Do You Have A favorite single tune & or musical instrument like I do???

My fav is definitely Tchaikovsky; not that I am NOT in awe of the two you mentioned. Van Cliburn on Piano...Chopin and Entrement excels. But conductors? Ormandy or Bernstein.

Here my classical pick.

Excellent pick W6! This one is more uplifting without being too bouncy, smooth transition from lower to upper with gaiety. This is more like Mozarts music. One can go home after work turn on the music, pour a glass of ice tea then flop into the ole easy chair & just forget the outside world for a while accompanied with music like this. Back in those days music was about it like no boob tube world wide web etc. The music & dance was all they had for social entertainment(really why would one need more?) so the music had to have gaity to it. Below is the work I most favored before Soul Coaxing debuted in '68. Even then this work of Johannes(incredably gifted) I still consider best of strings/world class.

EXCELLENT!!! Angelo that's some serious jamming! Angelo are you the musician on the left of the video?
That's a guy in Mexico on the left,- Cesar Huesca, who I became Facebook friends with about 10 years ago after stumbling onto this cover of 'Sunny' that he uploaded and he was already doing stuff I'd never heard before. The Guy with the Strat ( in the first video) is one of his students.

From 2009
Van Cliburn on Piano
Technically brilliant.
Synthaholic thanks so much for the tip! I am not familiar with Van Cliburn but that's twice now that the name has come up so I will definitely zero that artist on YouTube. Thanks again for the tip & I'll let you know how my ears react to this artist.

He was from Fort Worth, about 20 miles from me, and they hold the Van Cliburn competitions there, or used to; we've seen him in concert several times. Very poplar in Russia, too.
Serenade to Music by Ralph Vaughan Williams…

It was actually the orchestral version that I first heard, and I was moved to tears the first time I heard it on the radio, on my way to work. I had to pull over.


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