Even if Trump won THIS election he wouldn't be given the flaming sack of dog shit Obama had to deal with when he took office. I find it amusing how so many of you forget the predicament we were in at the start of the Obama presidency. Whoever wins next month they will certainly have a better chance to do well than Obama had. There is no way to even compare the coming presidency with what Obama had to start with. I'm not Obama's biggest fan but get fucking REAL.
That ball-less piece of bought off shit bailed out the very bankers that caused the financial collapse to begin with and the reason that they got away with it is because stupid fucks like you have no clue on how banks really do business and how they are tied to the hips of the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers that extend credit created by nothing. They cause these collapses and then profit from them by attaining HARD assets from credit extended by nothing that YOUR signature actually created on a Promissory note that was then monetized. The banks don't risk shit but they charge you usury with the pay off of the principle back ended so the first fifteen years or so on a thirty year "note" (Look up what note is in Black's Law dictionary) you are paying interest on a "loan" that YOU created with your signature.
I don't mean to come across like a jerk but it just staggers the imagination when I read something as stupid as what you posted. Barrypuppet solved nothing nor did he have any idea on how to make things better. He simply did as he was told and was rewarded by the Fed and the quantitative easing program. When the legislation passed in the House for a top-down audit of the Fed, the leftards on the banking senate committee blocked it and there was nary a word from the Barrypuppet because he knew what side of the bread his butter was on. What a disgusting pile of gutless shit Barrypuppet is and will always be. He passed the NDAA that helped to put the NSA on steroid, we have indefinite detention now with no due process, The Smith-Mundt Act of 1947 was done away with which makes it legal for your beloved gubermint to feed you propaganda. Yeah, he is one despicab;e excuse for a leader and if I could get him in a debate? I would destroy him......he would be stuttering just like he does sans his tele-prompter.,
He kept up the wars abroad, uses drones that kill civilians and he knows that the CIA, Mossad, Saudi Intel, MI5,MI6 are the driving forces behind al qaeda/ISIL/ISIS. He knows that it was the E.U and George Soros that toppled the duly elected government of the Ukraine. He knows that Benghazi was all about arming a proxy army to overthrow Assad in Syria that we are allegdly suppose to be leery of which is why we are monitored by everything we do on-line while we have a totally unsecured border. Grow the fuck up and stop believing the lamestream media and pick up a book some time.
Rant over.....