Do We Still Live In America??


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Do We Still Live In America??


How do you think that this is going to affect your grand children in years to come?

From the L. A Times:

1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County (L. A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

9. 21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.

10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak Spanish (10.2 million people in L.A.County).

(All the above from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops, but 29% are on welfare.

Over 70% of the United States' annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.

The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was, (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay), a NET $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University]. The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a NEGATIVE number.

29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

If they can come to this country to raise Hell and demonstration by the thousands, Why can't they take charge over the corruption in their own country?

We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue.

THE U.S. VS MEXICO: On February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams met at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The crowd was overwhelmingly pro-Mexican even though most lived in this country. They booed during the National Anthem and U.S. flags were held upside down. As the match progressed, supporters of the U.S. team were insulted, pelted with projectiles, punched and spat upon. Beer and trash were thrown at the U.S. players before and after the match. The coach of the U.S. team, Steve Sampson said, "This was the most painful experience I have ever! had in this profession."

Did you know that immigrants from Mexico and other non-European countries can come to this country and get preferences in jobs, education, and government contracts? It's called affirmative action or racial privilege. The Emperor of Japan or the President of Mexico could migrate here and immediately be eligible for special rights unavailable for Americans of European descent.

Recently, a vote was taken in the U.S. Congress to end this practice. It was defeated. Every single Democratic senator except Ernest Hollings voted to maintain special privileges for Hispanic, Asian and African immigrants. They were joined by thirteen Republicans. Bill Clinton and Al Gore have repeatedly stated that they believe that massive immigration from countries like Mexico is good. They have also backed special privileges for these immigrants.

Corporate America has signed on to the idea that minorities and third world immigrants should get special, privileged status. Some examples are Exxon, Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Paine Weber, Starbucks and many more.

DID YOU KNOW?: That Mexico regularly intercedes on the side of the defense in criminal cases involving Mexican nationals? Did you know that Mexico has NEVER extradited a Mexican national accused of murder in the U.S. in spite of agreements to do so? According to the L. A. Times, Orange County, California is home to 275 gangs with 17,000 members; 98% of which are Mexican and Asian. How's your county doing?

According to a New York Times article dated May 19, 1994, 20 years after the great influx of legal immigrants from Southeast Asia, 30% are still on welfare compared to 8% of households nationwide. A Wall Street Journal editorial dated December 5, 1994 quotes law enforcement officials as stating that Asian mobsters are the "greatest criminal challenge the country faces." Not bad for a group that is still under 5% of the population.

Is education important to you? Here are the words of a teacher who spent over 20 years in the Los Angeles School system. "Imagine teachers in classes containing 30-40 students of widely varying attention spans and motivation, many of whom aren't fluent in English. Educators seek learning materials likely to reach the majority of students and that means fewer words and math problems and more pictures and multicultural references."

WHEN I WAS YOUNG: I remember hearing about the immigrants that came through Ellis Island. They wanted to learn English. They wanted to breathe free. They wanted to become Americans. Now, far too many immigrants come here with demands. They demand to be taught in their own language. They demand special privileges--affirmative action. They demand ethnic studies that glorify their culture.

HOW CAN YOU HELP?: Send copies of this letter to at least two other people, 100 would be even better. Help us get the word out. California Coalition for Immigration Reform 5942 Edinger, Suite 113-117

Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Phone 714-921-7142,
a major earthquake in Southern California specifically Los Angels...I see very little hope of turning the tide...our elected officials have turned a blind eye!
This is why I relocated to Nevada 12 years ago...saw the writing on the wall back then!
a major earthquake in Southern California specifically Los Angels...I see very little hope of turning the tide...our elected officials have turned a blind eye!
This is why I relocated to Nevada 12 years ago...saw the writing on the wall back then!

I'm not even so sure an earthquake would make much difference... it might.

I think it'll take a war.

<FONT COLOR=#2D8F26 FACE="Arial"><B>Variations:</B></FONT> &nbsp; Some versions attribute the statistics presented to a "retired San Diego police officer."
<FONT COLOR=#2D8F26 FACE="Arial"><B>Origins:</B></FONT> &nbsp; The various figures quoted above were not taken from a 2002 <I>Los Angeles Times</I> article. They appear to have been gleaned from a variety of sources and vary in accuracy as noted below:

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<I>Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.</I>

The California Vital Records Department of the Department of Health Services classified as "Hispanic" the race/ethnicity of 62.7% of all <A HREF="" TARGET=birth>
births</A> occurring in Los Angeles county in 2001. The statistic quoted above therefore erroneously characterizes <U>all</U> parents of Hispanic heritage in Los Angeles County in 2001 as being "illegal alien Mexicans on <NOBR>Medi-Cal."</NOBR>

