Does anyone have a problem with America becoming a spanish nation?

'English , british were superior . See 'spanish' influenced south america with their and compare to 'english' influenced USA Coyote .
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

Merci, Merci it is rather funny but also sad to see someone so simple-simple minded.

Anyhow...I will explain just for you....theiy come up here for a better life, higher wages, a chance and opportunity to be able not only to feed their children but to be a able to send money back home to help their relatives back there. etc.etc.etc. and so on and so I do not begrude them their desire to better themselves or their is a admirable thing for any human being to want to improve and help their families....yet...I do not think Americans should be obligated to sacrifice for them to the detriment of our own is human nature to want the best for your children....but it is not a good thing for the host country when giving aid to millions of these folks will harm not only our own families but in the long run our nation as well.....we simply cannot allow all the unhappy and misfortunate people in the world to come to America....despite what the liberal politicians preach.....essentially erase our borders and allow anyone to come here that can somehow sneak in here.
You better tell that to the capitalist cause they don't give a shit about yer concerns or desires you are nothing to them and their bottom line.

Some companies that do care about their employees...................People's 2018 Companies that Care list

LOL...I've never worked for a company that didnt care about me for long.
My skills were sought after.
If you're not a profit maker you can pound sand as far as I'm concerned.
Ive been bitching about the southern border since Reagan .If it were up to me RIGHT now i'd call an immediate end to all immigration for 25 years
i'd be land mining the southern border ,walling ,wherever works best in any particular spot .

And I have no idea how but get that assimilation machine back on in the schools .who have been ALSO damaging our young men ...ain't progressive swell .

its more realistic then one world corporate government utopia they got in mind for you Whitey . they got plans for you whitey we're in their way . Unfortunately I fear the time will come when we'll have to harden our hearts.

to me its not a white thing when it comes to the USA IT IS our Superior Western can do culture that built this great nation and dragged humanity kicking and screaming into the modern world

regressive progressives will only drag ya backwards ...just like theyve done with "race relations"

for EUROPE i stand with the Dali lama and the eastern euros ... its not racist if the dali lama says it
BOTH have to cut off the 3rd world peasants and only take creme of the crop least for 20 years .deport criminal , turn away any sick, deport deport deport shithole leeches
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?
-----------------------------------seems to me that the more 'spanish' derived foreigners in the USA then the more 'spanish' influence they will bring to the USA through voting or just their mere presence in the USA . Its just human nature and i see them as invaders . They aren't Americans , will never think or be Americans if they grew up in foreign countries . See the 'somalis' in Vermont or Minnesota that want 'sharia law' in the USA. See the 'muslim' elected in 'minnesota' that wants muslim somali 'isis' recruits to be treated with understanding and gentle care . See the 'muslim' on this board that wants gun control while his homeland has 'FOOD' riots in his home land because some of his old neighbors are starving . See in Vermont where a 'somali elders council' want special treatment in treating young 'somali' criminals rather than American Law OldLady .

Excellent in you cannot change the spots of a leopard or the stripes of a tiger by which I mean....not everyone can be Americanized.....but a lot of people are confused about this.

For a long time ....up until 1965 our immigration policy favored Europeans....people very similar to us......similar cultures, religion education, morals etc.

The in 1965 a radical new immigration law went into effect thanks to the democrats....LBJ and the usual suspects that began to favor folks from 3 rd world nations. Who are not similar at all to Americans neither in their culture, religion or education.

I will not say that none of them can be Americanized....not even to mention though many of them have no interest in that....many of them hate America.

But even if they want to try and fit is very go against how they were brought up in order to become like Ameicans. I think the muslims have the hardest problem assimilating.

Even if the parents do assimilate or appear to assimilate it is a proven fact that their childrfen are highly susceptible to being radicalized.
This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?
-----------------------------------seems to me that the more 'spanish' derived foreigners in the USA then the more 'spanish' influence they will bring to the USA through voting or just their mere presence in the USA . Its just human nature and i see them as invaders . They aren't Americans , will never think or be Americans if they grew up in foreign countries . See the 'somalis' in Vermont or Minnesota that want 'sharia law' in the USA. See the 'muslim' elected in 'minnesota' that wants muslim somali 'isis' recruits to be treated with understanding and gentle care . See the 'muslim' on this board that wants gun control while his homeland has 'FOOD' riots in his home land because some of his old neighbors are starving . See in Vermont where a 'somali elders council' want special treatment in treating young 'somali' criminals rather than American Law OldLady .

