Does Islam promote violence?

If leftist can't lie, they have nothing left. What you're seeing is the death gurgling of the left. The majority of the nation and the world is turning against their idiocy, so they're losing it. It's melt down time, and that means lie.

Deaths In Other Nations Since WW II Due To Us Interventions

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890
Deflection noted, however, irrelevant and deceptive lies.
007 translated: deflections of his are not working must point the other way.

Baghdad007, you are simply creepy.
What's that Fakey... you're whining again because you're not getting enough attention?

What's happening, 007, is that fundy extremist wackos in the name of Islam are committing murder.
007 is ignoring the outpouring of Muslim condemnations of the Paris attacks.

Once you feel better, 007, contact your congressman
with your worries.
If leftist can't lie, they have nothing left. What you're seeing is the death gurgling of the left. The majority of the nation and the world is turning against their idiocy, so they're losing it. It's melt down time, and that means lie.

Deaths In Other Nations Since WW II Due To Us Interventions

History of U.S. Military Interventions since 1890
Deflection noted, however, irrelevant and deceptive lies.
007 translated: deflections of his are not working must point the other way.

Baghdad007, you are simply creepy.
What's that Fakey... you're whining again because you're not getting enough attention?

View attachment 54975
A typical "Modern Day" Christian. How soon they forget.

twit…hitler was an atheist and his ss were atheists and pagans…they hated christians...
Better talk to Hitler, bub, because his words say you are wrong.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

Violent people practice Islam. Evidently Islam does not prevent violence.

Violent people practice Christianity, ergo . . .

Quit being moronic.

Yeah...that Abe Lincoln was a real terrorist.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

Violent people practice Islam. Evidently Islam does not prevent violence.

Violent people practice Christianity, ergo . . .

Quit being moronic.

Yeah...that Abe Lincoln was a real terrorist.

Abe was not-----but SHERMAN was

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

The terrorist have twisted the Koran and their religion to say whatever they want it to say and be whatever they want it to be.

Religion per se don't promote violence but if you have ever read the bible its full of violence as is the Koran.

I agree its a matter of interpertation. If you want to hurt people, you'll find justification for it in your religion. Mother Teresa and Tomas de Torquemada used the same Bible. So we might be looking in the wrong place. Is this a product of Islam? Or a product of Arab culture. Or a product of what's happening n the regions that generate such extremists?

Or a none of the above.

Islam is unique among major religions in that its founder was a warrior and general, waging several long and successful campaigns in his lifetime. Buddhism and Christianity, not so much. Though the latter's incorporation of the Jewish Torah includes far more violence than Buddhism. If a Christian wants to hurt people, they can find ample justification in the Old Testament.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

The terrorist have twisted the Koran and their religion to say whatever they want it to say and be whatever they want it to be.

Religion per se don't promote violence but if you have ever read the bible its full of violence as is the Koran.

I agree its a matter of interpertation. If you want to hurt people, you'll find justification for it in your religion. Mother Teresa and Tomas de Torquemada used the same Bible. So we might be looking in the wrong place. Is this a product of Islam? Or a product of Arab culture. Or a product of what's happening n the regions that generate such extremists?

Or a none of the above.

It's a product of all of the above. Libtards want to debate degrees of nuance. I want to kill our enemies. Allez!

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

The terrorist have twisted the Koran and their religion to say whatever they want it to say and be whatever they want it to be.

Religion per se don't promote violence but if you have ever read the bible its full of violence as is the Koran.

I agree its a matter of interpertation. If you want to hurt people, you'll find justification for it in your religion. Mother Teresa and Tomas de Torquemada used the same Bible. So we might be looking in the wrong place. Is this a product of Islam? Or a product of Arab culture. Or a product of what's happening n the regions that generate such extremists?

Or a none of the above.

Learn some history------Torquemada was a product of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE-------Mother Teresa was a product of a very reformed version of the catholic
church. Islamic violence is-----in accordance with Islamic ideology----no doubt a
kind of syncresis of theological thought BROUGHT to arabia by persons interested in the SILK ROAD and the indigenous population and culture of arabia. That
syncretic ideology follows wherever islam "went" Throat slitting of "non-believers" was introduced to south east asia thru Islamic ideology

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

The terrorist have twisted the Koran and their religion to say whatever they want it to say and be whatever they want it to be.

