Domestic Terrorist BLM Attacking Police in Philadelphia

Again I reiterate, we must look at the playbook of Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet when dealing with these Marxist murder groups.
We must also look at the democrat party and their propaganda wing, because they think this is all great, the summer of love, peaceful, they support it.
Again I reiterate, we must look at the playbook of Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet when dealing with these Marxist murder groups.
We must also look at the democrat party and their propaganda wing, because they think this is all great, the summer of love, peaceful.

We must march in November and vote the democrats out of every office they hold....

They are going to make their move if they win in November.......

Here’s a preview of the Revenge Agenda, empowered by court packing and the elimination of the filibuster, and cheerleaded by the mainstream media which will absolutely enjoy the taxpayer-funded bribes/bailouts of its failing industry.

Fraud-friendly mail-in voting will be mandatory and every possible voting integrity rule and protection will be declared unlawful, ensuring that the Democrats are free to cheat. Oh sure, count on the Biden DoJ to take time away from persecuting conservative political opponents to investigate the manifest Democrat electoral abuses. The feds – who will suddenly become the left’s heroes again (AG McCabe anyone?) – will get right on that.

Count on amnesty for everyone who staggers, stumbles, or slips across the border. The “pathway to citizenship” will go right past the Democrat Party registration tables. Your vote will be drowned out in a tsunami of foreigners paid off by Democrat handouts of your money.

Your taxes will skyrocket. But hey, you can be sure all those liberal zillionaires will be paying through the nose too – they’ll be hit with a special unicorn tax.

The Democrats hate small businesspeople, with their independence and tendency to vote Republican, and these patriotic entrepreneurs will be crushed with the eager assistance of the big corporations who hate the competition. Wal-Mart and other crony capitalists will prosper as long as they keep donating.

And they will keep importing junk from China as the Trump manufacturing boom gets reversed and our jobs and critical capacities will return to the home of the Bat Soup Plague. Also, it will be illegal to call COVID-19 that or anything else that refers to its origins in some bizarre Chinese entrée. A Biden administration will absolutely pass laws to punish “hate speech,” and Democrat judges will absolutely find a hitherto unknown exception to the First Amendment allowing it. Hey, if they can find a right to kill babies lurking under all those penumbras and emanations, they can find the ability to toss you in jail for badspeak. Naturally, on a Venn Diagram, “Hate speech” will correspond exactly with “Speech liberals disapprove of.”

The Second Amendment’s bar to the infringement of the right of the people to keep and bear arms will be re-interpreted by a packed SCOTUS to mean “Just kidding.” They will ban guns and they will try to confiscate them. And when patriots resist, the same feds excoriated for keeping peaceful, loving, huggy liberal activists from peacefully, lovingly, and huggily setting fire to federal buildings and blinding officers will be ordered to arrest us and even kill us.

Vote Trump, vote Republican, save the country.
Again I reiterate, we must look at the playbook of Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet when dealing with these Marxist murder groups.
We must also look at the democrat party and their propaganda wing, because they think this is all great, the summer of love, peaceful.

We must march in November and vote the democrats out of every office they hold....

They are going to make their move if they win in November.......

Here’s a preview of the Revenge Agenda, empowered by court packing and the elimination of the filibuster, and cheerleaded by the mainstream media which will absolutely enjoy the taxpayer-funded bribes/bailouts of its failing industry.

Fraud-friendly mail-in voting will be mandatory and every possible voting integrity rule and protection will be declared unlawful, ensuring that the Democrats are free to cheat. Oh sure, count on the Biden DoJ to take time away from persecuting conservative political opponents to investigate the manifest Democrat electoral abuses. The feds – who will suddenly become the left’s heroes again (AG McCabe anyone?) – will get right on that.

Count on amnesty for everyone who staggers, stumbles, or slips across the border. The “pathway to citizenship” will go right past the Democrat Party registration tables. Your vote will be drowned out in a tsunami of foreigners paid off by Democrat handouts of your money.

Your taxes will skyrocket. But hey, you can be sure all those liberal zillionaires will be paying through the nose too – they’ll be hit with a special unicorn tax.

The Democrats hate small businesspeople, with their independence and tendency to vote Republican, and these patriotic entrepreneurs will be crushed with the eager assistance of the big corporations who hate the competition. Wal-Mart and other crony capitalists will prosper as long as they keep donating.

