CDZ Do you think Donald Trump would be a better President than Barack Obama?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2016
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Barack Obama tells Donald Trump to stop whining
It seems Barack Obama is not a big fan of Donald Trump. Michelle Obama even made a rant on Trump and how poorly he treats women.

If Donald Trump wins, do you think he will be a better President than Barack Obama? Which areas can he perform better at than Barack Obama? Which policies would he enforce better?
Nope. I understand the wish for an outsider to break the cycle of career politicians but Trump is not the guy for this as he is too unstable.
There is nothing unstable about Trump. At least he isn't a racketeer.
From all the speeches and debates that I've watched, as well as listening to what his surrogates say about him, no, I do not think that Trump could even hope to be half as good a president as Obama.

Why? Well, Obama took people bad mouthing him about his birth certificate, made various racial statements and depictions of him (anyone remember Obama Bucks), as well as have called him everything from a Communist to a Nazi to whatever they could come up with at the moment.

Based on the reactions that we've seen Trump have whenever anyone was critical of him, do you REALLY think that he could have taken even one tenth of the grief that Obama has had to put up with?

And...................Trump also stated that if the crew of some nation's boats were to make less than friendly gestures towards our Naval ships, he'd have them blown out of the water. If that's true, then how do you think Trump would have reacted when our Sailors were taken into Iranian custody?

And then there's his tax plan which would bankrupt this country in 3 years or less..............
trump is absolutely better at everything, to suggest otherwise is insane.
trump is absolutely better at everything, to suggest otherwise is insane.

Trump is absolutely better at everything than Obama is? to see the two of them play a game of 1 on 1 basketball to 21 points.

Trump would get his ass waxed.
Even if Trump won THIS election he wouldn't be given the flaming sack of dog shit Obama had to deal with when he took office. I find it amusing how so many of you forget the predicament we were in at the start of the Obama presidency. Whoever wins next month they will certainly have a better chance to do well than Obama had. There is no way to even compare the coming presidency with what Obama had to start with. I'm not Obama's biggest fan but get fucking REAL.
Even if Trump won THIS election he wouldn't be given the flaming sack of dog shit Obama had to deal with when he took office. I find it amusing how so many of you forget the predicament we were in at the start of the Obama presidency. Whoever wins next month they will certainly have a better chance to do well than Obama had. There is no way to even compare the coming presidency with what Obama had to start with. I'm not Obama's biggest fan but get fucking REAL.

Yep, instead of losing jobs at an alarming rate, we are gaining jobs at a steady rate.

Instead of the stock market dropping through the floor, it is holding steady at over 18,000.

Instead of being in the middle of a major war, we are trying to scale back our military intervention by shifting from boots on the ground to air and artillery support.

Instead of gasoline being almost 4.00/gal, it's down to between 2.00 and 2.50/gal, and that is because of our reduced use but increased drilling.

Yep, whoever comes into office next will have a cake walk compared to what Obama walked into.
Even if Trump won THIS election he wouldn't be given the flaming sack of dog shit Obama had to deal with when he took office. I find it amusing how so many of you forget the predicament we were in at the start of the Obama presidency. Whoever wins next month they will certainly have a better chance to do well than Obama had. There is no way to even compare the coming presidency with what Obama had to start with. I'm not Obama's biggest fan but get fucking REAL.
Those establishment GOPers are far worse than the democrats,but Trump is proposing to clean up all that.
I would love to hear how Obama has improved this country. Also please point to one thing he promised that he delivered on. Something besides bin laden. I'm fairly certain that was accomplished in spite of him, not because of him.
Barack Obama tells Donald Trump to stop whining
It seems Barack Obama is not a big fan of Donald Trump. Michelle Obama even made a rant on Trump and how poorly he treats women.

