Do Nothing Democrats. When Will They Act On A Budget? (Day 1,338 - No Budget)

Both parties are at fault for this.

So you're saying Boehner's plan b didn't actually fail? I disagree. The president is going to get what he wants and although he expressed an interest in working together, Boehner took things too far once again and lost.

Obama is back at work after the holiday, where are the others?
This again? Now I know you people are fucking retarded.
Republicans aren't retarded. They're merely doing what they have distract everyone from recognizing they're getting ready to do another "Bush".

First: We go over the "cliff"....and, re-implement the...

Next: Republicans rush-in to "Save the day!" cutting taxes for the middle-class....and, as many high-roller$ as they can manage!!

All the time that's been wasted, has been done-so to convince the 2010 Teabagger Coup congressmen that they still had a future, in D.C.....right before John Boner kicked-them-OFF of every committee he could!!

No matter.

It's another.....

...OBAMA WIN!!!!!!!!!!!




:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
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Will the Republicans ever come back to work?
....And, get their collective-noses RUBBED in the Boner/Cantor/McConnell FAIL??!!!

Hey....I'LL settle, for such a....



:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:
If the Republicans/Tea Party are willing to let the whole nation slide over the fiscal cliff rather that raise taxes on the 1%, let them explain that to the other 99% of the electorate in 2014!

If that's what the Democrats wanted, why didn't they support Plan B? Why oppose it?

Oh yeah, because Democrats WANT us to go over the cliff. That way they can blame Republicans for their unwillingness to compromise......

[ame=]Mitch McConnell: Top Priority, Make Obama a One Term President - YouTube[/ame]





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This administration is horrible, can you imagine running your household without some sort of budget?

And you people voted for them to continue on there merry running up more dept
Will the Republicans ever come back to work?

Will Obama ever start working?

BTW Republicans will be back with the rest of Congress when the next session opens. You know, when all the Democrats will come back too.

The Republicans left first after throwing their fearless crying leader under the bus. Poor, poor Boehner... Will he get the job again or will his bestie Cantor pull the rug out from under him?

Time will tell..

Will Obama ever start working?

BTW Republicans will be back with the rest of Congress when the next session opens. You know, when all the Democrats will come back too.

The Republicans left first after throwing their fearless crying leader under the bus. Poor, poor Boehner... Will he get the job again or will his bestie Cantor pull the rug out from under him?

Time will tell..

You realize that if Democrats had just supported plan B, the plan they were advocating just months ago, they wouldn't have needed many Republican votes to pass it, right? There were more than enough Republicans willing to go along with it.

....Even at the EXPEN$E of getting a much-better-deal from OBAMA!!!!!

... You realize that if Democrats had just supported plan B, the plan they were advocating just months ago, they wouldn't have needed many Republican votes to pass it, right? There were more than enough Republicans willing to go along with it.

But why pass a bill that the Senate refuses to even consider and that the President already says he will veto despite getting exactly what he supposedly wanted in it?
The GOP, in its infinite wisdom, has compounded its problems by further "painting itself into a corner" whereby it will have to explain to 99% of the electorate why it was willing to bring America to the brink of the "fiscal cliff" - for no other reason than to serve the best interests of the nation's wealthiest 1%.

....AND, celebrate the turtle's political-skills!!!!



This group of clowns we have running Washington - both Democrat and Republicans - being led by the biggest ass wipe this country has ever elected President is going to ruin America. None of them - Democrats and Republicans alike - are worth the water it would take to flush them all down the toilet. Never in my lifetime has there been a bigger bunch of ass wipes in the US Congress.
This group of clowns we have running Washington - both Democrat and Republicans - being led by the biggest ass wipe this country has ever elected President is going to ruin America. None of them - Democrats and Republicans alike - are worth the water it would take to flush them all down the toilet. Never in my lifetime has there been a bigger bunch of ass wipes in the US Congress.

This administration is horrible, can you imagine running your household without some sort of budget?

And you people voted for them to continue on there merry running up more dept

:DThe left don't even know what a budget is. They are so brainwashed into thinking the gov't will take care of them with their free handouts all they know how to do is party.

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