Do Any of You Really Care about the 2024 Presidential Election?

My theory is that when we have Uber wealthy people running that's who will prosper most. And average working paycheck to paycheck workers, you know the ones that do the actual work, will take it on the chin.
The tards of the New Right convinced Trump voters not to get the Trump Vaccine. I warned not getting vaxxed would kill them and affect the outcome of elections.
Operation Warp Speed got shots in arms in 10-months after Fau-Chi said it would take at least 4-years. Trump saved millions of lives. You're welcome.
From the start of the pandemic the number of deaths per political party was about even. Read the following link.

Despite the staggering death toll in densely populated urban areas during the first months of the pandemic (an average 36 monthly deaths per 100,000 residents), the overall death rate over the course of the pandemic is slightly higher in the least populated parts of the country (an average monthly 15 deaths per 100,000 among the 10% living in the least densely populated counties vs. 13 per 100,000 among the 10% in the most densely populated counties).

The vaccine issues are:
If you had covid you don't need vaccines, you already have the anti-bodies.
Myocarditis is a major concern after having Covid

As for your glee at the decline the number of unvaxxed Republicans. Abortion seems to be keeping democrat numbers in check.
Among those ages 15 to 44, there were 24.4 abortions per 1,000 non-Hispanic Black women; 11.4 abortions per 1,000 Hispanic women; 6.2 abortions per 1,000 non-Hispanic White women; and 12.7 abortions per 1,000 women of other races or ethnicities in that age range
If you had covid you don't need vaccines, you already have the anti-bodies.
False. Having Covid does not protect you forever from getting it again, especially from variants.

Covid is a coronavirus. The common cold is also a coronavirus. Ask yourself if you have never caught a cold again after having one. Some people catch the cold three or four times a year. So it is with Covid.

Myocarditis is a major concern after having Covid
All the more reason to get vaxxed.

As for your glee at the decline the number of unvaxxed Republicans. Abortion seems to be keeping democrat numbers in check.
Among those ages 15 to 44, there were 24.4 abortions per 1,000 non-Hispanic Black women; 11.4 abortions per 1,000 Hispanic women; 6.2 abortions per 1,000 non-Hispanic White women; and 12.7 abortions per 1,000 women of other races or ethnicities in that age range
See the yuge graphic in my signature?
False. Having Covid does not protect you forever from getting it again, especially from variants. Covid is a coronavirus. The common cold is also a coronavirus. Ask yourself if you have never caught a cold again after having one. Some people catch the cold three or four times a year. So it is with Covid.

All the more reason to get vaxxed.

See the yuge graphic in my signature?
1. The issue is that after you have Covid the Myocarditis risk increases with vaccines. You should be able to make that choice. Get the new vaccine and risk myocarditis, or not get the vaccine and risk getting a new (less deadly) Covid virus. The new variants are a lot like colds. Covid anti-bodies do reduce severity.

2. I'm old so I get vaxxed. My son and grandsons get Covid "colds" and don't risk myocarditis.

3. A pro-life democrat?? You better keep that to yourself of the dems will cancel you.
Is anyone out there truly passionate about the 2024 Presidential Election? Polling indicates 60% of Americans don't want Trump to run and a whopping 70% don't want Biden to run. 38%, a plurality of Americans, feel a sense of "exhaustion," about a possible Biden/Trump rematch.

So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

There is no one I’m excited about.
I was a poll watcher. So I am among the 'we'. We also had many other poll watchers who were communicating with us the night of election day. And many others who reported their experiences since.

Now what do you have other than partisan propaganda to offer to the discussion?

Where learn US-Americans rules like "Don't try to think first and waste your own time by doing so - but say and repeat nonsense and try to waste the time of others!"? Bullshit is bullshit and not becomes true because millions of full-time-idiots say the same bullshit. I do not really believe that liars start to believe in the own lies. It is for everyone transparent that never an election fraud had existed in the elections in the USA in 2020. Otherwise some people would be in jail now because your whole nation controlled all single very little problems in this context.
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Truly middle of the road and not extremist or owned by extremists. Don’t you?

Empty phrase. And by the way a word to your avatar: I read once a text about terror in German and was sure this text was from Adolf Hitler. In the end I had to see this text had been from Che Guevarra. I was ashamed in this moment - because I had weared once a T-shirt with the shadow-head of Che Guevarra when I had been a teenager - without to know how damned criminal this man really had been. I thought he had been a freedom fighter - indeed he was a mass-murderer - and I had weared this shirt only because it had been a nice interesting picture and I love arts.
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What is total bullshit are your opinions of US politics and elections. You just don't understand reality.
Biden sold classified documents and access to his offices to make money. Biden is always wrong, he didn't even want to kill Bin Laden. ...

I don't know where your opinion about Mr. president Joe Biden comes from - but "also" I never liked to kill Bin Laden. So Mr. president Joe Biden has my sympathy if this should be true. I had been satisfied when Osama Bin Laden had been in front of the international court. I was astonished about the brutal and cruel mind and the iron faces of the politicians of the USA who watched the murder on Osama Bin Laden in their personal "reality TV" - and were watched the same time on their own from the people of the USA in TV. Never the USA had been a such a strange country for me as it had been in this moment of history. Only Nancy Pelosi saved my belief that women are the better part of all mankind.

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Is anyone out there truly passionate about the 2024 Presidential Election? Polling indicates 60% of Americans don't want Trump to run and a whopping 70% don't want Biden to run. 38%, a plurality of Americans, feel a sense of "exhaustion," about a possible Biden/Trump rematch.

So I am curious how many of you really care. Do many Dems really, really want to pull the lever for Biden, or is it just an obligation because he has a D after his name. And for GOP folks, is Trump the only viable alternative, and if so, are you still passionate about voting for him. I am truly curious how people feel about this.

I REALLY care. I will vote for whoever the GOP candidate is
Death Angel, WelfareQueen and leftwinger

That's why you are ready to vote for a very good friend of autocrats all over the world? Did you notice that Donald Trump defines "An American is everyone who is loyal to me personally like I am on my own loyal to me - all others are anti-Americans!"

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Empty phrase. And by the way a word to your avatar: I read once a text about terror in German and was sure this text was from Adolf Hitler. In the end I had to see this text had been from Che Guevarra. I was ashamed in this moment - because I had weared once a T-shirt with the shadow-head of Che Guevarra when I had been a teenager - without to know how damned criminal this man really had been. I thought he had been a freedom fighter - indeed he was a mass-murderer - and I had weared this shirt only because it had been a nice interesting picture and I love arts.
Look closely at my avatar…. it is Che picking his nose. The avatar serves as a mockery of him and those that honor him. His views on Blacks and Gays is is most telling and he is overall a person of extreme intolerance.
Look closely at my avatar…. it is Che picking his nose. The avatar serves as a mockery of him and those that honor him. His views on Blacks and Gays is is most telling and he is overall a person of extreme intolerance.

Sophisticated. But I guess you are right: He was overall a person of extreme intolerance. Tolerance is also today often an empty phrase like "If you're not tolerant right now, I'll smash your face in."

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