Doctor, Doctor, Give Me Some News....


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007
(and NOT about lovin' you)

Ok, here is the of my cats, smelled the other cat, all over my face and shirt, when I got down on my knees to give her lovin on the kitchen carpet....we usually go through a head butting routine where she just walks in circles and head butts my head...and I tell her what a sweet kitty girl she is.... it usually lasts 5-10 minutes before she plops down and expects me to start whispering how cute she is and petting her....

yah yah yah....I know how old I am....but, she is just "our little kitty girl" (even though she is 18 lbs)! :D

Okay, to make a long story short, she swatted me and her nails had not been clipped in a while so that part is my fault....

The nail caught the inside part of my nose bridge, near the corner of my eye...and immediately blood gushed everywhere....and I mean everywhere.....matt was at work...I rush to the bathroom to get a cloth to press against it to stop the gusher...

my cat's claw, apparently hit a VEIN.....

Blood trail everywhere on the way to the bathroom, blood shot on mirror, blood shot on side wall where the light switch was...blood, blood everywhere...yes, a bloody mess!

Okay, so I apply pressure, and after soaking the cloth, it completely stops bleeding....but before it completely stops, I call Matt, tell him, he needs to come home because I think I might need him to take me to the Doctor...Emergency room because of the time of night....he rushes home....but before he got here, i called and told him it stopped bleeding, i was laying down on the couch...go back to work all seems ok.

he calls his boss and the boss said, go on and get home to see how "Care" is doing....

So he gets home, and lovingly he cleans up the Blood Town massacre mess all over the place, and gets out the first aid kit, and cleans the was just a dot, a tiny little dot of a cut???? yet gushers of blood...?

so he takes a bandaid and puts neosporin on it, to heal the cut without a scar...I mean, in 2 weeks it is our 20th Anniversary and we are going away on a special vacation...can't have a scar near my eye! Damn it!

So, about an hour later, I go to get up off of the couch and SOME HOW strained the stupid cut near my eye and GUSHERS OF BLOOD everywhere again! So I immediately apply pressure, it stops bleeding, the hubby replaces the band-aid with white surgical tape and gauze with neosporin, covering tightly the whole area so it won't bust open again....

I also figured out if I held the area tightly when getting up or sneezing, it would not reopen the wound.

Well, it did fine all night, then i got up this morning and strained it when i sneezed, and some blood started seeping again, NOT gushing as it had, so it is closing seems.

BUT, now I notice that i have a black eye...a circle under the eye....

WHAT is this from, and how in the heck do i get rid of it before we leave for vacay in 10 days?

Should I go to a Doctor? Or at what point would you go to a doctor?
I would get it checked, but I would say you are going to have a black eye for vacation in any case.
And many who see you and Matt will aotomatically blame poor Matt.
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(and NOT about lovin' you)

Ok, here is the of my cats, smelled the other cat, all over my face and shirt, when I got down on my knees to give her lovin on the kitchen carpet....we usually go through a head butting routine where she just walks in circles and head butts my head...and I tell her what a sweet kitty girl she is.... it usually lasts 5-10 minutes before she plops down and expects me to start whispering how cute she is and petting her....

yah yah yah....I know how old I am....but, she is just "our little kitty girl" (even though she is 18 lbs)! :D

Okay, to make a long story short, she swatted me and her nails had not been clipped in a while so that part is my fault....

The nail caught the inside part of my nose bridge, near the corner of my eye...and immediately blood gushed everywhere....and I mean everywhere.....matt was at work...I rush to the bathroom to get a cloth to press against it to stop the gusher...

my cat's claw, apparently hit a VEIN.....

Blood trail everywhere on the way to the bathroom, blood shot on mirror, blood shot on side wall where the light switch was...blood, blood everywhere...yes, a bloody mess!

Okay, so I apply pressure, and after soaking the cloth, it completely stops bleeding....but before it completely stops, I call Matt, tell him, he needs to come home because I think I might need him to take me to the Doctor...Emergency room because of the time of night....he rushes home....but before he got here, i called and told him it stopped bleeding, i was laying down on the couch...go back to work all seems ok.

he calls his boss and the boss said, go on and get home to see how "Care" is doing....

So he gets home, and lovingly he cleans up the Blood Town massacre mess all over the place, and gets out the first aid kit, and cleans the was just a dot, a tiny little dot of a cut???? yet gushers of blood...?

so he takes a bandaid and puts neosporin on it, to heal the cut without a scar...I mean, in 2 weeks it is our 20th Anniversary and we are going away on a special vacation...can't have a scar near my eye! Damn it!

So, about an hour later, I go to get up off of the couch and SOME HOW strained the stupid cut near my eye and GUSHERS OF BLOOD everywhere again! So I immediately apply pressure, it stops bleeding, the hubby replaces the band-aid with white surgical tape and gauze with neosporin, covering tightly the whole area so it won't bust open again....

I also figured out if I held the area tightly when getting up or sneezing, it would not reopen the wound.

Well, it did fine all night, then i got up this morning and strained it when i sneezed, and some blood started seeping again, NOT gushing as it had, so it is closing seems.

BUT, now I notice that i have a black eye...a circle under the eye....

WHAT is this from, and how in the heck do i get rid of it before we leave for vacay in 10 days?

Should I go to a Doctor? Or at what point would you go to a doctor?

