do the British belong to Europe, geographically?

yes or no?

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do they?

i doubt it …

The Brits (= English, Scottish, Welsh and Irish) are Celts, Romans, Germans and Normans - and meanwhile also many others who came from all over the world to Great Britain.
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The Mighty Brits belong to nobody .

Certainly not to the Germy people or the Surrender Monkeys .

Any reason why you hate Brits, Mr. Absurdity? And what for heavens sake means "Germy people"?
the Continent
Well, mother nature has split the earth up into 7 major and 9 minor tectonic plates. But us humans have grouped land masses together into 7 continents. That's so if you mention a continent, then you know which group of countries we're talking about. So the UK is grouped within the continent of Europe.

The alternative is is to group the UK in with Africa, so you would have to wriggle around France/Spain, or lump in with North America, umpteen thousand miles away. So yeah, Europe.

As for the European Dictatorship, we kicked them into touch in 2016.
... As for the European Dictatorship, we kicked them into touch in 2016. ....

You decided in a referendum ~50:50 under influence of the Brit Donald Trump to leave the European Union after you had been for 47 years a member of the EU. In this nearly 50 years the EU made everything wrong what was wrong in GB. So since 2020 no "European Dictatorship" makes anything wrong in GB any longer. What is better now?

Your hertitage:

Hail to thee Hanover, hail!
Unto thee, joy bestowed,
Joy evermore.
Cry out, You angelic choir,
Penetrate to God's ear!
With your joyous chorus:
Unto God all honour!

God gave the joyous day
What lay hidden deep
Now comes to the light
Be dismayed not, son of earth
If the black clouds threaten
God on his throne has
Balance and weight.

All deeds He performs
Protects our Guelph house
With a mighty arm
Concord of God's band
King and Fatherland
Submit themselves heart and hand
Holy and warm.

Your reality:

Our reality:
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  • Funny
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You decided in a referendum ~50:50 under influence of the Brit Donald Trump to leave the European Union after you had been for 47 years a member of the EU. In this nearly 50 years the EU made everything wrong what was wrong in GB. So since 2020 no "European Dictatorship" makes anything wrong in GB any longer. What is better now?
What is better since US Independence? You guys pay more tax than ever and we've never elected a paedophile with dementia.

England became England on 12 July 927. Then in the 1970's, the government took us into Europe on a lie. The referendum was not legally binding, but the government decided to accept the citizen's wishes. One dickhead the US sent to try and convince the Brits to stay with the EU dictatorship was mixed race Obama. Because he's a dickhead, it made more to vote leave. The vote for many was sovereignty, just in the same way the British colonies wanted their own sovereignty. Those that wanted to stay called remoaners, did so for alleged financial reasons. They're not interested in the fallen, the ones that kept soverignity for all nations from Germany. These remoaners simply shit and piss on the fallen's graves.

We are better off because we have sovereignty. Do you shit and piss on the fallen's graves?
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I guys?

pay more tax than ever and we've never elected a paedophile with dementia.

¿Pedophile with dementia?

England became England on 12 July 927.

Why this? Æþelstān was the son of Eduard, king of the Anglosaxons (North-Germans). What is the real difference? Eduard minimized the influence of the Vikings (Scandinavians).

Then in the 1970's, the government took us into Europe on a lie. The referendum was not legally binding, but the government decided to accept the citizen's wishes. One dickhead the US sent to try and convince the Brits to stay with the EU dictatorship was mixed race Obama. Because he's a dickhead, it made more to vote leave. The vote for many was sovereignty, just in the same way the British colonies wanted their own sovereignty. Those that wanted to stay called remoaners, did so for alleged financial reasons. They're not interested in the fallen, the ones that kept soverignity for all nations from Germany. These remoaners simply shit and piss on the fallen's graves.

We are better off because we have sovereignty.

And what is concrete better now - except that we Germans are allowed now to call our "Erdbeermarmelade" "Erbeermarmelade" again although it never was marmalade.

Do you shit and piss on the fallen's graves?

I dance on the fallen's graves - together with the dead - specially when this graves are in the air. They love this.

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