Does Judaism really teach against the devil and Hell??!! If so, that is ILLOGICAL


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2021
I read this book by a rabbi recently, a guy named Boteach who wrote a book on Michael Jackson.. very interesting b ook
I agree w/ 98% of what the guy says.. but it's interesting.. the other 2%

I can go into that but what strikes me most at this time is that he says the Jews don't believe in Satan or Hell

I'm like

OMG! How can a sane person not believe in those 2? If he had some of most awful experiences, he would believe in Satan.
As to Hell... Why does he go on and on about ... essentially (my paraphrase): people should do good and avoid evil.. and while M Jackson was at one time a "Christian" (JW) and did good deeds, he went dowwnhill toward the end and... well, only God knows where hiss soul ended up but it looks like he didn't make it. Catholics teach u have to be Catholic to get to Heaven.. I more/less agree.

anyway, the rabbi talkss about all these injustices and wrongs... that's good but... Where do all the wrongdoers go in the end? They certainly don't get to Heaven.. and what about Purgation?
If you disagree with the tenets of Judaism, I suggest you don't be a Jew.

Don't worry, we won't miss you at all.

My parents wanted me to become Jewish when I was young. They sent me to one of those "Pray away the Goyim" camps and everything.

It didn't work, though. I kept flunking kvetching.
I read this book by a rabbi recently, a guy named Boteach who wrote a book on Michael Jackson.. very interesting b ook
I agree w/ 98% of what the guy says.. but it's interesting.. the other 2%

I can go into that but what strikes me most at this time is that he says the Jews don't believe in Satan or Hell

I'm like

OMG! How can a sane person not believe in those 2? If he had some of most awful experiences, he would believe in Satan.
As to Hell... Why does he go on and on about ... essentially (my paraphrase): people should do good and avoid evil.. and while M Jackson was at one time a "Christian" (JW) and did good deeds, he went dowwnhill toward the end and... well, only God knows where hiss soul ended up but it looks like he didn't make it. Catholics teach u have to be Catholic to get to Heaven.. I more/less agree.

anyway, the rabbi talkss about all these injustices and wrongs... that's good but... Where do all the wrongdoers go in the end? They certainly don't get to Heaven.. and what about Purgation?
What is insane about not believing in Hell? What kind of just god would send someone to hell for an eternity for the actions of a life that is less than a nano second in time? What kind of god punishes a baby because it wasn’t baptized. When it comes to life….it is what we do with one we have now that matters and Hell we create our own. I think the Rabbi was right.
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Every religion is based on faith rather than logic. Some people believe if you've been bad then you're going to Hell when you die, some don't. Some people believe there is such as thing as Karma and Reincarnation, and if you didn't pay your karmic debt in this life for being bad then you have to come back in the next life and pay the piper so to speak. Some of these people believe there is no Heaven and no Hell, and no Jesus, Moses, or Muhammad. Instead there is a spiritual plane that your soul goes to in between lives to see how and why you screwed up and then get ready for the next life. The good news is, your loved ones will be there before or after you get there.
anyway, the rabbi talkss about all these injustices and wrongs... that's good but... Where do all the wrongdoers go in the end? They certainly don't get to Heaven.. and what about Purgation?
I am not Jewish, so keep that in mind. First, Jews believe in a Tempter, perhaps more accurately called a Tester and who is not necessarily evil. He is simply doing an assigned job. Jews do pray the mourner's Kaddish for the dead.

The general belief is that it takes no more than a year for the dead to be purified (purged/purgation). Some Jews believe in life after death, some do not. This was true in Jesus time and which is why he insisted God is the God of the living (i.e. the God of Abraham) not of the dead. (His argument for life after death.)

Jesus spoke of purification, of gold being tested in fire. The Catholic belief in Purgatory has its roots in the Jewish purgation. I have heard some Jews say the truly evil do cease to exist. Apparently after purification there is nothing left.
Jews do pray the mourner's Kaddish for the dead.

The Kaddish prayer is said as a memorial to the dead, but contains no mention of death, loss, or the world to come. It is a prayer for peace and in praise of G-d.

There is very little in Torah that speaks about any after-life. Judaism is more focused on living a good life here on Earth.

However, most Jews believe there is a world to come and the righteous of all faiths (and those without faith) will have a place in the world to come.

Although, non-Jews will get a room next to the noisy ice machine for all eternity.
It is insane to try and compare two different religions. Many religions believe similar things in terms of ethical standards, but every religion has a different take on what happens in the seen and unseen universe. I recently watched Bohemian Rhapsody, about the late Freddy Mercury. I did not realize that Zoroastrians still existed, but apparently his parents followed this faith. As his father says to him in the movie: "good thoughts, good words, good deeds," which teaching comes from the Creator Ahura Mazda. This pretty much sums it up among religions, just the mythology is different.
The Kaddish prayer is said as a memorial to the dead, but contains no mention of death, loss, or the world to come. It is a prayer for peace and in praise of G-d.

There is very little in Torah that speaks about any after-life. Judaism is more focused on living a good life here on Earth.

However, most Jews believe there is a world to come and the righteous of all faiths (and those without faith) will have a place in the world to come.