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<I> The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.</I>

In April 2005, Heather Mac Donald, a Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, <A HREF="" TARGTE=mac>testified</A> before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims. On the issue of gang membership among illegal immigrants, she said:

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No one knows for certain the percentage of illegals in gangs, thanks in large part to sanctuary laws themselves. But various estimates exist:
A confidential California Department of Justice study reported in 1995 that <NOBR>60 percent</NOBR> of the 20,000-strong <NOBR>18th Street</NOBR> Gang in southern California is illegal; police officers say the proportion is actually much greater. The bloody gang collaborates with the Mexican Mafia, the dominant force in California prisons, on complex drug-distribution schemes, extortion, and <NOBR>drive-by</NOBR> assassinations. It commits an assault or robbery every day in <NOBR>L.A. County.</NOBR> The gang has grown dramatically over the last two decades by recruiting recently arrived youngsters, most of them illegal, from Central America and Mexico.

Note, however, that this statement references a California Department of Justice study (not an FBI report), and that it describes only a single gang in <NOBR>Los Angeles</NOBR> County (the <NOBR>18th Street</NOBR> Gang), the gang that likely has the highest membership rate of illegal aliens.


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<I>95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.</I>

This figure also appears (unsourced) in Heather Mac Donald's <A HREF="" TARGTE=mac>testimony</A> before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims:

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In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide in the first half of 2004 (which totaled 1,200 to 1,500) targeted illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) were for illegal aliens.

Even if the statistic is accurate, however, it is subject to a variety of interpretations. For example, illegal aliens might be disproportionately represented by outstanding homicide warrants in Los Angeles because they are more likely to flee the jurisdiction before their cases are adjudicated than legal residents are (not necessarily because they commit a far greater share of the homicides in Los Angeles). This interpretation is supported by a University of California Davis <A HREF="" TARGET=warrant>summary</A> of immigration issues that notes:

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The Los Angeles Police Department has a 12-year old Foreign Prosecution Unit that pursues suspects who fled the US after committing crimes in <NOBR>Los Angeles</NOBR> and gives testimony when they are prosecuted aboard. The United States does not have extradition treaties with most Latin American countries but many countries, for example, Mexico, Nicaragua or <NOBR>El Salvador</NOBR> try suspects for murder and other violent crimes committed in the US.
<B>The Foreign Prosecution Unit was founded in 1985, after a study found that nearly half of the LAPD's outstanding arrest warrants involved Mexican nationals who were presumed to have fled the country.</B> The FPU works with Interpol to find suspects who flee abroad and then prepares the evidence so that the person can be arrested and prosecuted. The FPU clears about one-third of its cases, compared to two-thirds of all homicide cases in Los Angeles.
The Mexican consulate in Los Angeles has a representative of the Mexican attorney general's office to work with the FPU in prosecuting suspects in Mexico for crimes committed in <NOBR>Los Angeles.</NOBR>


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<I>75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.</I>

The Los Angeles Police Department's "<A HREF="" TARGET=wanted>Most Wanted</A>" list is viewable <NOBR>on-line,</NOBR> but since each entry generally includes only the ethnicity of a suspect (not his or her immigration status or nationality), and many of the entries refer to persons of unknown identity, it's difficult to verify the claim that 75% of the people listed therein are illegal aliens.

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<I>Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.</I>

Again, this figure appears to correspond with Heather Mac Donald's <A HREF="" TARGTE=mac>testimony</A> before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security, and Claims:

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The L.A. County Sheriff reported in 2000 that 23% of inmates in county jails were deportable, according to the <I>New York Times</I>.

Note, however, that the 23% figure cited includes <U>all</U> deportable aliens, not just Mexican nationals.


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<I>21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.</I>

The number of Spanish-language radio stations in Los Angeles varies a bit from source to source (and according to how one defines "Los Angeles"), but according to <NOBR><A HREF="" TARGET=almanac>Los Angeles Almanac</A>,</NOBR> if both AM and FM stations are counted, and all programming formats (e.g., music, news, talk, religion, sports) are included, then it's fair to say that there are about <NOBR>20 "Spanish</NOBR> speaking" radio stations in <NOBR>Los Angeles.</NOBR>


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<I>Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 29% are on welfare</I>

Although illegal aliens are not generally eligible to collect public welfare benefits, an illegal alien may receive benefits under the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Food Stamps programs on behalf of his or her U.S. citizen child. (Any child born in the United States is considered a U.S. citizen, regardless of the parents' immigration status.) A 1997 General Accounting Office (GAO) <A HREF="" TARGET=report>report</A> determined that in 1995 households headed by illegal aliens received a total of <NOBR>$700 million</NOBR> in AFDC benefits and <NOBR>$430 million</NOBR> in Food Stamps.


