Dire Warnings

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This radio broadcast by Brother Michael Boldea Jr. is a 3 part message. First it addresses the upcoming election and some much needed truth that American Christians need to consider. If you will take the time to listen to this message in its entirety, I believe you will find this to be a very objective and informative message. It is an assessment of a certain political candidate and what the Christian should consider when making important decisions.

Pertaining to the second part of the broadcast, Brother Boldea gives a response to one listener who asked what grieves the Holy Spirit and how do we know if God's Holy Spirit still abides in us. The third question is from a Christian corrections officer and her concerns about obtaining a concealed carry permit (at her husband's request).

This is an excellent radio broadcast and is sure to bless all those who will take the time to listen to it. May the LORD bless you as you seek to do His Will.

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