Did Donald Trump Just Suggest Assassinating Hillary Clinton?

You're right, he's just an incredible dumbass who will always be saying incredibly stupid idiotic things that his staff will always have to scramble around and attempt to mitigate. It’s gonna be a great show.
First of all what proof do you have that shows he wanted The Crooked Bitch dead?
You're probably one of those idiots who made excuses for him when he said McCain's not a hero, we too seldom use nukes, we should sell out NATO allies and kill terrorists' families.
Too bad for you he never said those things. Fail.

Um, yeah, he did.

Welcome to the post-factual democracy where Trump says something plain as day on live TV, and his supporters deny it:

Donald Trump: John McCain is not a war hero - video
He was obviously talking about assassination.

Trump, the master of innuendo, implants the thought - and then blames others for misinterpreting his meaning.

I looked up and found all sorts of true threats against Romney when he was running in 2012. Wonder if all these that infer something because it's what they want to believe actually said a damn thing about those against Romney.
Fail. The voters who believe in the 2nd Amendment will go to the polls and prevent her from winning. You fucking people are stretching if you think he called for assasination if the bitch.
Although, if someone did assassinate her, nothing of value would be lost.

I'll go one further, any president that tries to strip the Second out of the Constitution probably needs to be shot...newsflash loons that is what the Second is all about...not hunting

Which is why it needs to go. A civil right for a Sport? Gimme a break. What's next, a 9 degree driver is the 28th amendment?
Well this should disqualify Donald Trump. If he can't control his fat mouth in a campaign how will he ever be able to serve this country's interests abroad?

"Donald Trump on Tuesday warned his supporters that if Hillary Clinton were elected president and appointed members to the Supreme Court, there was nothing anyone could do about it – but then added that, given the Second Amendment, maybe there was.

“If she gets to pick her judges ― nothing you can do, folks,” Trump said at a Wilmington, N.C., rally with a shrug. “Although: the Second Amendment, people, maybe there is. I don’t know.”

What Trump was actually suggesting was not clear. However his veterans affairs adviser found himself in hot water when he said that Clinton should face a firing squad over her use of a private email server.

Trump’s campaign did not respond to queries about his remark, but at least one person attending the rally appeared to sense the comment was out of bounds."
Donald Trump Suggests Shooting Hillary Clinton, Her Supreme Court Picks, Or Both

If Trump was a left-winger, then a comment like this should be taken seriously. After all; left-wingers killed Lincoln and JFK, and a leftist tried to kill Reagan

It wouldn't surprise me if the Secret Service arrested him over this, that's their brothers and fellow agents on the other side sworn to protect Clinton. His words put them in jeopardy.
Well this should disqualify Donald Trump. If he can't control his fat mouth in a campaign how will he ever be able to serve this country's interests abroad?

"Donald Trump on Tuesday warned his supporters that if Hillary Clinton were elected president and appointed members to the Supreme Court, there was nothing anyone could do about it – but then added that, given the Second Amendment, maybe there was.

“If she gets to pick her judges ― nothing you can do, folks,” Trump said at a Wilmington, N.C., rally with a shrug. “Although: the Second Amendment, people, maybe there is. I don’t know.”

What Trump was actually suggesting was not clear. However his veterans affairs adviser found himself in hot water when he said that Clinton should face a firing squad over her use of a private email server.

Trump’s campaign did not respond to queries about his remark, but at least one person attending the rally appeared to sense the comment was out of bounds."
Donald Trump Suggests Shooting Hillary Clinton, Her Supreme Court Picks, Or Both

More bat shit crazy talk from trump, but anyone normal would think he meant succeeding from the government, ya know how they did it 1776
“Yet even if Trump was joking, comments about assassinating the president or presidential candidates are not taken lightly by the Secret Service, whose agents are tasked with protecting politicians’ lives, even at the cost of their own.”

Even if Trump was ‘just joking’ it in no way mitigates the reckless stupidity of the ‘joke.’
He was obviously talking about assassination.

Trump, the master of innuendo, implants the thought - and then blames others for misinterpreting his meaning.

I looked up and found all sorts of true threats against Romney when he was running in 2012. Wonder if all these that infer something because it's what they want to believe actually said a damn thing about those against Romney.

They're a bunch of idiot loons...let them run around flapping their little arms and screeching
You're right, he's just an incredible dumbass who will always be saying incredibly stupid idiotic things that his staff will always have to scramble around and attempt to mitigate. It’s gonna be a great show.
First of all what proof do you have that shows he wanted The Crooked Bitch dead?

Jesus fuckwad, read the post again;

"You're right, he's just an incredible dumbass who will always be saying incredibly stupid idiotic things that his staff will always have to scramble around and attempt to mitigate. It’s gonna be a great show."

Did I assert that?

Then goodbye fuckwit.
Well this should disqualify Donald Trump. If he can't control his fat mouth in a campaign how will he ever be able to serve this country's interests abroad?

"Donald Trump on Tuesday warned his supporters that if Hillary Clinton were elected president and appointed members to the Supreme Court, there was nothing anyone could do about it – but then added that, given the Second Amendment, maybe there was.

“If she gets to pick her judges ― nothing you can do, folks,” Trump said at a Wilmington, N.C., rally with a shrug. “Although: the Second Amendment, people, maybe there is. I don’t know.”

What Trump was actually suggesting was not clear. However his veterans affairs adviser found himself in hot water when he said that Clinton should face a firing squad over her use of a private email server.

Trump’s campaign did not respond to queries about his remark, but at least one person attending the rally appeared to sense the comment was out of bounds."
Donald Trump Suggests Shooting Hillary Clinton, Her Supreme Court Picks, Or Both

More bat shit crazy talk from trump, but anyone normal would think he meant succeeding from the government, ya know how they did it 1776

Yeah, more bat shit crazy talk that proves he isn't fit to be our president.
Well this should disqualify Donald Trump. If he can't control his fat mouth in a campaign how will he ever be able to serve this country's interests abroad?

"Donald Trump on Tuesday warned his supporters that if Hillary Clinton were elected president and appointed members to the Supreme Court, there was nothing anyone could do about it – but then added that, given the Second Amendment, maybe there was.

“If she gets to pick her judges ― nothing you can do, folks,” Trump said at a Wilmington, N.C., rally with a shrug. “Although: the Second Amendment, people, maybe there is. I don’t know.”

What Trump was actually suggesting was not clear. However his veterans affairs adviser found himself in hot water when he said that Clinton should face a firing squad over her use of a private email server.

Trump’s campaign did not respond to queries about his remark, but at least one person attending the rally appeared to sense the comment was out of bounds."
Donald Trump Suggests Shooting Hillary Clinton, Her Supreme Court Picks, Or Both

If Trump was a left-winger, then a comment like this should be taken seriously. After all; left-wingers killed Lincoln and JFK, and a leftist tried to kill Reagan

It wouldn't surprise me if the Secret Service arrested him over this, that's their brothers and fellow agents on the other side sworn to protect Clinton. His words put them in jeopardy.

Unlike Hillary, Trump's actions and words haven't gotten people killed. But hey...what difference does it make....
Fail. The voters who believe in the 2nd Amendment will go to the polls and prevent her from winning. You fucking people are stretching if you think he called for assasination if the bitch.
Not quite!
According to Trump the election was over and Hillary GETS TO PICK SC justices.

“By the way, and if she gets to pick - if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know.”

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