Excellent in you cannot change the spots of a leopard or the stripes of a tiger by which I mean....not everyone can be Americanized.....but a lot of people are confused about this.

For a long time ....up until 1965 our immigration policy favored Europeans....people very similar to us......similar cultures, religion education, morals etc.

The in 1965 a radical new immigration law went into effect thanks to the democrats....LBJ and the usual suspects that began to favor folks from 3 rd world nations. Who are not similar at all to Americans neither in their culture, religion or education.

I will not say that none of them can be Americanized....not even to mention though many of them have no interest in that....many of them hate America.

But even if they want to try and fit is very go against how they were brought up in order to become like Ameicans. I think the muslims have the hardest problem assimilating.

Even if the parents do assimilate or appear to assimilate it is a proven fact that their childrfen are highly susceptible to being radicalized.
Funny that. They weren’t so similar to us. At least the “us” then did not think so. They were Papists and Jews and Muslims and dirty uneducated superstitious rural peasants. They had big families and would out breed regular Americans. They came from a hundred alien cultures and didn’t speak English. The spoke Italian, Polish, Russian, Albanian, Romanian, Arabic, Chinese. And they assimilated.

And they still are assimilating.
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
Everyone should have a problem with this sort of rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

I have a problem with the thievery, greed and destruction of Socialism. All decent Americans have a problem with this national epidemic of mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Yes, it is a "dumb" posting.

There is essentially NO "Spanish" influence in this country. Spain is a proud country on its own, and there are very few Spanish immigrants here.

To lump a dozen diverse cultures and ethnicities together as though they were unified and uniform because they spoke Spanish in their countries of origin is insipid and stupid. Cubans are not like Puerto Ricans, who are not like Mexicans, who are not like Salvadorans, who are not like Guatemalans, etc., etc.

If you are speaking about the SPANISH LANGUAGE, yes it is becoming more prominent every day in our country, which in itself is not a problem. If more Americans spoke Spanish - or ANY foreign language - it would have a beneficial effect, simply because language impacts the way you think, and thinking a slightly different way is enhancing.

No, the problem is that we have millions of Spanish speaking people in this country who pretty much DEMAND that American accommodate their unwillingness to learn our language. If I moved to Russia, I certainly wouldn't expect Russians to learn English so that they could converse with me. I would have to learn Russian, and as quickly as possible. But people come here from certain Spanish speaking countries and demand that OUR GOVERNMENT provide them with written materials and in-person assistance IN SPANISH, which is bullshit.

Senator Hayakawa of Hawaii proposed several decades ago that we pass a Constitutional Amendment making English the official language of the U.S. He was laughed out of town. "There is no reason for that!" he was told.

Now look what we have: Millions of voting Americans who can't understand a political campaign speech.

It is fucking deplorable, and I deplore it.

I think it is obvious to most intelligent people that we have a true crisis on our hands due to the southern porous Rush said....................
President Donald Trump was right to declare a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border to build a wall.

Limbaugh, “We have an emergency. This is an invasion. The very existence and definition of American culture, American society, the rule of law. Why does nobody talk about the fact that millions and millions and millions of people are breaking the law coming here illegally and that the Democrat Party wants that to happen?”

He added, “It is undeniable that we have a major immigration problem and a political party that needs a permanent underclass of voters that wants that parade of illegal people who are uneducated, don’t even speak the language, they want them here. It is a crisis

Yes, it is a "dumb" posting.

There is essentially NO "Spanish" influence in this country. Spain is a proud country on its own, and there are very few Spanish immigrants here.

To lump a dozen diverse cultures and ethnicities together as though they were unified and uniform because they spoke Spanish in their countries of origin is insipid and stupid. Cubans are not like Puerto Ricans, who are not like Mexicans, who are not like Salvadorans, who are not like Guatemalans, etc., etc.

If you are speaking about the SPANISH LANGUAGE, yes it is becoming more prominent every day in our country, which in itself is not a problem. If more Americans spoke Spanish - or ANY foreign language - it would have a beneficial effect, simply because language impacts the way you think, and thinking a slightly different way is enhancing.