And they will keep importing junk from China as the Trump manufacturing boom gets reversed and our jobs and critical capacities will return to the home of the Bat Soup Plague. Also, it will be illegal to call COVID-19 that or anything else that refers to its origins in some bizarre Chinese entrée. A Biden administration will absolutely pass laws to punish “hate speech,” and Democrat judges will absolutely find a hitherto unknown exception to the First Amendment allowing it. Hey, if they can find a right to kill babies lurking under all those penumbras and emanations, they can find the ability to toss you in jail for badspeak. Naturally, on a Venn Diagram, “Hate speech” will correspond exactly with “Speech liberals disapprove of.”

The Second Amendment’s bar to the infringement of the right of the people to keep and bear arms will be re-interpreted by a packed SCOTUS to mean “Just kidding.” They will ban guns and they will try to confiscate them. And when patriots resist, the same feds excoriated for keeping peaceful, loving, huggy liberal activists from peacefully, lovingly, and huggily setting fire to federal buildings and blinding officers will be ordered to arrest us and even kill us.

Vote Trump, vote Republican, save the country.
Vote straight Republican from President all the way to dog catcher!
Again I reiterate, we must look at the playbook of Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet when dealing with these Marxist murder groups.
We must also look at the democrat party and their propaganda wing, because they think this is all great, the summer of love, peaceful, they support it.
These domestic terrorist need a vulgar display of power slapped on their asses.
Again I reiterate, we must look at the playbook of Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet when dealing with these Marxist murder groups.
We must also look at the democrat party and their propaganda wing, because they think this is all great, the summer of love, peaceful.

We must march in November and vote the democrats out of every office they hold....

They are going to make their move if they win in November.......

Here’s a preview of the Revenge Agenda, empowered by court packing and the elimination of the filibuster, and cheerleaded by the mainstream media which will absolutely enjoy the taxpayer-funded bribes/bailouts of its failing industry.

Fraud-friendly mail-in voting will be mandatory and every possible voting integrity rule and protection will be declared unlawful, ensuring that the Democrats are free to cheat. Oh sure, count on the Biden DoJ to take time away from persecuting conservative political opponents to investigate the manifest Democrat electoral abuses. The feds – who will suddenly become the left’s heroes again (AG McCabe anyone?) – will get right on that.

Count on amnesty for everyone who staggers, stumbles, or slips across the border. The “pathway to citizenship” will go right past the Democrat Party registration tables. Your vote will be drowned out in a tsunami of foreigners paid off by Democrat handouts of your money.

Your taxes will skyrocket. But hey, you can be sure all those liberal zillionaires will be paying through the nose too – they’ll be hit with a special unicorn tax.

The Democrats hate small businesspeople, with their independence and tendency to vote Republican, and these patriotic entrepreneurs will be crushed with the eager assistance of the big corporations who hate the competition. Wal-Mart and other crony capitalists will prosper as long as they keep donating.

And they will keep importing junk from China as the Trump manufacturing boom gets reversed and our jobs and critical capacities will return to the home of the Bat Soup Plague. Also, it will be illegal to call COVID-19 that or anything else that refers to its origins in some bizarre Chinese entrée. A Biden administration will absolutely pass laws to punish “hate speech,” and Democrat judges will absolutely find a hitherto unknown exception to the First Amendment allowing it. Hey, if they can find a right to kill babies lurking under all those penumbras and emanations, they can find the ability to toss you in jail for badspeak. Naturally, on a Venn Diagram, “Hate speech” will correspond exactly with “Speech liberals disapprove of.”

The Second Amendment’s bar to the infringement of the right of the people to keep and bear arms will be re-interpreted by a packed SCOTUS to mean “Just kidding.” They will ban guns and they will try to confiscate them. And when patriots resist, the same feds excoriated for keeping peaceful, loving, huggy liberal activists from peacefully, lovingly, and huggily setting fire to federal buildings and blinding officers will be ordered to arrest us and even kill us.

Vote Trump, vote Republican, save the country.

Truth be told I do not think voting one way or the other matters at this point, for several reasons. Just take a good long look at what the democrats and their myrmidon are doing to this nation even under the Donald John Trump presidency, what they're getting away with. No matter who wins the White House come November the democrats will continue to overtly, actively destroy us and our nation. What the democrats are doing is terrifying, however, it's also genius. The democrats are city by city, county by county and state by state turning America into a fascist African shithole overwhelmed by chaos and pandemonium. They're conquering America one small community and neighborhood at a time and no one in power is really outright resisting them. For fuck's sake the democrats are burning fucking police cars.

