CDZ Do we need a VIABLE third party in the U.S.?

Do we need a viable third party in the U.S.?

  • Nope. It's just fine how it is. It's the way it always has been and that's good enough.

  • Yes. It's time we started to listen to alternative voices.

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King Friday

Oct 15, 2016
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Florida, USA
We all know that the Democrats and Republicans agree on precious little these days.

Some would say that it hamstrings the Federal Government but that slowing down the Federal Government is a good thing.

"This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.
-Will Rogers

About the only thing the two parties can agree on is conspiring to keep a third party down and out.
They will not allow third party candidates in Presidential debates since they run the committees that set the rules for National Televised Debates. I think it's a scandal.

What do you think?

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I don't like either option. We could use a third party but "Alternative voices"? We have a party the gives voice to the alternatives, that is the Democrat Party and its the reason everything is so fucked up.

We need a party for honest, moral, and intelligent people.
I would like to see one, myself.

I would like to see the rise of a pragmatic and moderate party that did not pander to every disgruntled minority like the Dems nor the uneducated fundies like the right. All the identity politics being played is killing us, as people no longer care about values but only sub groups.
I don't like either option. We could use a third party but "Alternative voices"? We have a party the gives voice to the alternatives, that is the Democrat Party and its the reason everything is so fucked up.

We need a party for honest, moral, and intelligent people.
I agree, PredFan. "Alternative Voices" was not the best way to characterize this viable third party.

Perhaps "Alternative approaches to our problems"? Just maybe letting in the Independent Party Candidate to take part in the discussion? Maybe we could just start there? :question:
Why stop at one?

Replace both of the current ones
No. No third or fourth pRties. We need to outlaw ALL political parties, PACS, and anything else of that sort.
I don't like either option. We could use a third party but "Alternative voices"? We have a party the gives voice to the alternatives, that is the Democrat Party and its the reason everything is so fucked up.

We need a party for honest, moral, and intelligent people.

All political parties---Democratic, Republican, and every other---consider themselves to be the "party for honest, moral, and intelligent people".
I don't like either option. We could use a third party but "Alternative voices"? We have a party the gives voice to the alternatives, that is the Democrat Party and its the reason everything is so fucked up.

We need a party for honest, moral, and intelligent people.

All political parties---Democratic, Republican, and every other---consider themselves to be the "party for honest, moral, and intelligent people".

Is that why Clinton is running? She wants my vote because I consider myself honest and try to live accordingly?
I don't like either option. We could use a third party but "Alternative voices"? We have a party the gives voice to the alternatives, that is the Democrat Party and its the reason everything is so fucked up.

We need a party for honest, moral, and intelligent people.

All political parties---Democratic, Republican, and every other---consider themselves to be the "party for honest, moral, and intelligent people".

Sure, but the left is lying when they say that. Hell, they don't even try to hide it anymore.
I don't like either option. We could use a third party but "Alternative voices"? We have a party the gives voice to the alternatives, that is the Democrat Party and its the reason everything is so fucked up.

We need a party for honest, moral, and intelligent people.

All political parties---Democratic, Republican, and every other---consider themselves to be the "party for honest, moral, and intelligent people".

That's why I am a free market communist.

There's only one of us.
With regard to your second poll answer choice, Americans have been listening to "alternative voices" since the nation was founded. Having or not having a viable third party, along with the viability of any such party, will have no effect on that. Heck, we have literally millions of folks who refuse to seek or hear the truth of simple things...the mere fact of whether a given politician did or did not say "such and such" is just one example. Having even more loud, strong and wrong voices, be they third party or not, is not going to improve things. If anything, that's just going to cause more confusion.

If there's anything we need, it's better educated citizens, a huge boost in our cultural appetite for objectivity and reason, a huge reduction in our cultural willingness to allow celebrity to serve as a surrogate or substitute for sagacity, and a host of other improvements in the scope of knowledge held and understood fully by all Americans. A viable third or twenty-third party is hardly likely to be the thing that makes that happen, but, hey, if it were that which would effect those ends, by all means, we need a viable third (or more) party.
I don't know that we need one, but it certainly won't hurt to have one.
To my way of thinking, with a little organization or a lot, we already have one. The unaffiliated voter. They are ripe for the picking and organization, maybe.
We all know that the Democrats and Republicans agree on precious little these days.

Some would say that it hamstrings the Federal Government but that slowing down the Federal Government is a good thing.

"This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer.
-Will Rogers

About the only thing the two parties can agree on is conspiring to keep a third party down and out.
They will not allow third party candidates in Presidential debates since they run the committees that set the rules for National Televised Debates. I think it's a scandal.

What do you think?

Vote... Discuss... :beer:

You're witnessing the birth of it right now.
"Do we need a VIABLE third party in the U.S.?"

No, we need a viable second party. The Democrats have lost the position.

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