If Donald Trump wins, do you think he will be a better President than Barack Obama? Which areas can he perform better at than Barack Obama? Which policies would he enforce better?
Yes Trump will be a lot better than Obama a president that say in 2013 about Syria adress to Assad don't cross the red line don't gaze your people and do nothing after a no good , big talking with no action.
Even if Trump won THIS election he wouldn't be given the flaming sack of dog shit Obama had to deal with when he took office. I find it amusing how so many of you forget the predicament we were in at the start of the Obama presidency. Whoever wins next month they will certainly have a better chance to do well than Obama had. There is no way to even compare the coming presidency with what Obama had to start with. I'm not Obama's biggest fan but get fucking REAL.

Yep, instead of losing jobs at an alarming rate, we are gaining jobs at a steady rate.

Instead of the stock market dropping through the floor, it is holding steady at over 18,000.

Instead of being in the middle of a major war, we are trying to scale back our military intervention by shifting from boots on the ground to air and artillery support.

Instead of gasoline being almost 4.00/gal, it's down to between 2.00 and 2.50/gal, and that is because of our reduced use but increased drilling.

Yep, whoever comes into office next will have a cake walk compared to what Obama walked into.
except that while Obama had to clean up Bush-mess, Trump wants to clean up the whole neo-con racket going back to before Reagan.
Even if Trump won THIS election he wouldn't be given the flaming sack of dog shit Obama had to deal with when he took office. I find it amusing how so many of you forget the predicament we were in at the start of the Obama presidency. Whoever wins next month they will certainly have a better chance to do well than Obama had. There is no way to even compare the coming presidency with what Obama had to start with. I'm not Obama's biggest fan but get fucking REAL.

That ball-less piece of bought off shit bailed out the very bankers that caused the financial collapse to begin with and the reason that they got away with it is because stupid fucks like you have no clue on how banks really do business and how they are tied to the hips of the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers that extend credit created by nothing. They cause these collapses and then profit from them by attaining HARD assets from credit extended by nothing that YOUR signature actually created on a Promissory note that was then monetized. The banks don't risk shit but they charge you usury with the pay off of the principle back ended so the first fifteen years or so on a thirty year "note" (Look up what note is in Black's Law dictionary) you are paying interest on a "loan" that YOU created with your signature.

I don't mean to come across like a jerk but it just staggers the imagination when I read something as stupid as what you posted. Barrypuppet solved nothing nor did he have any idea on how to make things better. He simply did as he was told and was rewarded by the Fed and the quantitative easing program. When the legislation passed in the House for a top-down audit of the Fed, the leftards on the banking senate committee blocked it and there was nary a word from the Barrypuppet because he knew what side of the bread his butter was on. What a disgusting pile of gutless shit Barrypuppet is and will always be. He passed the NDAA that helped to put the NSA on steroid, we have indefinite detention now with no due process, The Smith-Mundt Act of 1947 was done away with which makes it legal for your beloved gubermint to feed you propaganda. Yeah, he is one despicab;e excuse for a leader and if I could get him in a debate? I would destroy him......he would be stuttering just like he does sans his tele-prompter.,

He kept up the wars abroad, uses drones that kill civilians and he knows that the CIA, Mossad, Saudi Intel, MI5,MI6 are the driving forces behind al qaeda/ISIL/ISIS. He knows that it was the E.U and George Soros that toppled the duly elected government of the Ukraine. He knows that Benghazi was all about arming a proxy army to overthrow Assad in Syria that we are allegdly suppose to be leery of which is why we are monitored by everything we do on-line while we have a totally unsecured border. Grow the fuck up and stop believing the lamestream media and pick up a book some time.

Rant over.....
Even if Trump won THIS election he wouldn't be given the flaming sack of dog shit Obama had to deal with when he took office. I find it amusing how so many of you forget the predicament we were in at the start of the Obama presidency. Whoever wins next month they will certainly have a better chance to do well than Obama had. There is no way to even compare the coming presidency with what Obama had to start with. I'm not Obama's biggest fan but get fucking REAL.

