Disease Most Deadly


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.No, not the Wuhan, which is actually a flu, and dispenses with a number of individuals within the same numerical parameters as the flu generally does, but a far more deadly that has a pathogen attacking Western Civilization itself. It is the thought-disease that identifies Democrat voters, the woke contingent, and many of those who have spent time in the madrassas we call ‘universities.’

2. This is the message that has been written over by said thought-virus: the Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome (OPS), a malady of disordered thinking that robs people of their ability to recognize truths that are as obvious as the existence of the sun.
"Unlike other pandemics where biological pathogens are to blame, the current culprit is composed of a collection of bad ideas, spawned on university campuses, that chip away at our edifices of reason, freedom, and individual dignity."

3. “The greatness of the West stems in part from its protection of fundamental freedoms and its commitment to reason and the scientific method (where appropriate). Over the past few decades though, several nefarious forces have slowly eroded the West’s commitment to reason, science, and the values of the Enlightenment.

Such forces include political correctness (as enforced by the thought police, the language police, and social justice warriors), post- modernism, radical feminism, social constructivism, cultural and moral relativism, and the culture of perpetual offense and victimhood (microaggressions, trigger warnings, and safe spaces on campuses, as well as identity politics). This has created an environment that has stifled public discourse in a myriad of ways.

Academics shy away from investigating so-called forbidden topics (such as sex differences or racial differences) lest they be accused of being rabidly sexist or racist. Professors are intimidated into using nonsensical gender pronouns when addressing students lest they otherwise be committing a hate crime (see for instance Canada’s Bill C-16).

University students demand that they be “protected” from ideas that are antithetical to their own while being warned by administrators about wearing “offensive” Halloween costumes. Politicians are fearful to critique Islam or open-border immigration policies lest they be accused of being bigots. More generally, people are deathly afraid to espouse any opinion that might get them ostracized from the politically correct club (try being a conservative Republican in Hollywood or on a university campus).”
Gad Saad, “The Parasitic Mind”

4. Today we live in a country that prioritizes minimizing hurt feelings over pursuing truth.

Transgender Person Faces Off With Manager After Allegedly Being Misgendered

5. I have said before that it is a grave error to allow those who claim to be 'offended' to set the standards of society.
We should add the motto "Get Over It" to our currency.
We’ve always had crazy people in America, but we didn’t used to take their guidance.
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I call it Left Syndrome.

Not unlike Down Syndrome, except that Downs sufferers deserve decent care and suffer through no fault of their own. None of them are malevolent sociopaths that promote tyrannical government and a dystopian society.

Left Syndrome Retards refuse to be cured. Surely they have some genetic defects that cause them to be sniveling, bed wetting beta males or hideous, mean, biter feminazis and overall just hateful, freakishly stupid assholes who reduce the quality of life for everyone around them. The problem is they can be cured if they merely worked on thinking independently. They could actually regrow a frontal lobe and become productive members of society.

Either way these "people" belong in asylums, while Downs sufferers can usually be cared for by compassionate family or other care takers. Left sufferers actually belong in settings like prisons if they refuse to think.

I call it Left Syndrome.

Not unlike Down Syndrome, except that Downs sufferers deserve decent care and suffer through no fault of their own. None of them are malevolent sociopaths that promote tyrannical government and a dystopian society.

Left Syndrome Retards refuse to be cured. Surely they have some genetic defects that cause them to be sniveling, bed wetting beta males or hideous, mean, biter feminazis and overall just hateful, freakishly stupid assholes who reduce the quality of life for everyone around them. The problem is they can be cured if they merely worked on thinking independently. They could actually regrow a frontal lobe and become productive members of society.

Either way these "people" belong in asylums, while Downs sufferers can usually be cared for by compassionate family or other care takers. Left sufferers actually belong in settings like prisons if they refuse to think.


Spreading wildly!
Every damn day you anti-Americans attack our citizens with yer hate and misinformation, I wish you'd get a real job.
COVID pays no attention to right-wing fascist whining. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Their leaders are vaccinated. They don't care if so many of their sheep die, given they can fleece the survivors even more.
Spreading wildly!
It's why I'm not joking when I say liberals having abortions is a benefit to the gene pool.

Sure it's reprehensible, barbaric practice and I'm not comfortable calling us a civilized society while it is so wide spread, but when liberals have children it's even more detrimental to civilization than allowing the rats to eat their fetuses in dumpsters behind Planned Unparenthood clinics.

