Do you believe or not believe in God?

Which best describes you:

  • Agnostic

    Votes: 14 38.9%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Theist

    Votes: 5 13.9%
  • Other

    Votes: 10 27.8%

  • Total voters


Bane of the Urbane
Mar 8, 2008
"A word for nonbelievers
Billboard on I-95 reaches out to atheists in the region.
By David O'Reilly

Inquirer Staff Writer

With its image of blue sky and fluffy clouds, the rectangle floating lately over I-95 near Allegheny Avenue suggests something dreamy, almost heavenly.
At least from a distance.

Drivers headed north toward the giant billboard might first discern the words God and Believe and suppose this to be the work of a fundamentalist church.

But this is the work of no church.

"Don't believe in God?" it asks. "You are not alone."

Think of it as a sign of the times.


A word for nonbelievers | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/05/2008

I wonder if at USMB believers outnumber non believers or vice versa.
Nope, I used to, then I educated myself.I still feel a kind of jealousy regarding faith.
Do you believe God doesn't exist or do you just not believe in him?

Hmmn, you mean you could believe God exists but have no faith in him to do what you expect of him?
I know God doesn't exist and never has done, I am jealous of faith because it is a crutch I can't rely upon.i WISH
Kind of. And what did you mean by "other?"

People can be very particular about how they define their spiritual beliefs so I gave OTHER as a choice. Some people say they are non believers but not atheists, for example. I don't see any difference myself.

I would be curious to know what OTHER means to anyone who choses it.
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I know God doesn't exist and never has done, I am jealous of faith because it is a crutch I can't rely upon.i WISH

Ah, the grass is always greener on the other side.
My intuition is that there is... something, some sort of transendent unity underlying physical reality. I find it difficult to believe that chaos is the one fundemental guiding principle behind the history of the universe.

I also find it difficult to believe that this something is a god with an even vaugely human-like mind, directing events according to a thought-out plan. To me, the notion that God created us in his image does not ring true.

I don't know. I got such mixed messages about God and religion as a kid that I have no default belief to either fall back on or rebel against, so I'm stuck with my vauge intuitions based on all the brutality and beauty of the world around me and on what I can conceive of my own nature.

If I had to guess, I'd say that there is a God, and that It is unlike anything any human has ever imagined.
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Jealousy? Do you feel those who believe in God are more fortunate?

I believe they have a crutch.I am at a loss to understand blind faith, I wish someone could explain it to me.Sometimes my atheism comes across as anti religion, but believe me, it isn't.I wish it was more simple. My question in regards faith extends to all religions, I make no distinctions.
I believe in God. :eusa_dance:

Abelian Sea, the reason we want justice and know the difference from fair and unfair, right or wrong is because we were made in the image of God who is just and fair. Einstein proved after the Big Bang theory that there is a God, that the universe was created and possibly has a purpose. Now which God you believe in is a different story.

I would love to talk to some of you on a more intimate level regarding this. @anyone, Fill free to PM me.
My intuition is that there is... something, some sort of transendent unity underlying physical reality. I find it difficult to believe that chaos is the one fundemental guiding principle behind the history of the universe.

I also find it difficult to believe that this something is a god with an even vaugely human-like mind, directing events according to a thought-out plan. To me, the notion that God created us in his image does not ring true.

I don't know. I got such mixed messages about God and religion as a kid that I have no default belief to either fall back on or rebel against, so I'm stuck with my vauge intuitions based on all the brutality and beauty of the world around me and on what I can conceive of my own nature.

If I had to guess, I'd say that there is a God, and that It is unlike anything any human has ever imagined.

But chaos couldn't be a "fundamental guiding principal" could it? By nature of chaos being chaotic, random.

Your concept of God is close to how I would envision God, if I thought one existed. Perhaps I should have included in the poll the choice between believing in a God as described by an organised religion and belief in a personal god.
I believe they have a crutch.I am at a loss to understand blind faith, I wish someone could explain it to me.Sometimes my atheism comes across as anti religion, but believe me, it isn't.I wish it was more simple. My question in regards faith extends to all religions, I make no distinctions.

Crutches aren't useful unless you are crippled.

I think I know what you mean. Blind faith excuses you from the hard work of serious thought. I personally try not to have blind faith that God is a fictional character, I try to be as open minded towards religion as I would like religious people to be towards my own beliefs. But it isn't always easy.
I am surprised though, that this poll has so far shown that non believers, etc outnumber believers on this board. I would have thought it would be the other way around.

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