I work with local, state and federal law enforcement every single day through my small private security consulting firm. Let me tell you, many LEOs I know well are terrified to go on duty. They're terrified they're going to be ruined, imprisoned, executed for doing their job. They're terrified of ambush, of the higher up brass selling them out, and in some cases . . . they're terrified of having to kill these stupid terrorist college kids who look just like their own Jack and Jill sons and daughters. The United States of America is under direct, overt attack—both from domestic terrorists/guerillas and the fucking Chinese. We're really, truly in the shit . . .
It’s unfortunate that Dims don’t just move to established communist countries like China, Venezuela, or NOKO....rather then trying to make the USA a communist nation.
Again I reiterate, we must look at the playbook of Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet when dealing with these Marxist murder groups.
We must also look at the democrat party and their propaganda wing, because they think this is all great, the summer of love, peaceful.

We must march in November and vote the democrats out of every office they hold....

They are going to make their move if they win in November.......

Here’s a preview of the Revenge Agenda, empowered by court packing and the elimination of the filibuster, and cheerleaded by the mainstream media which will absolutely enjoy the taxpayer-funded bribes/bailouts of its failing industry.

Fraud-friendly mail-in voting will be mandatory and every possible voting integrity rule and protection will be declared unlawful, ensuring that the Democrats are free to cheat. Oh sure, count on the Biden DoJ to take time away from persecuting conservative political opponents to investigate the manifest Democrat electoral abuses. The feds – who will suddenly become the left’s heroes again (AG McCabe anyone?) – will get right on that.

Count on amnesty for everyone who staggers, stumbles, or slips across the border. The “pathway to citizenship” will go right past the Democrat Party registration tables. Your vote will be drowned out in a tsunami of foreigners paid off by Democrat handouts of your money.

Your taxes will skyrocket. But hey, you can be sure all those liberal zillionaires will be paying through the nose too – they’ll be hit with a special unicorn tax.

The Democrats hate small businesspeople, with their independence and tendency to vote Republican, and these patriotic entrepreneurs will be crushed with the eager assistance of the big corporations who hate the competition. Wal-Mart and other crony capitalists will prosper as long as they keep donating.

And they will keep importing junk from China as the Trump manufacturing boom gets reversed and our jobs and critical capacities will return to the home of the Bat Soup Plague. Also, it will be illegal to call COVID-19 that or anything else that refers to its origins in some bizarre Chinese entrée. A Biden administration will absolutely pass laws to punish “hate speech,” and Democrat judges will absolutely find a hitherto unknown exception to the First Amendment allowing it. Hey, if they can find a right to kill babies lurking under all those penumbras and emanations, they can find the ability to toss you in jail for badspeak. Naturally, on a Venn Diagram, “Hate speech” will correspond exactly with “Speech liberals disapprove of.”

The Second Amendment’s bar to the infringement of the right of the people to keep and bear arms will be re-interpreted by a packed SCOTUS to mean “Just kidding.” They will ban guns and they will try to confiscate them. And when patriots resist, the same feds excoriated for keeping peaceful, loving, huggy liberal activists from peacefully, lovingly, and huggily setting fire to federal buildings and blinding officers will be ordered to arrest us and even kill us.

Vote Trump, vote Republican, save the country.

Truth be told I do not think voting one way or the other matters at this point, for several reasons. Just take a good long look at what the democrats and their myrmidon are doing to this nation even under the Donald John Trump presidency, what they're getting away with. No matter who wins the White House come November the democrats will continue to overtly, actively destroy us and our nation. What the democrats are doing is terrifying, however, it's also genius. The democrats are city by city, county by county and state by state turning America into a fascist African shithole overwhelmed by chaos and pandemonium. They're conquering America one small community and neighborhood at a time and no one in power is really outright resisting them. For fuck's sake the democrats are burning fucking police cars.