I can't even see them as humans anymore. They're parasitic NPC's that should not, and would not exist if we didn't establish so many safety barriers. If during the 1800's and early 1900'swe ensured that euroweenie migrants were properly educated in civics and individual freedom, even armed them, then the criminal and genetic garbage that fell through the cracks probably would have been swept out of the gutters with the fecal matter a long time ago rather than multiply and totally infest our major cities.

Yeah a lot of people would have died, but the industrious people would have protected themselves, the decent people would have kept the streets safe, and there never would have been a mafia or even a need for government police agencies.

COVID pays no attention to right-wing fascist whining. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Their leaders are vaccinated. They don't care if so many of their sheep die, given they can fleece the survivors even more.
It's why I'm not joking when I say liberals having abortions is a benefit to the gene pool.

Sure it's reprehensible, barbaric practice and I'm not comfortable calling us a civilized society while it is so wide spread, but when liberals have children it's even more detrimental to civilization than allowing the rats to eat their fetuses in dumpsters behind Planned Unparenthood clinics.

I can't even see them as humans anymore. They're parasitic NPC's that should not, and would not exist if we didn't establish so many safety barriers. If during the 1800's and early 1900'swe ensured that euroweenie migrants were properly educated in civics and individual freedom, even armed them, then the criminal and genetic garbage that fell through the cracks probably would have been swept out of the gutters with the fecal matter a long time ago rather than multiply and totally infest our major cities.

Yeah a lot of people would have died, but the industrious people would have protected themselves, the decent people would have kept the streets safe, and there never would have been a mafia or even a need for government police agencies.

You wouldn't know the difference between inherent and learned behavior and you prove it with every post.
Every damn day you anti-Americans attack our citizens with yer hate and misinformation, I wish you'd get a real job.
LOL... coming from another Left Syndrome Retard who ignores the rampant rioting and destruction waged on Americans for month over the death of criminal pieces of shit like George "Kirby" Floyd. Pieces of shit like you should have been aborted. I'd have happily paid for it.

I can't even see them as humans anymore.
The Nazis used the same tactic. Every authoritarian regime uses it -- dehumanize the opposition to justify killing them.

It's not a question of whether you're similiar to Nazis, as you clearly are. It's only a question of whether you differ from the Nazis in any significant way. You don't.
COVID pays no attention to right-wing fascist whining. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Their leaders are vaccinated. They don't care if so many of their sheep die, given they can fleece the survivors even more.

"They don't care if so many of their sheep die"

There is always the question of whether you are really this ignorant, or simply an abject, inveterate, liar.

It is the Left, your sort, that is associated with and a hand-maiden of death, usually their own citizens:

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
The collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

The Democrats check every one of those boxes.

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

The Nazis used the same tactic. Every authoritarian regime uses it -- dehumanize the opposition to justify killing them.

It's not a question of whether you're similiar to Nazis, as you clearly are. It's only a question of whether you differ from the Nazis in any significant way. You don't.

"The Nazis used the same tactic"

6. They practice what they were taught in the universities......federally supported universities (tuition loans), and the result is the gulag we call America.

".... we are no longer able to talk with one another using rational and reasoned discourse that is otherwise free from a dogmatic and tribal mindset. … the confluence of forces that are endangering the West’s commitment to freedom, reason, and true liberalism (hence, the death of the West by a thousand cuts).

Ultimately, any attempt to limit what individuals can think or say weakens the defining ethos of the West, namely the unfettered commitment to the pursuit of truth unencumbered by the shackles of the thought police.


Gad Saad, "The Parasitic Mind."

How do we regain freedom?????
7. Saad's book "examines how the mindset of social justice warriors gave rise to universities that prioritize minimizing hurt feelings over pursuing truth ..., the Oppression Olympics (intersectionality), Collective Munchausen and the homeostasis of victimology (I’m a victim therefore I am), and pious self-flagellating at the altar of progressivism.

In this view, warped by outrage and resentment, the world is binary: you are either a noble victim (even if you have to make it up) or a disgusting bigot (even if you’ve never been one). Choose a side.

....explores Ostrich Parasitic Syndrome (OPS), a malady of disordered thinking that robs people of their ability to recognize truths that are as obvious as the existence of the sun. Science denialism is one manifestation of OPS but there are many others. Those afflicted with OPS utilize a broad range of strategies to shelter themselves from reality including the use of six degrees of faux- causality wherein countless ills are pinned wrongly on one’s favorite culprit (such as “climate change causes terrorism”).


And we find an immigrant understanding America better than many Americans.

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