Doctor sued for sex treatment for back pain


Senior Member
Sep 15, 2003
Puyallup, WA
What kind of absolute moron do you have to be to believe that line?!?!? :cuckoo:

Doctor sued for sex treatment for back pain
Tue Oct 4,10:09 AM ET

SEATTLE (Reuters) - An Oregon woman whose doctor convinced her that he could cure her lower back pain by having sex with her is suing him and his medical clinic for $4 million, according to legal documents obtained on Monday.

The doctor, Randall Smith, who was 50 at the time, was stripped of his license and sent to jail for 60 days last year for charging the state's Oregon Health Plan $5,000 for his 45-minute "treatments" involving the woman.;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-
Geez...4 million bucks? Give me a break, if she agreed to participate, she must be trying to become the highest paid prostitute in the history of this country. If she didn't agree, and my honest guess is she did, then punish him by all means.

acludem said:
Geez...4 million bucks? Give me a break, if she agreed to participate, she must be trying to become the highest paid prostitute in the history of this country. If she didn't agree, and my honest guess is she did, then punish him by all means.


She filled the prescription. I would not have. The first question I would have is why sex with YOU is the only prescription, why can't it be sex with my spouse. The second would be a plumbing issue. I haven't the right equipment... Clearly she doesn't deserve such money.
no1tovote4 said:
She filled the prescription. I would not have. The first question I would have is why sex with YOU is the only prescription, why can't it be sex with my spouse. The second would be a plumbing issue. I haven't the right equipment... Clearly she doesn't deserve such money.

Heck---I just wanna know if it worked ! :halo:
acludem said:
Geez...4 million bucks? Give me a break, if she agreed to participate, she must be trying to become the highest paid prostitute in the history of this country. If she didn't agree, and my honest guess is she did, then punish him by all means.


Off topic, but I would like to know.

At the end of one of those E.D. pill adds on TV in the disclaimer they actually say something like, "side effects may include lower back pain."

Do you think that is the drug or the activity causing the back pain?
elephant said:
Off topic, but I would like to know.

At the end of one of those E.D. pill adds on TV in the disclaimer they actually say something like, "side effects may include lower back pain."

Do you think that is the drug or the activity causing the back pain?

Only if the activity lasts for more than 4 hours.
i heard this on the radio today...laughed my ass off.
you would think that this would have to have been some type of mentally handicapped person he was dealing with.
gop_jeff said:
What kind of absolute moron do you have to be to believe that line?!?!? :cuckoo:

Doctor sued for sex treatment for back pain
Tue Oct 4,10:09 AM ET

SEATTLE (Reuters) - An Oregon woman whose doctor convinced her that he could cure her lower back pain by having sex with her is suing him and his medical clinic for $4 million, according to legal documents obtained on Monday.

The doctor, Randall Smith, who was 50 at the time, was stripped of his license and sent to jail for 60 days last year for charging the state's Oregon Health Plan $5,000 for his 45-minute "treatments" involving the woman.;_ylu=X3oDMTA3ODdxdHBhBHNlYwM5NjQ-

So the doctor is a prostitute? I mean he got paid for sex.....kinda messed up.

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