Although, non-Jews will get a room next to the noisy ice machine for all eternity.
This sounds like a motel off the highway. The Creator can do better than this. I thought we would end up in some place like the Hyatt or the Four Seasons, some place with comfortable beds and decent room service.
What is insane about not believing in Hell? What kind of just god would send someone to hell for an eternity for the actions of a life that is less than a nano second in time? What kind of god punishes a baby because it wasn’t baptized. When it comes to life….it is what we do with one we have now that matters and Hell we create our own. I think the Rabbi was right.
you are correct. God does not toss anyone into Hell

People pitch themselves into it when faced with an absolutely HOLY God (vis a vis their sins) after death..
I am not Jewish, so keep that in mind. First, Jews believe in a Tempter, perhaps more accurately called a Tester and who is not necessarily evil. He is simply doing an assigned job. Jews do pray the mourner's Kaddish for the dead.

The general belief is that it takes no more than a year for the dead to be purified (purged/purgation). Some Jews believe in life after death, some do not. This was true in Jesus time and which is why he insisted God is the God of the living (i.e. the God of Abraham) not of the dead. (His argument for life after death.)

Jesus spoke of purification, of gold being tested in fire. The Catholic belief in Purgatory has its roots in the Jewish purgation. I have heard some Jews say the truly evil do cease to exist. Apparently after purification there is nothing left.
well, there is no way I would believe in "there's no Hell" even if I were to walk away from the Christian religion

reason numero uno: There iss NO absolute, perfect justice in this world.. Good people do without while the evil ones prosper and get away with "everything".. clintons comee to mind.. but there are many

so yeh... no way those kind of people go to Heaven or merely "cease to exist"

there is jusstice in the next life. And Jesus said few make it to Heaven... which means many end up in Hell.. as many many saints have told us... the Virgin Mary appeard at Fatima and other places, told the children.. no SHOWED them Hell...

St Faustina was shown Hell and writes about it in Diary #741 which you can Search on the net
well, there is no way I would believe in "there's no Hell" even if I were to walk away from the Christian religion

reason numero uno: There iss NO absolute, perfect justice in this world.. Good people do without while the evil ones prosper and get away with "everything".. clintons comee to mind.. but there are many

so yeh... no way those kind of people go to Heaven or merely "cease to exist"

there is jusstice in the next life. And Jesus said few make it to Heaven... which means many end up in Hell.. as many many saints have told us... the Virgin Mary appeard at Fatima and other places, told the children.. no SHOWED them Hell...

St Faustina was shown Hell and writes about it in Diary #741 which you can Search on the net
You are mistaken in dragging politics into religious affairs and vis-versa. Hillary Clinton has been a life-long practicing Methodist. When Bill Clinton's affair came to light, the pastor of the Methodist church she attended in D.C. was called upon to counsel him. Bill was a Baptist, a Southern Baptist, I think. Some time during the Clinton administration I attended a conference at this church that focused on LGBT people, which featured as speaker a well known Christian writer, who also was an Episcopalian bishop, now retired, who spoke eloquently and humbly about how he came to realize that LGBT people were his sisters and brothers. You call "evil" where there is no evil. This was healing among people of the Christian faith. Don't be so arrogant.
These arguments go back and forth among the so-called Abrahamic religions: Jewish, Christian, Muslim, How do the billions over history who do/did not belong to any of these three religions? Are there no other people on this earth? Of the Abrahamic religions, the Jewish tradition has a 5,000 year history. So do the cultures of China and of India., not to mention the cultures of Africa, the western hemisphere, and all others outside of the realm of the Middle East. One of my work colleagues was a wonderful Hindu man from the Punjab whose ashes were returned to the Ganges. DNA analysis has identified the great-grandson of the Lakota Chief Sitting Bull and he will see that the proper rites are performed to his great-grandfather according to the Lakota religion.
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I rarely discuss Judaism. I do not use electricity or Internet on Sabbaths or Holidays.

We do believe in Hell -- which I prefer not to discuss.

The very vast majority of people will suffer for a given number of years. Given that I am partially observant, that includes me.

A small minority will suffer for eternity.
I read this book by a rabbi recently, a guy named Boteach who wrote a book on Michael Jackson.. very interesting b ook
I agree w/ 98% of what the guy says.. but it's interesting.. the other 2%

I can go into that but what strikes me most at this time is that he says the Jews don't believe in Satan or Hell

I'm like

OMG! How can a sane person not believe in those 2? If he had some of most awful experiences, he would believe in Satan.
As to Hell... Why does he go on and on about ... essentially (my paraphrase): people should do good and avoid evil.. and while M Jackson was at one time a "Christian" (JW) and did good deeds, he went dowwnhill toward the end and... well, only God knows where hiss soul ended up but it looks like he didn't make it. Catholics teach u have to be Catholic to get to Heaven.. I more/less agree.

anyway, the rabbi talkss about all these injustices and wrongs... that's good but... Where do all the wrongdoers go in the end? They certainly don't get to Heaven.. and what about Purgation?
Being a YEC and taking a literal translation of the Bible, there certainly is a hell or why did Jesus come as human the first time?

Anyway, sticking with just modern Judaism, why do they not have hell, but Gehinnom or purgatory? I think it means purgatory.

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