Did California prove they don’t vote on issues that should matter?

and only an absolute fucking fool would not want anything to change over time to deal with changes in society.....and when i was still in the PO Amazon came to see how we moved the mail and liked it so much they awarded them a billion dollar contract,,,,they changed ...so they changed or at least adjusted to fit with the PO ....things are going to change whether you like it or not.....
Don’t move the goalpost to fit.
Aside from your favorite…SLAVERY / civil rights what positve “change” have you seen Democrats push in the last half century. I’ll wait patiently for your response.
The Lib fascination with CHANGE is just plain fucking bizarre…NOBODY sane fixes shit that isn’t broken. We built the greatest nation on earth in a very short 150 years doing it the same way we always did it…don’t tell me doing it the American Way has timed out and run it’s course.
Obviously Newsom didn’t win on his record and or accomplishments, he won because he makes ’people’ feel good about social issues.

Obviously, you're too stupid to be one person, if you believe that Newsom didn't win on his record. But we already knew that. Newsome won election as governor by more than 30% of the popular vote, and Republicans immediately began a recall petition.

California recall law is VERY easy to trigger. All you need is a petition 12% of the voters in the last election. Signatures must come from 5 different counties in California, and you have 5 months to collect them. It's not hard to find enough Republicans to force a recall election, but nearly impossible to find enough Republican voters in the state to vote the governor out of office.

Obviously, this was always the way it was going to turn out, but you're too blinded by your racism Republican lies which blame minorities for you being a BrokerLoser, rather 40 years of Republican tax and labor policies and laws, all to the benefit of Wall Street and the billionaires.
Its a simple concept…all one has to do is be self aware and realize that they may be a disgusting fithy piece of worthless shit of a human and if everyone voted on their “interests” the country or state would become a direct reflection of them….you know, like we’re seeing in Mexifornia.

See, good real core Americans have always voted to keep America in tact, to hand down the same America they inherited from those before them. Again, simple shit.

So good Americans. Core Americans in your opinion. Should care about what you think they should care about.

Want to win elections? And this goes for Democrats and Republicans. Stop shouting at people that they have to care about this or that. And listen to what they do care about.
So good Americans. Core Americans in your opinion. Should care about what you think they should care about.
Nope...I'm saying good, real core Americans vote to advance the nation as a whole, they vote to keep the American Way in tact.
Remember when there were legitimate Democrats...What do you think they meant by this?
Obviously Newsom didn’t win on his record and or accomplishments, he won because he makes ’people’ feel good about social issues.

I read recently politics have changed from such things as economies and wars to things such as transgender issues & BLM bullshit.

Think we're a dumbed down country? Bet your ass we are, and the Demonicrats are leading it.
Recalling someone for shits and giggles needs to stop.
How about recalling someone because they refuse to do the right things for the citizens, because they help Mexico's people fuck Americans over, because they haven't improved anything and they only foster degradation and societal decay?
Don’t move the goalpost to fit.
Aside from your favorite…SLAVERY / civil rights what positve “change” have you seen Democrats push in the last half century. I’ll wait patiently for your response.
The Lib fascination with CHANGE is just plain fucking bizarre…NOBODY sane fixes shit that isn’t broken. We built the greatest nation on earth in a very short 150 years doing it the same way we always did it…don’t tell me doing it the American Way has timed out and run it’s course.
what have the republicans done in the last 50 years?.....both parties have outlived their usefulness long ago.....only fools let their precious little parties tell them whats what.....
Obviously Newsom didn’t win on his record and or accomplishments, he won because he makes ’people’ feel good about social issues.

He won because rational people don't want a talk show host with no experience as governor.
Nope...I'm saying good, real core Americans vote to advance the nation as a whole, they vote to keep the American Way in tact.
Remember when there were legitimate Democrats...What do you think they meant by this?

Kennedy pushed Civil Rights. You know. Those laws and policies that pulled Black Americans out of the shadows to insure they were given equal rights.

Kennedy also refused to allow the Military to intervene during the Bay of Pigs. And refused the call of your good Core Americans to bomb Cuba into the Stone Age during the missile crisis.

Kennedy tolerated communism getting a solid foothold just 90 miles from our coast. And Cuban contacts pushed Communism through South and Central America.

