Did Israel Just Lose the Battle for Damascus?

Gee, Georgie Boy, why don;t you send them an E-mail and ask them about this if you are interested? While you are at it, why not send an E-mail to all the leaders in the world, especially those in the oil-rich Gulf states, and also put your hand in your own pocked and pull out a few bucks for these unfortunate people since we realize how much you actually care. As the viewers can see, Georgie Boy tries to pull in those whom he thinks have too much money instead of actually discussing why those who usually are so generous in giving to these relief efforts are holding back now. Meanwhile, Georgie Boy, I gave -- how about you sending in a few bucks? Here's a message from UNICEF which will tell you where to send your contribution. These children are counting on you, Georgie Boy, and I know you wouldn't let them down.

The children of Syria are facing their greatest hour of need.

They have been killed, maimed and orphaned. Now, those still alive are struggling to survive – without the most basic necessities and with deadly diseases like diarrhea on the rise.

In fact, just in the past few months, humanitarian needs have doubled. Making the situation even worse, UNICEF is running out of funds – funds that will mean the difference between life and death for many of Syria's children.

These children need help, and they need it now.

So for this 1 day only – the U.S. Fund for UNICEF is launching a 24-hour EMERGENCY campaign to turn the tide.

If there were ever one day to give – it's TODAY. The children of Syria desperately need you.

100% of your gift is tax-deductible. Every single dollar you donate will go toward UNICEF's relief efforts in Syria and refugee camps in surrounding countries.

An entire generation of children is at risk. They are living in tents made of burlap and plastic. There is no running water. There are no toilets. Lice and fleas infest their small, sick, malnourished bodies.

The mental and emotional trauma these children have endured is exacting a terrible and long-term price. This kind of stress during a child's early years can permanently stunt his or her development.

Here's how you can help, right now: https://secure.unicefusa.org/site/D...ign=usf&JServSessionIdr004=u97c3fhnb2.app228b

$78 can provide one sick child with essential immunizations, nutrients and clean water tablets for 6 months
$94 can send an emergency school kit packed with 60 notebooks and pencils, 6 soccer balls and 10 storybooks to help emotionally traumatized children gain a reprieve from the madness around them
$137 can buy an emergency clean water kit with buckets, water purification tablets and soap – enough to provide 10 families with basic clean water and sanitation supplies
$200 can expedite air shipping for relief supplies, so we can get food, medicine and water to the most vulnerable children as quickly as possible
For 1 DAY only – DONATE. Let this one day become a turning point for Syria's children.

Syria's children want to live. They want to grow up. We have seen them in camps in Lebanon. When we arrived, despite living through months and years of unimaginable misery, they greeted us with kisses and hugs. They asked if they can go to school soon.

Please don't let them die now. PLEASE GIVE – and help provide sorely needed supplies. Every single donation will go to support relief efforts in Syria.

With gratitude,

Caryl M. Stern
Caryl M. Stern
President & CEO
U.S. Fund for UNICEF
"Refugees from Iraq have increased in number since the US-led invasion into Iraq in March 2003. An estimated 1.6-2.0 million people have fled the country. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimated in a report released in November 2006 that more than 1.6 million Iraqis had left Iraq since March 2003, nearly 7 percent of the total population.

"The BBC on 22 January 2007 placed the refugee figure at 2 million. By 16 February 2007, António Guterres, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said that the external refugee number reached 2 million and that within Iraq there are an estimated 1.7 million internally displaced people.

"The refugee traffic out of the country has increased since the intensification of civil war.[4][5]

As of June 21, 2007, the UNHCR estimated that over 4.2 million Iraqis have been displaced, with 2 million within the Iraq and 2.2 million in neighboring countries.[6]

Most ventured to Jordan and Syria, creating demographic shifts that have worried both governments. A fear persisted in both countries, and others hosting sizable Iraqi refugee populations, that sectarian tensions would spill over amongst the exiles.

"These refugees were estimated to have been leaving Iraq at a rate of 3000-per-day by December 2006.

As many as 110,000 Iraqis could be targeted as collaborators because of their work for coalition forces.[7] A May 25, 2007 article notes that in the past seven months only 69 people from Iraq have been granted refugee status in the United States..."

Even by you usual low standards, Hossie, those crocodile tears you shed on behalf of Syria's victims of western imperialism reek of hypocrisy.

