Doctor presents damning evidence The autism epidemic can no longer be ignored


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
by Christian Bogner, MD
Autism is complex. No one has yet presented a comprehensive understanding of the disease process. In this article, I wanted to touch upon some simple core principles. I hope that by the end of it you start to see that what is happening here is beyond concerning.

According to the CDC, laboratory testing newly diagnosed individuals with autism is not recommended. This means no celiac antibodies, allergy testing, immunologic or neurochemical abnormalities, micronutrients such as vitamin levels, intestinal permeability studies, stool analysis, urinary peptides, mitochondrial disorders, thyroid function tests, or erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase studies. And these are just basic tests. We are not even talking about more complex lab tests like nagalase and glyphosate. So don’t be surprised if your pediatrician thinks you are a little kooky!

Doctor Presents Damning Evidence: The Autism Epidemic Can No Longer Be Ignored!

Well you can say it's fake information or you can keep right on going giving it to you kid until one day the lights go out, or you can have a kid with learning disabilities whatever turns you on. It's just a shame you put your kids lives at risk for the stupidity of believing a CORPORATE entity that has their interest in your pockets and not you nor your kids health.
Poor digestion creates cascades of physical and emotional problems. What’s news is that poor digestion and poor “gut health” is often the culprit for ADHD, autism and depression. The New York Times just reported that 20% of high-school aged boys are diagnosed with ADHD. Many children’s ADHD symptoms have been mitigated by eating a clean diet. Dr. Lidy Pelsser claims that “food is the main cause of ADHD.” Poor digestion can even cause autism. GMOs Impact on Gut and Mental Health | School Food, GMOs and CAFOs

Autism is a serious decease. It is a worst kind of decease, because it doesn't kill people, only incapacitated them just enough to make the unable to care for themselves. And even that it only does it in a hard to observe way. Satan couldn't invent it better.

What will the nation do with tens of millions of autistic men roaming America's streets like zombies? Some autism is even violent. How do they fair in prison? IN fact, it is easier to achieve your prosecutors quota of the year, if you just round up a few autistics and convict them, rant her than solve crime.
Autism is a serious decease. It is a worst kind of decease, because it doesn't kill people, only incapacitated them just enough to make the unable to care for themselves. And even that it only does it in a hard to observe way. Satan couldn't invent it better.

What will the nation do with tens of millions of autistic men roaming America's streets like zombies? Some autism is even violent. How do they fair in prison? IN fact, it is easier to achieve your prosecutors quota of the year, if you just round up a few autistics and convict them, rant her than solve crime.

GMO's are causing the body to produce harmful toxins in the stomach, that enters the bloodstream that goes to the brain. Once the toxins build up in the brain, it causes a person to be disoriented. And that is what autism does. It causes the person to be in a drunken state, but they are only able to focus on one subject. Like smoking weed. While smoking it, it causes you to focus on a bug and nothing else. Like Temple Grandin. She has autism, but can focus only in one area, but blocks out everything else around her..

Temple Grandin - Wikipedia
Autism is a serious decease. It is a worst kind of decease, because it doesn't kill people, only incapacitated them just enough to make the unable to care for themselves. And even that it only does it in a hard to observe way. Satan couldn't invent it better.

What will the nation do with tens of millions of autistic men roaming America's streets like zombies? Some autism is even violent. How do they fair in prison? IN fact, it is easier to achieve your prosecutors quota of the year, if you just round up a few autistics and convict them, rant her than solve crime.

GMO's are causing the body to produce harmful toxins in the stomach, that enters the bloodstream that goes to the brain. Once the toxins build up in the brain, it causes a person to be disoriented. And that is what autism does. It causes the person to be in a drunken state, but they are only able to focus on one subject. Like smoking weed. While smoking it, it causes you to focus on a bug and nothing else. Like Temple Grandin. She has autism, but can focus only in one area, but blocks out everything else around her..

Temple Grandin - Wikipedia

YOu really want to argue that Temple Grandin lives in a 'drunken state'?

Or that Temple Grandin can only focus on a bug?

I have attended one of her lectures- and she can focus on more than one thing just fine.