So using your example of JFK, at least I believe he is your example since you posted a quote from him. You are saying Core Americans believe in Civil Rights, and self determination of the people even if that decision is towards Communism.

According to your example. Core Americans are Liberal.
How about recalling someone because they refuse to do the right things for the citizens, because they help Mexico's people fuck Americans over, because they haven't improved anything and they only foster degradation and societal decay?

The voters were given a choice. And didn’t they choose? Oh. That’s right. You are angry because they didn’t choose your idea of right.
I read recently politics have changed from such things as economies and wars to things such as transgender issues & BLM bullshit.

Think we're a dumbed down country? Bet your ass we are, and the Demonicrats are leading it.
They can't win on traditional governance and politics.....for that reason they have harvested a plethora of illegals, weirdos, barely legal unAmericans and America haters....They pull on their heart strings to get them to the polls....the tactic has worked flawlessly on blacks why not apply it across the spectrum.
I read recently politics have changed from such things as economies and wars to things such as transgender issues & BLM bullshit.

Think we're a dumbed down country? Bet your ass we are, and the Demonicrats are leading it.
Well you are partly correct. I would say right but the right is wrong. The redumlicons are the drag on America.
California has a very large forest area and the west is in an extreme drought. Do you want to complain that California is also responsible for major forest fires in Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Oregon, Texas, Utah and Washington?
Not to mention europe and Austrailia
The voters were given a choice. And didn’t they choose? Oh. That’s right. You are angry because they didn’t choose your idea of right.
That's kinda the premise of the thread bud....the ignorance of Mexifornia voters on full display....they voted for more failure, more degradation, more societal decay....because that what filthy human beings do.
Wanting to “change” the fundamental workings of America is like wanting to change the fundamental workings of Amazon….only an absolute fucking fool would think to change either.

Wonderful analogy. Amazon is set up to the financial benefit of Jeff Bezos, and no one else.
Nope...I'm saying good, real core Americans vote to advance the nation as a whole, they vote to keep the American Way in tact.
Remember when there were legitimate Democrats...What do you think they meant by this?

That was John F. Kennedy telling my generation that we should work to make the country great, instead of working simply for our own personal gain. This was his announcement of the Peace Corps. Asking college graduates to volunteer to work for low/no wages in Third World countries to advance "American interests", good works, and all around good will for the USA, throughout the world.

To serve their country - as people like Ruth Bader Ginsberg has done. As Robert Mueller - the Ivy League son of a wealthy family has done, as Joe Biden has done, and the Clintons - all went into government service when they could have made much more money in private practice.

Don't ask your country to make you rich, make your country a better place for everyone who hasn't had your advantages. It was a call to public service.

THAT's what John Kennedy meant by that.
That's kinda the premise of the thread bud....the ignorance of Mexifornia voters on full display....they voted for more failure, more degradation, more societal decay....because that what filthy human beings do.

In another reply you argued that Core Americans were Liberal. Will you make up your mind?
Obviously Newsom didn’t win on his record and or accomplishments, he won because he makes ’people’ feel good about social issues.

He won because Republican coalesced around a candidate whose politics were too extreme for a state like California. There were better choices out there.
so why should i believe your party is right?....

Because your nation is floundering and failing economically after 40 years of Republican tax codes, changes to labor, healthcare, and environment laws:
  • greatest wealth and income disparity in the First World
  • only country in the First World with a declining life expectancy
  • highest rate of infant mortality in the First World
  • highest rate of maternal death in childbirth in the First World
  • only country in the First World seeking to limit or ban women's access to abortion
  • only country in the First World seeking to make it more difficult for citizens to vote
  • only country in the First World without universal, government funded health care
  • worst covid outbreak and death rate in the First World
  • only First World country to experience 3 economic collapses in 40 years​
The 2008 Crash nearly took down the world economy, but we've disentangled ourselves from the American economy and poorly regulated banking systems to keep that from ever happening again.

The rest of the First World is watching the Decline of the American Empire. All of which has been brought about by Republican tax, labor and economic policies which have transferred the wealth of the nation to the top 10% and left the rest of the people in the lurch.

Your nation is in a downward spiral of preventable sickness and death, leading to violent assaults at school board meetings over public health concerns. This is insanity, and it's happening nowhere else in the first world.

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