BTW, Hypocrite, I spent 5 hours of my time volunteering yesterday at my local senior center, 25-30 hours for the entire week. What did you do for your community last week? How much money or time did you donate to Iraqi refugees or to the millions of Vietnamese civilians you helped to maim, murder, and displace? Twice.

Refugees of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. I mean, it's one thing to disagree with certain American policies, but you sir, are a traitor.
I let Georgie Boy's "volunteering" shtick go in one ear and out the other since he is so busy on his different forums to do anything else. The big question is Did he send at least $5 to UNICEF to help the Syrian Children? By the way, Georgie Boy can shed as many crocodile tears for the Palestinian as he wants, but I doubt if he spends any time on other forums condemning what is actually happening to innocent Arabs in other countries. Why should he waste his time since the Jews are not involved? However, let's leave Georgie Boy alone for a while as he is so busy with Wikipedia and his other sources to find something against Israel and the U.S. All this researching takes a lot of his time. Moreovert, as you can see, Georgie Boy is still obsessed over Vietnam, but he wouldn't take the time to go the short distance to Koreatown from his own residence where he can discuss this with the South Vietnamese (as well as several from North Vietnam) to get their views on this
"Moscow is not ready to give up on getting Russian troops posted on the divided Golan as part of the UN force policing the Israeli-Syrian separation sector, even after rejections by the UN and Israel.

"Monday, June 10, the Russian lawmaker Aleksey Pushkov, an influential foreign relations policy adviser to the Kremlin, said: 'The issue has not been yet solved, it is being considered. We must take some real action because we cannot exclude that the Syrian-Israeli topic would be involved in large-scale military action...'”

"This gave Pushkov the opening for his warning to Israel: That Israeli authorities would oppose this step (Putin’s offer) was not surprising, he said, but he warned about possible consequences: 'Assad could be replaced by radical Islamists in comparison with whom Assad would seem an angel from heaven,' said the Russian lawmaker."

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
"Moscow is not ready to give up on getting Russian troops posted on the divided Golan as part of the UN force policing the Israeli-Syrian separation sector, even after rejections by the UN and Israel.

"Monday, June 10, the Russian lawmaker Aleksey Pushkov, an influential foreign relations policy adviser to the Kremlin, said: 'The issue has not been yet solved, it is being considered. We must take some real action because we cannot exclude that the Syrian-Israeli topic would be involved in large-scale military action...'”

"This gave Pushkov the opening for his warning to Israel: That Israeli authorities would oppose this step (Putin’s offer) was not surprising, he said, but he warned about possible consequences: 'Assad could be replaced by radical Islamists in comparison with whom Assad would seem an angel from heaven,' said the Russian lawmaker."

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
Simply put, no members of the UN Security Council are permitted to have "Peacekeeping Forces" in the Golan. That's written in stone. Fuggitaboutit.
"Moscow is not ready to give up on getting Russian troops posted on the divided Golan as part of the UN force policing the Israeli-Syrian separation sector, even after rejections by the UN and Israel.

"Monday, June 10, the Russian lawmaker Aleksey Pushkov, an influential foreign relations policy adviser to the Kremlin, said: 'The issue has not been yet solved, it is being considered. We must take some real action because we cannot exclude that the Syrian-Israeli topic would be involved in large-scale military action...'”

"This gave Pushkov the opening for his warning to Israel: That Israeli authorities would oppose this step (Putin’s offer) was not surprising, he said, but he warned about possible consequences: 'Assad could be replaced by radical Islamists in comparison with whom Assad would seem an angel from heaven,' said the Russian lawmaker."

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
Simply put, no members of the UN Security Council are permitted to have "Peacekeeping Forces" in the Golan. That's written in stone. Fuggitaboutit.
"As the groundwork for his (Putin) next moves for deploying Russian troops on the Syrian Golan. Next time, he won’t ask the US, the UN or Israel for permission.

"He will go straight to his ally, Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus, and advise him of the importance of deploying Russian soldiers to the Golan – on the same footing as the US military deployment in Jordan.

"Placing the unit just outside the Golan separation zone would save Moscow having to turn to the UN or Israel first."

In other words...fuck 'jew, Hossie!

Putin acts to override Israeli, UN objections to Russian troops on the Golan
"Refugees from Iraq have increased in number since the US-led invasion into Iraq in March 2003. An estimated 1.6-2.0 million people have fled the country. The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees estimated in a report released in November 2006 that more than 1.6 million Iraqis had left Iraq since March 2003, nearly 7 percent of the total population.

