Do you like getting poorer every year?

A lot of Dems are part of that 50% of Americans who pay no income tax, and get subsides (handouts) for HOH and EICA. It’s amazing. You get a total refund of income taxes paid, say $1,500.00, plus you get another $7-10K of tax free money because of how you file your tax returns.

When you ask the question, “Are you ok making less money?”, half the country operate on an entirely different set of expectations than the rest of us. These folks have little skin in the game but feel entitled to a basic income. Why? Because the federal gov has given it to them for decades. They do not worry about a reduced income because they know rich Uncle Sam will provide (unless the Evil, greedy GOP stops it, which they won’t).
Wealthy liberals have no idea they created a whole lifestyle of generational poverty. They think they are helping when they are just creating demeaning poverty. They walk around with a warm glow for messing up generations of families and children.

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