Does Wolf Blitzer have brain issues?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
He asked how could Trump not feel or condemn the Nazis rhetoric, even though he did before (numerous prior times)and after the VA incident.
If BLITZER doesn't think Trump's speach about violence and hatred was about the Nazis then Blitzer is the one claiming the Nazis aren't violent hate mongers.
On top of that his cartoon character political guest also blatantly took shots at the President, yet repeated his words by saying we all need to come together.
WHAT NERVE, and this is the same Politician always causing division and voting obstruction party line instead of what's best or what the country wants or needs. The whole interview was an attempt to divide the nation so the party of "intollerance" can pander to the dupes that drink the lefts end of the world coolaid.
cnn in general has brain issues. ethnic issues... making up news... bad ratings... shut out of what's going on from the executive branch... access... denied. liberal journalistic assholes, but i mean that in a kind way...:)
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Someone (jon_berzerk) added these facts on another topic:
Wolf Blitzer owes Donald Trump a great Big Giant on air apology.
Israeli media have reported several important donations made in years past by both the late Fred Trump and his son, now President Elect Donald Trump.
Some 50 years ago, real estate developer Fredrick Trump donated the land for the Talmud Torah of the Beach Haven Jewish Center at 723 Ave. Z in Flatbush, NY, as can be seen from a promotional image released by that institution. The center is open and active to this day, offering programs for youth and the elderly, as well as an active synagogue.
And Fred’s son Donald, as reported by Yediot Ahronot, donated heavily on both occasions when Israelis who had been expelled from their homes by their own government needed assistance to resettle.
Donald Trump donated in the 1980s, to help build new infrastructure for the Israelis removed from the northern Sinai by the Begin government, which returned the peninsula to Egypt as part of the peace agreement. Then, in 2005, Trump gave again, to help resettle the Jews of Gush Katif in the Gaza Strip, exiled by the Ariel Sharon government.
Effie Stenzler, former chairman of the Jewish National Fund, told Yediot that JNF approached Trump, among other wealthy supporters of Israel, for funds to build an infrastructure in new communities established for the exiled, and the real estate magnate gave generously.
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