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<I>Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.</I>

As the <I>Sacramento Bee</I> recently <A HREF="" TARGET=bee>reported</A>, the "over 90%" figure for population growth in California is essentially accurate if the term "immigration" is defined to encompass both foreign immigrants and births to immigrant mothers:

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When Department of Finance numbers are merged with Census Bureau numbers and birth and death data collected by the state Department of Health Services are added to the mix, showing that half of all births are to immigrant mothers, the inescapable conclusion is that foreign immigration and births to immigrant mothers together comprise all of the state's net population growth. Or, to put it another way, without foreign immigration, California would have virtually zero population growth.


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<I>The cost of illegal immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University].</I>

It is true that Rice University economist Donald Huddle has conducted studies and concluded that immigrants (both legal and illegal) in the U.S. receive billions of dollars more in social services from local, state and federal governments than they contribute in revenue. It's also true that others have criticized his studies as flawed and arrived at exactly the opposite conclusion (i.e., that immigrants actually produce a net revenue surplus). For example, a University of California Davis <NOBR><I><A HREF="" TARGET=ucd>Migration News</A></I></NOBR> article on "Illegal Immigration: Numbers, Benefits, and Costs in California" notes:

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There is a great deal of disagreement over the costs and benefits of immigrants to the US and California. Studies in the early 1980s in Texas and New York concluded that the taxes paid by immigrants exceeded the cost of providing public services to them, but that the federal government got the surplus of taxes over expenditures, and local governments had deficits. Los Angeles did a study in 1992 that reinforced this conclusion.
Donald Huddle of Rice University set the benchmark for today's debate with a study that concluded that the legal and illegal immigrants who arrived since 1970 cost the US $42.5 billion in 1992, and $18.1 billion in California. According to Huddle, 7.2 million immigrants arrived legally and illegally in California since 1970, and the state incurred costs of $23 billion to provide them with services--half of the costs were for education and health care, and one-sixth were due to the costs of providing services to US residents displaced by these immigrants.
As with all such studies, Huddle made assumptions about how many illegal aliens there are, their usage of welfare and other public services, the taxes they paid, and their indirect economic impacts. Jeff Passel of the Urban Institute reviewed and revised Huddle's US estimates, and his calculations turned the $42 billion net cost into a $29 billion net benefit.
Most of the $70 billion difference between these studies arises from their estimates of the taxes paid by immigrants--Huddle assumes that post-1970 immigrants paid $20 billion in taxes to all levels of government, and Passel assumes they paid $70 billion. And the major reason for the difference in tax estimates is that Huddle did not include the 15 percent of each worker's earnings that are paid in Social Security taxes, while Passel did--this accounts for over one-third of the $70 billion difference.
Huddle excluded Social Security taxes because, in his view, contributions today need to be offset by the promise of benefit payments to immigrants when they retire. Passel included them because the federal government treats Social Security on a pay-as-you-go basis.

An article published by the <A HREF="" TARGET=urban>Urban Institute</A> drew similar conclusions:

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According to the most controversial study of those discussed here, the benefits and costs of immigration to the United States in 1992 add up to a total net cost to all levels of government of $42.5 billion. This study, by Donald Huddle, was sponsored by the Carrying Capacity Network, a nonprofit group that advocates major reductions in immigration to the United States. "The Costs of Immigration" (Huddle 1993) uses estimation procedures that include a variety of errors. When these errors are corrected, the post-1970 immigrants in Huddle's study actually show a surplus of revenues over social service costs of at least $25 billion
I'm not even so sure an earthquake would make much difference... it might.

I think it'll take a war.

Good luck getting the idiots in DC to declare a war on Mexico...they cannot even agree on enforceing the laws already on the books...that leaves my hope in a natural disastor 'natural selection' to eliminate the overkill!
Good luck getting the idiots in DC to declare a war on Mexico...they cannot even agree on enforceing the laws already on the books...that leaves my hope in a natural disastor 'natural selection' to eliminate the overkill!

We all know they won't declare war. Not until the mexicans want to make some part of America mexico. Well, they already want to do that. Not until they MOVE to do it, will we ever do anything.
A truly sad situation.

If the responsibility of fixing the problem was cast upon me, I'd start at the boarder, and work back from there.

If you don't stop the flood, ya can't bail the boat out with any hope of stopping the sinking.

Next, NO government funding, of any kind, at any level. If the sugar train is derailed, a large part of the reason for coming here would be removed.

Next, send ALL aliens in our prison system back to their country of origin.

Next, start the "round-up", no greed card, you are gone, and WON'T be allowed back in for some predetermined time.

It wouldn't take all that long to get this mess under control.

We could then start to "fine tune" our immigration laws for the 21st century.