No, the problem is that we have millions of Spanish speaking people in this country who pretty much DEMAND that American accommodate their unwillingness to learn our language. If I moved to Russia, I certainly wouldn't expect Russians to learn English so that they could converse with me. I would have to learn Russian, and as quickly as possible. But people come here from certain Spanish speaking countries and demand that OUR GOVERNMENT provide them with written materials and in-person assistance IN SPANISH, which is bullshit.

Senator Hayakawa of Hawaii proposed several decades ago that we pass a Constitutional Amendment making English the official language of the U.S. He was laughed out of town. "There is no reason for that!" he was told.

Now look what we have: Millions of voting Americans who can't understand a political campaign speech.

It is fucking deplorable, and I deplore it.

Virtually no Spanish influence? Have you looked at a map of NM, AZ, TX, CA....?
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
Everyone should have a problem with this sort of rightwing fear, bigotry, and hate.

I have a problem with the thievery, greed and destruction of Socialism. All decent Americans have a problem with this national epidemic of mental illness known as Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Trump Approval Rating Up To 52%
Ive been bitching about the southern border since Reagan .If it were up to me RIGHT now i'd call an immediate end to all immigration for 25 years
i'd be land mining the southern border ,walling ,wherever works best in any particular spot .

And I have no idea how but get that assimilation machine back on in the schools .who have been ALSO damaging our young men ...ain't progressive swell .

its more realistic then one world corporate government utopia they got in mind for you Whitey . they got plans for you whitey we're in their way . Unfortunately I fear the time will come when we'll have to harden our hearts.

to me its not a white thing when it comes to the USA IT IS our Superior Western can do culture that built this great nation and dragged humanity kicking and screaming into the modern world

regressive progressives will only drag ya backwards ...just like theyve done with "race relations"

for EUROPE i stand with the Dali lama and the eastern euros ... its not racist if the dali lama says it
BOTH have to cut off the 3rd world peasants and only take creme of the crop least for 20 years .deport criminal , turn away any sick, deport deport deport shithole leeches
---------------------------------------------------- yeah , me too , I blame the way that the USA is on repubs 'reagan - bush' and mostly on old man 'bush' because I think he influenced 'reagan' because of his own interests in flooding the USA with Mexicans and similar . Yep , i'd STOP ALL immigration for a heck of a long time DYankee
This has to be the dumbest post of the day.
Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?

If it needs to be explained to you you're hopeless.
Uh huh. Standard "I can't answer it so I'll call her stupid instead" response.

No. You are stupid.
Ive been bitching about the southern border since Reagan .If it were up to me RIGHT now i'd call an immediate end to all immigration for 25 years
i'd be land mining the southern border ,walling ,wherever works best in any particular spot .

And I have no idea how but get that assimilation machine back on in the schools .who have been ALSO damaging our young men ...ain't progressive swell .

its more realistic then one world corporate government utopia they got in mind for you Whitey . they got plans for you whitey we're in their way . Unfortunately I fear the time will come when we'll have to harden our hearts.

to me its not a white thing when it comes to the USA IT IS our Superior Western can do culture that built this great nation and dragged humanity kicking and screaming into the modern world

regressive progressives will only drag ya backwards ...just like theyve done with "race relations"

for EUROPE i stand with the Dali lama and the eastern euros ... its not racist if the dali lama says it
BOTH have to cut off the 3rd world peasants and only take creme of the crop least for 20 years .deport criminal , turn away any sick, deport deport deport shithole leeches
---------------------------------------------------- yeah , me too , I blame the way that the USA is on repubs 'reagan - bush' and mostly on old man 'bush' because I think he influenced 'reagan' because of his own interests in flooding the USA with Mexicans and similar . Yep , i'd STOP ALL immigration for a heck of a long time DYankee

We should go back to favoring Europeans like we did for a long,long time in fact until LBJ changed it to favoring 3rd world nations.

And even then...we should only select those who have some skill that we need or scientists we need. Otherwise known as immigration by merit....this notion the democrats have of welcoming all and especially 3rd world immigrants must be squashed once and for all.

We are not going to solve any of the worlds problems by doing away with our borders.

We could and should help other nations solve their problems...and it i those problems that motivate people to immigrate to America. We should help Mexico....we have neglected the people down there for too long.

We need to team up with Mexico and get rid of the cartels which also cause us many problems.

We must take care of our own nation that does not strive to do that can be called legitimate. Yet, ever since the democratic party was taken over by radical leftists they have been working against America and True Americans.
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Just what is so dumb about it?