"The BBC on 22 January 2007 placed the refugee figure at 2 million. By 16 February 2007, António Guterres, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, said that the external refugee number reached 2 million and that within Iraq there are an estimated 1.7 million internally displaced people.

"The refugee traffic out of the country has increased since the intensification of civil war.[4][5]

As of June 21, 2007, the UNHCR estimated that over 4.2 million Iraqis have been displaced, with 2 million within the Iraq and 2.2 million in neighboring countries.[6]

Most ventured to Jordan and Syria, creating demographic shifts that have worried both governments. A fear persisted in both countries, and others hosting sizable Iraqi refugee populations, that sectarian tensions would spill over amongst the exiles.

"These refugees were estimated to have been leaving Iraq at a rate of 3000-per-day by December 2006.

As many as 110,000 Iraqis could be targeted as collaborators because of their work for coalition forces.[7] A May 25, 2007 article notes that in the past seven months only 69 people from Iraq have been granted refugee status in the United States..."

Even by you usual low standards, Hossie, those crocodile tears you shed on behalf of Syria's victims of western imperialism reek of hypocrisy.

BTW, Hypocrite, I spent 5 hours of my time volunteering yesterday at my local senior center, 25-30 hours for the entire week. What did you do for your community last week? How much money or time did you donate to Iraqi refugees or to the millions of Vietnamese civilians you helped to maim, murder, and displace? Twice.

Refugees of Iraq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You should be ashamed to call yourself an American. I mean, it's one thing to disagree with certain American policies, but you sir, are a traitor.
I let Georgie Boy's "volunteering" shtick go in one ear and out the other since he is so busy on his different forums to do anything else. The big question is Did he send at least $5 to UNICEF to help the Syrian Children? By the way, Georgie Boy can shed as many crocodile tears for the Palestinian as he wants, but I doubt if he spends any time on other forums condemning what is actually happening to innocent Arabs in other countries. Why should he waste his time since the Jews are not involved? However, let's leave Georgie Boy alone for a while as he is so busy with Wikipedia and his other sources to find something against Israel and the U.S. All this researching takes a lot of his time. Moreovert, as you can see, Georgie Boy is still obsessed over Vietnam, but he wouldn't take the time to go the short distance to Koreatown from his own residence where he can discuss this with the South Vietnamese (as well as several from North Vietnam) to get their views on this

No need to go to other forums. He can simply go to the Middle East section of this forum to discuss his feelings over the treatment of Arabs in Muslim states. Funny thing is, I've posted there many times and I never saw him or Sheri condemning any Arab state .. Since you know, the Joooos ain't involved
250,000 Joooos inflict their nation state upon 1.2 million Arabs in 1948 Palestine.
Without that Original Sin, we would be on the same page regarding Muslim authoritarianism.
That's your problem, not mine.

I've already dismantled that argument plenty of times. Give it up Georgie Boy
250,000 Joooos inflict their nation state upon 1.2 million Arabs in 1948 Palestine.
Without that Original Sin, we would be on the same page regarding Muslim authoritarianism.
That's your problem, not mine.

I've already dismantled that argument plenty of times. Give it up Georgie Boy
Show me your demographics for Mandate Palestine in 1948.
250,000 Joooos inflict their nation state upon 1.2 million Arabs in 1948 Palestine.
Without that Original Sin, we would be on the same page regarding Muslim authoritarianism.
That's your problem, not mine.

I've already dismantled that argument plenty of times. Give it up Georgie Boy
Show me your demographics for Mandate Palestine in 1948.
That was 1.2 million including Jordan, get it right asswipe.
I'm not denying the demographics at the time, I"m opposing your "inflict their nation" comment
When the majority would vote to kill the minority, I'm not such a big fan of democracy.
Not every Palestinian Arab would have voted for killing every Jew in 1948 just as many Jews were firmly opposed to a "Jewish Commonwealth" in Palestine:

"In May, 1942, before the full revelation of the Holocaust, the Biltmore Program proclaimed a fundamental departure from traditional Zionist policy of a 'homeland'[63] with its demand 'that Palestine be established as a Jewish Commonwealth.'

"Opposition to official Zionism’s firm, unequivocal stand caused some prominent Zionists to establish their own party, Ichud (Unification), which advocated an Arab – Jewish Federation in Palestine."

Anti-Zionism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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