But, what the hell do I know?:smoke:
A truly sad situation.

If the responsibility of fixing the problem was cast upon me, I'd start at the boarder, and work back from there.

If you don't stop the flood, ya can't bail the boat out with any hope of stopping the sinking.

Next, NO government funding, of any kind, at any level. If the sugar train is derailed, a large part of the reason for coming here would be removed.

Next, send ALL aliens in our prison system back to their country of origin.

Next, start the "round-up", no greed card, you are gone, and WON'T be allowed back in for some predetermined time.

It wouldn't take all that long to get this mess under control.

We could then start to "fine tune" our immigration laws for the 21st century.

But, what the hell do I know?:smoke:

The laws are already on the books to take care of all the issues you listed...however if our elected officials in both houses...the executive branch and the Supreme Court would allow the agencies responsible to enforce the laws to do their jobs all would be good...however again our elected officials owe their collective souls to 'Big Business'...until we get elected officials as well as appointed from the 'average Joe' working class this problem will not be overcome and will just escalate...imho
A truly sad situation.

If the responsibility of fixing the problem was cast upon me, I'd start at the boarder, and work back from there.

If you don't stop the flood, ya can't bail the boat out with any hope of stopping the sinking.

Next, NO government funding, of any kind, at any level. If the sugar train is derailed, a large part of the reason for coming here would be removed.

Next, send ALL aliens in our prison system back to their country of origin.

Next, start the "round-up", no greed card, you are gone, and WON'T be allowed back in for some predetermined time.

It wouldn't take all that long to get this mess under control.

We could then start to "fine tune" our immigration laws for the 21st century.

But, what the hell do I know?:smoke:

This is all good, and I agree with every bit of it.

And wouldn't take very long either, if our government had a full ball sack to do it.
The laws are already on the books to take care of all the issues you listed...however if our elected officials in both houses...the executive branch and the Supreme Court would allow the agencies responsible to enforce the laws to do their jobs all would be good...however again our elected officials owe their collective souls to 'Big Business'...until we get elected officials as well as appointed from the 'average Joe' working class this problem will not be overcome and will just escalate...imho

And that's why I'm HOPING that the midterms in November are a wake up call for BOTH major parties.

I just heard today that more and more people are feeling alienated and very disappointed in their elected officials. They're sick of hardlining right, left bickering and are looking for something else.... 'that's me'.
Anyone bother to read what ClayTaurus put in?

So you change a couple small points, so what?

The simple fact remains, our country is in deep trouble, and if our government doesn't do anything about it fast, you WILL see war in this country, because the mexicans at some point WILL try and annex part of it.

Mark my words. They're working towards that goal RIGHT NOW.
Anyone bother to read what ClayTaurus put in?

I have to agree with Pale. It doesn't matter if the only 'problem group' isn't, it's the idea. Today many are upset with Mexicans, but the problem also involves illegals from Asia, Central and South America. Granted. The problem is still the borders.
I have to agree with Pale. It doesn't matter if the only 'problem group' isn't, it's the idea. Today many are upset with Mexicans, but the problem also involves illegals from Asia, Central and South America. Granted. The problem is still the borders.

and ya think this will get ya a ride on the back of his cute way... Pale has a one seater...albeit if ya are cute enough he may correct the one seater to include a jump seat...:funnyface
and ya think this will get ya a ride on the back of his cute way... Pale has a one seater...albeit if ya are cute enough he may correct the one seater to include a jump seat...:funnyface

I have to agree with Pale. It doesn't matter if the only 'problem group' isn't, it's the idea. Today many are upset with Mexicans, but the problem also involves illegals from Asia, Central and South America. Granted. The problem is still the borders.
That's not what I asked. I just wanted a "Yes" or "No" to my query :)

But I agree with Pale on this issue too. I've grown weary of our open borders and the illegal immigrants getting in...well...illegally :p
Kagom said:
That's not what I asked. I just wanted a "Yes" or "No" to my query :)

But I agree with Pale on this issue too. I've grown weary of our open borders and the illegal immigrants getting in...well...illegally :p

What I meant was that I had read Clay's info from Snopes. I was addressing that, I thought.

ps I fixed a typo here, though not in the original. ;) I'll do that for you though, Kagom.

Please don't be confused Kathy...I am just being me 'the smart ass'...but hey post a pic or's really hard to relate to someone when ya haven't met em' in person or see what they really look like...a fault of mine...but experience proves me right everytime!
and ya think this will get ya a ride on the back of his cute way... Pale has a one seater...albeit if ya are cute enough he may correct the one seater to include a jump seat...:funnyface

No I won't. Nobody rides on my Harley. Doesn't matter who you are or what you look like.

Nothing against anybody personally, it's just my choice.

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