I work with local, state and federal law enforcement every single day through my small private security consulting firm. Let me tell you, many LEOs I know well are terrified to go on duty. They're terrified they're going to be ruined, imprisoned, executed for doing their job. They're terrified of ambush, of the higher up brass selling them out, and in some cases . . . they're terrified of having to kill these stupid terrorist college kids who look just like their own Jack and Jill sons and daughters. The United States of America is under direct, overt attack—both from domestic terrorists/guerillas and the fucking Chinese. We're really, truly in the shit . . .
We must fight back.
Again I reiterate, we must look at the playbook of Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet when dealing with these Marxist murder groups.
We must also look at the democrat party and their propaganda wing, because they think this is all great, the summer of love, peaceful.

We must march in November and vote the democrats out of every office they hold....

They are going to make their move if they win in November.......

Here’s a preview of the Revenge Agenda, empowered by court packing and the elimination of the filibuster, and cheerleaded by the mainstream media which will absolutely enjoy the taxpayer-funded bribes/bailouts of its failing industry.

Fraud-friendly mail-in voting will be mandatory and every possible voting integrity rule and protection will be declared unlawful, ensuring that the Democrats are free to cheat. Oh sure, count on the Biden DoJ to take time away from persecuting conservative political opponents to investigate the manifest Democrat electoral abuses. The feds – who will suddenly become the left’s heroes again (AG McCabe anyone?) – will get right on that.

Count on amnesty for everyone who staggers, stumbles, or slips across the border. The “pathway to citizenship” will go right past the Democrat Party registration tables. Your vote will be drowned out in a tsunami of foreigners paid off by Democrat handouts of your money.

Your taxes will skyrocket. But hey, you can be sure all those liberal zillionaires will be paying through the nose too – they’ll be hit with a special unicorn tax.

The Democrats hate small businesspeople, with their independence and tendency to vote Republican, and these patriotic entrepreneurs will be crushed with the eager assistance of the big corporations who hate the competition. Wal-Mart and other crony capitalists will prosper as long as they keep donating.

And they will keep importing junk from China as the Trump manufacturing boom gets reversed and our jobs and critical capacities will return to the home of the Bat Soup Plague. Also, it will be illegal to call COVID-19 that or anything else that refers to its origins in some bizarre Chinese entrée. A Biden administration will absolutely pass laws to punish “hate speech,” and Democrat judges will absolutely find a hitherto unknown exception to the First Amendment allowing it. Hey, if they can find a right to kill babies lurking under all those penumbras and emanations, they can find the ability to toss you in jail for badspeak. Naturally, on a Venn Diagram, “Hate speech” will correspond exactly with “Speech liberals disapprove of.”

The Second Amendment’s bar to the infringement of the right of the people to keep and bear arms will be re-interpreted by a packed SCOTUS to mean “Just kidding.” They will ban guns and they will try to confiscate them. And when patriots resist, the same feds excoriated for keeping peaceful, loving, huggy liberal activists from peacefully, lovingly, and huggily setting fire to federal buildings and blinding officers will be ordered to arrest us and even kill us.

Vote Trump, vote Republican, save the country.

Truth be told I do not think voting one way or the other matters at this point, for several reasons. Just take a good long look at what the democrats and their myrmidon are doing to this nation even under the Donald John Trump presidency, what they're getting away with. No matter who wins the White House come November the democrats will continue to overtly, actively destroy us and our nation. What the democrats are doing is terrifying, however, it's also genius. The democrats are city by city, county by county and state by state turning America into a fascist African shithole overwhelmed by chaos and pandemonium. They're conquering America one small community and neighborhood at a time and no one in power is really outright resisting them. For fuck's sake the democrats are burning fucking police cars.

I work with local, state and federal law enforcement every single day through my small private security consulting firm. Let me tell you, many LEOs I know well are terrified to go on duty. They're terrified they're going to be ruined, imprisoned, executed for doing their job. They're terrified of ambush, of the higher up brass selling them out, and in some cases . . . they're terrified of having to kill these stupid terrorist college kids who look just like their own Jack and Jill sons and daughters. The United States of America is under direct, overt attack—both from domestic terrorists/guerillas and the fucking Chinese. We're really, truly in the shit . . .
We must fight back.

The time for fighting back physically is a window fast closing. Sure, we could individually resist after the democrats march out their second and third waves of "stormtroopers" but by then those stormtroopers will be the government and the law and we'll be like insects waiting for democrat boots to crush us underfoot. For a great preview of what could be coming check out The Handmaid's Tale, only reverse the political leaning of the bad guys to fascist radical left. Scary shit.
Again I reiterate, we must look at the playbook of Generalmisso Augusto Pinochet when dealing with these Marxist murder groups.
We must also look at the democrat party and their propaganda wing, because they think this is all great, the summer of love, peaceful.