Call your doctor and describe it to them. Your main concern beyond stopping the bleeding is to not let it get infected. Ask your MD about the status of your tetanus shot.

The "black eye" is just the blood that didn't make it's way onto your carpet ended up in there under your eye...It will go away eventually, by two weeks from now you'll look beautiful again, I'm sure. :D
Sorry to hear about that. I'd get it checked out by a doctor. Then I'd recommend you buy this eye patch and go on your anniversary as a pirate:

Had the same thing happen to me as a kid. Except it was the eyebrow the cat split down the middle.

It's a head/facial wound. they always bleed like crazy because that part of the body is HEAVILY vascularized. Lots of bleeding, pressure works horrible but does eventually work.

I would go to your doctor and make sure you get antibiotics. Cat claws are very dirty (think litterbox) and you can get a very very deadly infection because of them. But don't worry about the blood loss. It will be fine. If you really don't want to go right away and save yourself money, fine, but watch very very very carefully for swelling or redness spreading from the injury. This is blood poisoning and is dangerous as all getout. If this does happen:

GET TO THE DOCTOR OR ER. Get Azithromycin , NOT Penicillin or Amoxacillin... none of the 'illins', for they won't affect it if you have got an infection going.

This mistake was done on my ex wife once and it almost cost her, her arm because the Doctor making the perscription screwed up on this even after she told him it was a cat scratch/bite. Took only 2 days for a small cut on her wrist to inflame her arm up to her armpit. So emphasize that to the doctor. Blood poisoning in that part of the body leaves little room for error. You can't just amputate the head to save the rest of the body.

Be safe, and have safe fun in the future with the headbuttz o lurv the kittehs love to dish out.
Had the same thing happen to me as a kid. Except it was the eyebrow the cat split down the middle.

It's a head/facial wound. they always bleed like crazy because that part of the body is HEAVILY vascularized. Lots of bleeding, pressure works horrible but does eventually work.

I would go to your doctor and make sure you get antibiotics. Cat claws are very dirty (think litterbox) and you can get a very very deadly infection because of them. But don't worry about the blood loss. It will be fine. If you really don't want to go right away and save yourself money, fine, but watch very very very carefully for swelling or redness spreading from the injury. This is blood poisoning and is dangerous as all getout. If this does happen:

GET TO THE DOCTOR OR ER. Get Azithromycin , NOT Penicillin or Amoxacillin... none of the 'illins', for they won't affect it if you have got an infection going.

This mistake was done on my ex wife once and it almost cost her, her arm because the Doctor making the perscription screwed up on this even after she told him it was a cat scratch/bite. Took only 2 days for a small cut on her wrist to inflame her arm up to her armpit. So emphasize that to the doctor. Blood poisoning in that part of the body leaves little room for error. You can't just amputate the head to save the rest of the body.

Be safe, and have safe fun in the future with the headbuttz o lurv the kittehs love to dish out.
[ame=]YouTube - Ted Nugent Cat Scratch Fever[/ame]
All it takes is that claw to have been in the wrong part of the litterbox. And not as fun as Ted's Music.
I don't have a Doctor. the one I went to when we first moved here is no longer here in Maine....gone, zip....doesn't exist anymore....

I also, do not have a working car at the moment, so it would take matt getting off work to take me.

Thus my procrastination..... :(

the scratche is not even a scratch, it is a razor sharp prick, the size of a needle prick, only in the vein, thus the blood must open up when it is shooting blood, but looking at it when it is not bleeding does not appear to need a stitch, unless it is the vein itself that needs a stitch???

It does not appear to be infected, I took the white surgical tape/gauze thing off, and it does not appear that i will be left with a scar! (Praise God and Aliens for Neosporin! :)) it does feel bruised and there is this black circle under that eye that has formed....

is there a remedy to make a black eye dissipate quickly?
Second option would be a 'minute clinic' or other 'store' clinic at a CVS or Walmart, if you have any out there.

This is something that you can, with proper observation wait a few hours before going to the doctor, maybe a day, max. But if you see signs of inflammation (redness/pain/heat/swelling) starting to spread from it, go ASAP to the ER. It will follow the veins if it's blood poisoning but being so close to the brain, that's why I'm concerned. If blood poisoning gets in there and Azithromiocin doesn't push it back... I don't wanna consider.

So, watch carefully and if nothing happens in 24-36 hours you're PROBABLY safe.

Just please be careful and watchful.
I don't have a Doctor. the one I went to when we first moved here is no longer here in Maine....gone, zip....doesn't exist anymore....

I also, do not have a working car at the moment, so it would take matt getting off work to take me.

Thus my procrastination..... :(

the scratche is not even a scratch, it is a razor sharp prick, the size of a needle prick, only in the vein, thus the blood must open up when it is shooting blood, but looking at it when it is not bleeding does not appear to need a stitch, unless it is the vein itself that needs a stitch???

It does not appear to be infected, I took the white surgical tape/gauze thing off, and it does not appear that i will be left with a scar! (Praise God and Aliens for Neosporin! :)) it does feel bruised and there is this black circle under that eye that has formed....

is there a remedy to make a black eye dissipate quickly?

Try some ice to keep any more blood from draining down there. Twenty minutes on, twenty minutes off.....And keep it clean and you should be fine.

Don't let these comments send you into a panic! :lol: If you see signs of infection get to the ER and they'll prescribe an antibiotic, but I wouldn't panic if I were you.

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