Religion per se don't promote violence but if you have ever read the bible its full of violence as is the Koran.

I agree its a matter of interpertation. If you want to hurt people, you'll find justification for it in your religion. Mother Teresa and Tomas de Torquemada used the same Bible. So we might be looking in the wrong place. Is this a product of Islam? Or a product of Arab culture. Or a product of what's happening n the regions that generate such extremists?

Or a none of the above.

It's a product of all of the above. Libtards want to debate degrees of nuance. I want to kill our enemies. Allez!

Yeah, but its the nuance where you figure out who your enemies are. And why.

'Kill 'em all and let god sort them out' make good bumpersticker slogans. But its about as elegant an extremist recruiting tool as you can imagine, minting extremists from the rubble of bombed buildings.

A guy who knows what he's talking about. If you want to make sense of what's going on, watch this video.

Does Islam promote violence? No, Islam is a religion, it's the people who promote violence. Some parts of Islam are violent, he explains that Buddhists in Nepal are going around slaughtering people, does Buddhism promote violence then?

I'd add that there are more Muslims now who are committing acts of violence in response to what the US has been doing, especially over the last 12 years.

The terrorist have twisted the Koran and their religion to say whatever they want it to say and be whatever they want it to be.

Religion per se don't promote violence but if you have ever read the bible its full of violence as is the Koran.

I agree its a matter of interpertation. If you want to hurt people, you'll find justification for it in your religion. Mother Teresa and Tomas de Torquemada used the same Bible. So we might be looking in the wrong place. Is this a product of Islam? Or a product of Arab culture. Or a product of what's happening n the regions that generate such extremists?

Or a none of the above.

It's a product of all of the above. Libtards want to debate degrees of nuance. I want to kill our enemies. Allez!

Yeah, but its the nuance where you figure out who your enemies are. And why.

'Kill 'em all and let god sort them out' make good bumpersticker slogans. But its about as elegant an extremist recruiting tool as you can imagine, minting extremists from the rubble of bombed buildings.

who said "kill them ALL"??
The OP asks:
Does Islam promote violence?
Only in cases where their very faith is threatened, I'm sure. Then Muhammed commanded them to take up the sword, or some such. When media controls the world herd's mind-think and sets new social trends that directly conflict with a life of a devout muslim, seeking to extinguish their edicts of faith in a very short time: a generation or two....when those islamics see the West teaching kids about fisting in schools and eating until one weighs 600lbs, or the refusal to play fair on the world oil market...then you have the youngest hotheaded males strapping bombs around themselves with the promise that they'll get into Heaven for saving their faith.

Their actions are not the way. There is another way, but young testosterone infused males are completely incapable of understanding such an esoteric art. So they resort to violence. But if you understand that violence ALWAYS comes from fear, you understand that these young men are expressing the collective fear of their culture. And that fear is the worst and most potent fear of all: the threat of complete cultural annihilation. With a Western steamroller heading their way, espousing everything from 'my 600lb life" to "Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner" as the "new normal", can you really, really really distance yourself that far from the knowledge of what is spurring these people on in such a radical way?

No, if you were honest with yourself, no. The answer is no you couldn't. You know why they're doing what they're doing. In a world where nature seeks a balance, including human nature, extremes beget extremes.
007 is ignoring the outpouring of Muslim condemnations of the Paris attacks.


Bullshit they are celebrating
Only in your dingy head.

nope----nobody is in my head. Some day the star players in the FRENCH OPERATION will have schools and gardens named in their honor. Their relatives ----are basking in the glory
You are a ding a ling!

No------I am not------so far every prediction I made about the events involving
the UMMAH have been correct since the "ARAB SPRING" became a
cause celebre amongst the heroin dope heads of the smoke hazed cafe' s-----
about five years ago-------REMEMBER you guys were cheering "ARABS WILL
When my comments consisted of "this is going to be damned bloody" I was vilified as "hater " "Zionist islamo-phobe"

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