I believe in a allmighty creator of heaven and earth and the whole universe or multiple universes. My believe stems from the hope that one day I will live forever in heaven without any suffering and be reunited with my father, my grandparents, my uncles etc. and everyone who will pass before me and I hope I follow them one day into heaven. I also like the idea that all humans are created in the image of God and have a soul, that all humans have a soul, and that we are all brothers and sister descendt from Adam and Eve. I dislike the idea that we are only the result of biochemic processes, like biological robots. I hope we have more in us then only our biology and neurons and chemical processes, that we have something eternal and God like in us, that we have a Soul.
Not at all.
However I'm the sort of person who doesn't say something is so until there is evidence to show that it is not so.
However if it's a choice between living my life wasting my time bowing down to someone who hasn't be proven to exist, or just getting on with my life in the way I feel is best for me, then I'll choose the second one.
People say God exists. People say he exists because the Universe is sooooo complex it has to have been created by some kind of God like being. But then I put the argument that if the Universe is so complex and has been created by something, then this something has to be complex too, and therefore also has to have been created by something complex too.
So who created God?
Personally my view is that people have always been willing to believe. It's a human trait. We create gods and then we created a single God. We know this happened. We know that in Egypt Monotheism was developed by Pharaohs and many of the Pharaohs were almost wiped from history because those who believed in multiple gods didn't like it, and changed it when they could.
But for some reason the more advanced we got, the more convenient it has become to have one God. It means everyone can be brought together under one system, rather than some praying to this god, or that god, and the powers that want to control us, would get it easy.
It's kind of like US politics with two parties, it's easy for the money men to control them, whereas countries like Germany where they have more parties, it's much harder to do. Politicians find it harder to just talk nonsense and everyone to believe them, though it still happens.
So religion has just been convenient. The Incas believed in gods, the Mayans believed in god, those in the Pacific Islands believed in gods, the Chinese believed in gods, the Indians, the Africans, the Europeans, and it all took on a different manner of doing so, but what was universal was the believing in something, and if we pray to it we can have favor from it.
But we know it's not true. People pray and they die, they suffer, they get it bad, those who don't get it good. Look at Trump, he's not religious at all, he's as rich as anything, while there are religious people who have rubbish lives.