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I saw him for about 15 seconds because I was switching to the local news. Our school superintendent was on talking about the budget. What I originally thought was a $3 million dollar short-fall is actually a $10 million (or more) short-fall. :( :frown:

now is that change we can believe in?
No.. she had on a pair of those three thousand dollar ultra liberal rich shoes, she kept them on her very liberal rich feet. think how many poor people she could help with just one pair of those red bottomed shoes. awesome waste innit?

so it's only liberals who you think shouldn't be wealthy? but it's ok for the koch brothers?

i figure oprah does a lot more for the poor than the koch brothers. *shrug*

She could do a lot more. That's all I'm saying. Which is more important. helping the poor or showing off by taking your entire audience to Australia? or did she perhaps get some evil corporations to pony up for her extravagana's?

Wait a second. So because Oprah is rich you feel she should be helping out the poor more? Is that right? She has the money, so she should be giving as much of it as possible to help the poor? Seriously? Remind us again how you feel about the additional tax breaks given to the rich. You were against those, correct? Can you being any more of a hypocrite?

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