Are you serious?
Yup. You want to tell me why if people wanted to live in a Spanish country they would LEAVE a Spanish country and move to a foreign country instead?
-----------------------------------seems to me that the more 'spanish' derived foreigners in the USA then the more 'spanish' influence they will bring to the USA through voting or just their mere presence in the USA . Its just human nature and i see them as invaders . They aren't Americans , will never think or be Americans if they grew up in foreign countries . See the 'somalis' in Vermont or Minnesota that want 'sharia law' in the USA. See the 'muslim' elected in 'minnesota' that wants muslim somali 'isis' recruits to be treated with understanding and gentle care . See the 'muslim' on this board that wants gun control while his homeland has 'FOOD' riots in his home land because some of his old neighbors are starving . See in Vermont where a 'somali elders council' want special treatment in treating young 'somali' criminals rather than American Law OldLady .

Excellent in you cannot change the spots of a leopard or the stripes of a tiger by which I mean....not everyone can be Americanized.....but a lot of people are confused about this.

For a long time ....up until 1965 our immigration policy favored Europeans....people very similar to us......similar cultures, religion education, morals etc.

The in 1965 a radical new immigration law went into effect thanks to the democrats....LBJ and the usual suspects that began to favor folks from 3 rd world nations. Who are not similar at all to Americans neither in their culture, religion or education.

I will not say that none of them can be Americanized....not even to mention though many of them have no interest in that....many of them hate America.

But even if they want to try and fit is very go against how they were brought up in order to become like Ameicans. I think the muslims have the hardest problem assimilating.

Even if the parents do assimilate or appear to assimilate it is a proven fact that their childrfen are highly susceptible to being radicalized.
Funny that. They weren’t so similar to us. At least the “us” then did not think so. They were Papists and Jews and Muslims and dirty uneducated superstitious rural peasants. They had big families and would out breed regular Americans. They came from a hundred alien cultures and didn’t speak English. The spoke Italian, Polish, Russian, Albanian, Romanian, Arabic, Chinese. And they assimilated.

And they still are assimilating.

I have no problem with Jews, Italians, Poles, Russians, Albanians (unless they are muslim) Romanians, Asians in very limited numbers and only if they have skills we need.

None of those I like have any problem with assimilation.

What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
Does that mean we have to take over Mexico again. ?
When whites become a minority group will lefties defend us like you do current minorities?

I assume at least some of you have children....will you be happy when your grandkids go to schools that are overwhelmed by mexicans, muslims etc.

Even now white kids are routinely abused by Africans at school and often on school busses.

Can you imagine what your grandkids will have to endure as a minority?

Minority-on-White Crime Archives - American Renaissance
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The security threat posed by more than 2,000 Islamist terror suspects is just one example of how Angela Merkel’s “mistake” to throw open the borders continues to haunt Germany daily, the country’s former spy chief has said.'

Meanwhile back here in America....the democrats keep insisting we should let more of them in....knowing full well they really cannot be vetted.

Also knowing that their children are very susceptible to in all the muslim terrroist attacks here in America were carried out by 2nd generation muslims.

Yes, President Trump is very correct in declaring a National Emergency.

Hopefully, we can do better than the Europeans when it comes to muslim terrorism.

Germany: More Than 2,000 Islamists 'Ready to Carry Out Attacks'
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maybe the younger 2nd generation 'muslim' have been taught or have learned about how glorious their old 'jihadi' heros were as members of the old 'caliphate' back in the old days and they want that glorious , murderous past , glory and fun back so they are willing to murder for the chance . But here they are in the Western world . They got all the gear , they got the 'koran' , the 'mosque' , the beard , the prayers but they are cleaning the toilet at 'starbucks' . ------------------- just a comment !!
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

Nope. No food stamps and they can’t steal identities there.
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Well, funny thing... as much as I would like to see you squirm if it happened, it won't. In two generations, they'll be speaking better English than you do.
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?
What would life be like in America if we become a predominantly spanish people?

Well...I think a good place to find out would be to visit a few spanish reason to believe there would be much difference here if once they become the majority population and are able to control the organs of power

Limbaugh: Immigration Is an Emergency --- Our 'Culture' at Risk from 'Parade of Illegal People Who Are Uneducated' | Breitbart
If they wanted America to be like a Spanish country, wouldn't they have just stayed home?

Poverty stricken folks do not think in the long term. They are preoccupied with shelter for the night and what they can find to eat tomorrow.

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