We must march in November and vote the democrats out of every office they hold....

They are going to make their move if they win in November.......

Here’s a preview of the Revenge Agenda, empowered by court packing and the elimination of the filibuster, and cheerleaded by the mainstream media which will absolutely enjoy the taxpayer-funded bribes/bailouts of its failing industry.

Fraud-friendly mail-in voting will be mandatory and every possible voting integrity rule and protection will be declared unlawful, ensuring that the Democrats are free to cheat. Oh sure, count on the Biden DoJ to take time away from persecuting conservative political opponents to investigate the manifest Democrat electoral abuses. The feds – who will suddenly become the left’s heroes again (AG McCabe anyone?) – will get right on that.

Count on amnesty for everyone who staggers, stumbles, or slips across the border. The “pathway to citizenship” will go right past the Democrat Party registration tables. Your vote will be drowned out in a tsunami of foreigners paid off by Democrat handouts of your money.

Your taxes will skyrocket. But hey, you can be sure all those liberal zillionaires will be paying through the nose too – they’ll be hit with a special unicorn tax.

The Democrats hate small businesspeople, with their independence and tendency to vote Republican, and these patriotic entrepreneurs will be crushed with the eager assistance of the big corporations who hate the competition. Wal-Mart and other crony capitalists will prosper as long as they keep donating.

And they will keep importing junk from China as the Trump manufacturing boom gets reversed and our jobs and critical capacities will return to the home of the Bat Soup Plague. Also, it will be illegal to call COVID-19 that or anything else that refers to its origins in some bizarre Chinese entrée. A Biden administration will absolutely pass laws to punish “hate speech,” and Democrat judges will absolutely find a hitherto unknown exception to the First Amendment allowing it. Hey, if they can find a right to kill babies lurking under all those penumbras and emanations, they can find the ability to toss you in jail for badspeak. Naturally, on a Venn Diagram, “Hate speech” will correspond exactly with “Speech liberals disapprove of.”

The Second Amendment’s bar to the infringement of the right of the people to keep and bear arms will be re-interpreted by a packed SCOTUS to mean “Just kidding.” They will ban guns and they will try to confiscate them. And when patriots resist, the same feds excoriated for keeping peaceful, loving, huggy liberal activists from peacefully, lovingly, and huggily setting fire to federal buildings and blinding officers will be ordered to arrest us and even kill us.

Vote Trump, vote Republican, save the country.

Truth be told I do not think voting one way or the other matters at this point, for several reasons. Just take a good long look at what the democrats and their myrmidon are doing to this nation even under the Donald John Trump presidency, what they're getting away with. No matter who wins the White House come November the democrats will continue to overtly, actively destroy us and our nation. What the democrats are doing is terrifying, however, it's also genius. The democrats are city by city, county by county and state by state turning America into a fascist African shithole overwhelmed by chaos and pandemonium. They're conquering America one small community and neighborhood at a time and no one in power is really outright resisting them. For fuck's sake the democrats are burning fucking police cars.

I work with local, state and federal law enforcement every single day through my small private security consulting firm. Let me tell you, many LEOs I know well are terrified to go on duty. They're terrified they're going to be ruined, imprisoned, executed for doing their job. They're terrified of ambush, of the higher up brass selling them out, and in some cases . . . they're terrified of having to kill these stupid terrorist college kids who look just like their own Jack and Jill sons and daughters. The United States of America is under direct, overt attack—both from domestic terrorists/guerillas and the fucking Chinese. We're really, truly in the shit . . .
We must fight back.

The time for fighting back physically is a window fast closing. Sure, we could individually resist after the democrats march out their second and third waves of "stormtroopers" but by then those stormtroopers will be the government and the law and we'll be like insects waiting for democrat boots to crush us underfoot. For a great preview of what could be coming check out The Handmaid's Tale, only reverse the political leaning of the bad guys to fascist radical left. Scary shit.
When cops step back and normal folk defend themselves and get arrested instead, it’s over.

that’s why the vote is for self defense
Dims, if you hate Trump so much that you want the USA to become a communist nation, you are really fucked in the noggin.

Run better candidates, you idiots.

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