That ball-less piece of bought off shit bailed out the very bankers that caused the financial collapse to begin with and the reason that they got away with it is because stupid fucks like you have no clue on how banks really do business and how they are tied to the hips of the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers that extend credit created by nothing. They cause these collapses and then profit from them by attaining HARD assets from credit extended by nothing that YOUR signature actually created on a Promissory note that was then monetized. The banks don't risk shit but they charge you usury with the pay off of the principle back ended so the first fifteen years or so on a thirty year "note" (Look up what note is in Black's Law dictionary) you are paying interest on a "loan" that YOU created with your signature.

I don't mean to come across like a jerk but it just staggers the imagination when I read something as stupid as what you posted. Barrypuppet solved nothing nor did he have any idea on how to make things better. He simply did as he was told and was rewarded by the Fed and the quantitative easing program. When the legislation passed in the House for a top-down audit of the Fed, the leftards on the banking senate committee blocked it and there was nary a word from the Barrypuppet because he knew what side of the bread his butter was on. What a disgusting pile of gutless shit Barrypuppet is and will always be. He passed the NDAA that helped to put the NSA on steroid, we have indefinite detention now with no due process, The Smith-Mundt Act of 1947 was done away with which makes it legal for your beloved gubermint to feed you propaganda. Yeah, he is one despicab;e excuse for a leader and if I could get him in a debate? I would destroy him......he would be stuttering just like he does sans his tele-prompter.,

He kept up the wars abroad, uses drones that kill civilians and he knows that the CIA, Mossad, Saudi Intel, MI5,MI6 are the driving forces behind al qaeda/ISIL/ISIS. He knows that it was the E.U and George Soros that toppled the duly elected government of the Ukraine. He knows that Benghazi was all about arming a proxy army to overthrow Assad in Syria that we are allegdly suppose to be leery of which is why we are monitored by everything we do on-line while we have a totally unsecured border. Grow the fuck up and stop believing the lamestream media and pick up a book some time.

Rant over.....
caretaker president.
Trump is pro America and Obama is anti America so the real question is, would a turnip make a better president than Barack Obama. Probably.
Barack Obama tells Donald Trump to stop whining
It seems Barack Obama is not a big fan of Donald Trump. Michelle Obama even made a rant on Trump and how poorly he treats women.

If Donald Trump wins, do you think he will be a better President than Barack Obama? Which areas can he perform better at than Barack Obama? Which policies would he enforce better?
Trump would be the very worst president the US has ever had, bar none and hands down. He is a sick, narcissistic, mentally ill person. He's the last thing we need for president. He may be suited to be the dictator of some very sad 3rd world country, but he is not suited in any way, shape or form to lead the free world and to be the most powerful man on Earth.
Even if Trump won THIS election he wouldn't be given the flaming sack of dog shit Obama had to deal with when he took office. I find it amusing how so many of you forget the predicament we were in at the start of the Obama presidency. Whoever wins next month they will certainly have a better chance to do well than Obama had. There is no way to even compare the coming presidency with what Obama had to start with. I'm not Obama's biggest fan but get fucking REAL.

Yep, instead of losing jobs at an alarming rate, we are gaining jobs at a steady rate.

Instead of the stock market dropping through the floor, it is holding steady at over 18,000.

Instead of being in the middle of a major war, we are trying to scale back our military intervention by shifting from boots on the ground to air and artillery support.

Instead of gasoline being almost 4.00/gal, it's down to between 2.00 and 2.50/gal, and that is because of our reduced use but increased drilling.

Yep, whoever comes into office next will have a cake walk compared to what Obama walked into.
Barack Obama tells Donald Trump to stop whining
It seems Barack Obama is not a big fan of Donald Trump. Michelle Obama even made a rant on Trump and how poorly he treats women.

If Donald Trump wins, do you think he will be a better President than Barack Obama? Which areas can he perform better at than Barack Obama? Which policies would he enforce better?

Of all the idiotic questions ever posed here.

Trump would be far worse than no president at all.
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