She does have a capacity for hard work and working through complex processes.
Autism is a serious decease. It is a worst kind of decease, because it doesn't kill people, only incapacitated them just enough to make the unable to care for themselves. And even that it only does it in a hard to observe way. Satan couldn't invent it better.

What will the nation do with tens of millions of autistic men roaming America's streets like zombies? Some autism is even violent. How do they fair in prison? IN fact, it is easier to achieve your prosecutors quota of the year, if you just round up a few autistics and convict them, rant her than solve crime.

GMO's are causing the body to produce harmful toxins in the stomach, that enters the bloodstream that goes to the brain. Once the toxins build up in the brain, it causes a person to be disoriented. And that is what autism does. It causes the person to be in a drunken state, but they are only able to focus on one subject. Like smoking weed. While smoking it, it causes you to focus on a bug and nothing else. Like Temple Grandin. She has autism, but can focus only in one area, but blocks out everything else around her..

Temple Grandin - Wikipedia

YOu really want to argue that Temple Grandin lives in a 'drunken state'?

Or that Temple Grandin can only focus on a bug?

I have attended one of her lectures- and she can focus on more than one thing just fine.

She does have a capacity for hard work and working through complex processes.
I guess that you never heard of her.
She focus on the littlest things that no one gives any attention to, unless while in intoxicated. The majority of all autistic has that ability to focus on certain details that is being ignored by others that has a whole lot of things on their minds.. But they cannot focus on many things at a time, or else it will confuse them. Like I know of a drug abuser that can create artwork in fine detail. He can make a flower from toilet paper. But make an exact copy of a flower in great detail. And which most autistic person are great artist.

Autism is a serious decease. It is a worst kind of decease, because it doesn't kill people, only incapacitated them just enough to make the unable to care for themselves. And even that it only does it in a hard to observe way. Satan couldn't invent it better.

What will the nation do with tens of millions of autistic men roaming America's streets like zombies? Some autism is even violent. How do they fair in prison? IN fact, it is easier to achieve your prosecutors quota of the year, if you just round up a few autistics and convict them, rant her than solve crime.

GMO's are causing the body to produce harmful toxins in the stomach, that enters the bloodstream that goes to the brain. Once the toxins build up in the brain, it causes a person to be disoriented. And that is what autism does. It causes the person to be in a drunken state, but they are only able to focus on one subject. Like smoking weed. While smoking it, it causes you to focus on a bug and nothing else. Like Temple Grandin. She has autism, but can focus only in one area, but blocks out everything else around her..

Temple Grandin - Wikipedia

YOu really want to argue that Temple Grandin lives in a 'drunken state'?

Or that Temple Grandin can only focus on a bug?

I have attended one of her lectures- and she can focus on more than one thing just fine.

She does have a capacity for hard work and working through complex processes.
I guess that you never heard of her.
She focus on the littlest things that no one gives any attention to, unless while in intoxicated. The majority of all autistic has that ability to focus on certain details that is being ignored by others that has a whole lot of things on their minds.. But they cannot focus on many things at a time, or else it will confuse them. Like I know of a drug abuser that can create artwork in fine detail. He can make a flower from toilet paper. But make an exact copy of a flower in great detail. And which most autistic person are great artist.


I guess you didn't read my post- I have seen her, and listened to as part of a speaker series where she spoke and answered questions.

I have attended one of her lectures- and she can focus on more than one thing just fine.

The majority of Autistic unfortunately are not as high functioning as Temple Grandin.
Autism is a serious decease. It is a worst kind of decease, because it doesn't kill people, only incapacitated them just enough to make the unable to care for themselves. And even that it only does it in a hard to observe way. Satan couldn't invent it better.

What will the nation do with tens of millions of autistic men roaming America's streets like zombies? Some autism is even violent. How do they fair in prison? IN fact, it is easier to achieve your prosecutors quota of the year, if you just round up a few autistics and convict them, rant her than solve crime.

GMO's are causing the body to produce harmful toxins in the stomach, that enters the bloodstream that goes to the brain. Once the toxins build up in the brain, it causes a person to be disoriented. And that is what autism does. It causes the person to be in a drunken state, but they are only able to focus on one subject. Like smoking weed. While smoking it, it causes you to focus on a bug and nothing else. Like Temple Grandin. She has autism, but can focus only in one area, but blocks out everything else around her..

