it shows how corrupt Democrats are in Arizona. Dominion should be shunned countrywide for refusing openness and transparency for their machines. Citizens should rise up and object to Maricopa County and Dominion for flagrantly ignoring openness. If they do not, then they deserve what they got, election fraud!

I don't understand why the Marshalls weren't sent in to pick them up??
If ignoring those subpennie things proves guilt, Trumpybear ordering all his henchmen to ignore them make him guilty too.

I wonder if Trumpybear will get one of them subpennies from the House?

How about something to make people believe you aren't talking out of your ass?
You get petulant and angry like a frustrated toddler when provided with facts you cannot
contradict or explain away. It looks like you were talking out of your ass.

I call that a win and a vindication. How about you?

Hahaha, Sing it (The Song About your Glamorous Victory) sister......

But only if you can sing it out of your ass! M-Kay?
This is the guilty parties MO going all the way back to the Clinton and DOJ investigations. Ignore subpoenas, stonewall, deny and delay until the accusations die of frustration. Election fraud definitely occurred on an election changing level. Hell, I'm watching the Georgia-Arkansas game and not one person kneeled for the National anthem. No way Georgia went blue without some big time cheating.
This is the guilty parties MO going all the way back to the Clinton and DOJ investigations. Ignore subpoenas, stonewall, deny and delay until the accusations die of frustration. Election fraud definitely occurred on an election changing level. Hell, I'm watching the Georgia-Arkansas game and not one person kneeled for the National anthem. No way Georgia went blue without some big time cheating.
Brian Kemp and his little helper Bill Raffensperger (the Batman and Robin of Georgia woke politics) went all in for Dominion and invested heavily in the vote changing machines suggesting kick backs were involved.

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