Temple Grandin - Wikipedia

YOu really want to argue that Temple Grandin lives in a 'drunken state'?

Or that Temple Grandin can only focus on a bug?

I have attended one of her lectures- and she can focus on more than one thing just fine.

She does have a capacity for hard work and working through complex processes.
I guess that you never heard of her.
She focus on the littlest things that no one gives any attention to, unless while in intoxicated. The majority of all autistic has that ability to focus on certain details that is being ignored by others that has a whole lot of things on their minds.. But they cannot focus on many things at a time, or else it will confuse them. Like I know of a drug abuser that can create artwork in fine detail. He can make a flower from toilet paper. But make an exact copy of a flower in great detail. And which most autistic person are great artist.


I guess you didn't read my post- I have seen her, and listened to as part of a speaker series where she spoke and answered questions.

I have attended one of her lectures- and she can focus on more than one thing just fine.

The majority of Autistic unfortunately are not as high functioning as Temple Grandin.

There was a simple experimental study some time ago to find the defining feature of autism. It was conducted on small autistic children. The experiment found, that the defining feature of autism is the inability to consider the point of view of another person. This goes both physically and mentally. IN contrast, even severe Down syndrome children are capable of this distinction.
Autism stats are rising among the liberal population by far greater numbers than among normal people. I could get behind eugenics to stamp out autism iff we could just come up with a DNA test to identify some predictive gene. Then offer them the choice of committing to non-reproduction (death penalty for violation) or sterilization.
Autism is a serious decease. It is a worst kind of decease, because it doesn't kill people, only incapacitated them just enough to make the unable to care for themselves. And even that it only does it in a hard to observe way. Satan couldn't invent it better.

What will the nation do with tens of millions of autistic men roaming America's streets like zombies? Some autism is even violent. How do they fair in prison? IN fact, it is easier to achieve your prosecutors quota of the year, if you just round up a few autistics and convict them, rant her than solve crime.

GMO's are causing the body to produce harmful toxins in the stomach, that enters the bloodstream that goes to the brain. Once the toxins build up in the brain, it causes a person to be disoriented. And that is what autism does. It causes the person to be in a drunken state, but they are only able to focus on one subject. Like smoking weed. While smoking it, it causes you to focus on a bug and nothing else. Like Temple Grandin. She has autism, but can focus only in one area, but blocks out everything else around her..

Temple Grandin - Wikipedia

YOu really want to argue that Temple Grandin lives in a 'drunken state'?

Or that Temple Grandin can only focus on a bug?

I have attended one of her lectures- and she can focus on more than one thing just fine.

She does have a capacity for hard work and working through complex processes.
I guess that you never heard of her.
She focus on the littlest things that no one gives any attention to, unless while in intoxicated. The majority of all autistic has that ability to focus on certain details that is being ignored by others that has a whole lot of things on their minds.. But they cannot focus on many things at a time, or else it will confuse them. Like I know of a drug abuser that can create artwork in fine detail. He can make a flower from toilet paper. But make an exact copy of a flower in great detail. And which most autistic person are great artist.


I guess you didn't read my post- I have seen her, and listened to as part of a speaker series where she spoke and answered questions.

I have attended one of her lectures- and she can focus on more than one thing just fine.

The majority of Autistic unfortunately are not as high functioning as Temple Grandin.

There was a simple experimental study some time ago to find the defining feature of autism. It was conducted on small autistic children. The experiment found, that the defining feature of autism is the inability to consider the point of view of another person. This goes both physically and mentally. IN contrast, even severe Down syndrome children are capable of this distinction.

Domoic acid, is something you will be unlikely to be exposed to unless you consume shellfish that is prepared improperly. Heavy metals, especially lead and mercury, are among the most dangerous. The Big Neurotoxin List

Thiomersal controversy - Wikipedia

Countries With The Highest Rates of Autism

Autism hits Somali kids harder, University of Minnesota study finds

Statistics by Country for Autism -


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