Did Anyone Notice?,Hillary Has Been Slowing Down Her Speech Lately,Gee,Why?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
Sarasota, Florida
:cow: :eusa_silenced: :lalala: The last two times we saw Hillary {Via Matt and Todays Press}, did you notice how Hillary has slowed down the pace of her speech? Could it be that when Hillary talks at a normal pace, she has brain freezes, and/or a coughing fit?
Today and with Matt Lubberhead, she really slowed down her speech to the point of sounding like a robot! right?
It's as if she was reading from a cue card.
She wont be able to pull this off during the debate. Once Hillary loses her temper, we all know she will have another 4 Minute Coughing Attack !! :smoke: :badgrin:
:cow: :eusa_silenced: :lalala: The last two times we saw Hillary {Via Matt and Todays Press}, did you notice how Hillary has slowed down the pace of her speech? Could it be that when Hillary talks at a normal pace, she has brain freezes, and/or a coughing fit?
Today and with Matt Lubberhead, she really slowed down her speech to the point of sounding like a robot! right?
It's as if she was reading from a cue card.
She wont be able to pull this off during the debate. Once Hillary loses her temper, we all know she will have another 4 Minute Coughing Attack !! :smoke: :badgrin:

Hillary is just trying to get people to come to her speeches.

It's the only interest people have in coming to see her, maybe she will finally have that complete health break down they all know is coming.
Last week: Hillary doesn't speak in public. She's hiding her illness

This week: OK, so she talks.....but really slowly

Last week: Hillary doesn't speak in public. She's hiding her illness

This week: OK, so she talks.....but really slowly

can you imagine Hillary giving her order to a waiter?,,,,,,Uhmm,,,ahhh,....ok,,,,,I,,,,,,,,uh,,,,,,,,Will,,,,,,,,uh,,,,,,Have,,,,,,,,Uhhhh,,,,,
Meanwhile the waiter is about to explode and whack her with a menu!
:cow: :eusa_silenced: :lalala: The last two times we saw Hillary {Via Matt and Todays Press}, did you notice how Hillary has slowed down the pace of her speech? Could it be that when Hillary talks at a normal pace, she has brain freezes, and/or a coughing fit?
Today and with Matt Lubberhead, she really slowed down her speech to the point of sounding like a robot! right?
It's as if she was reading from a cue card.
She wont be able to pull this off during the debate. Once Hillary loses her temper, we all know she will have another 4 Minute Coughing Attack !! :smoke: :badgrin:
She's trying to get a few Republicans so she's talking really slow so they understand.
Like all of you, I have noticed the dramatic recent change in Mrs. Clinton's demeanor and communication tactics.

I think there are 3 possibilities.

1) The drugs that keep her from having spastic fits, coughing spasms, and brain freezes, make her Zombie-like;


2) Her natural deliverance is so bad....it rushes right past "Shrill". I would never accuse her of "Shrill" because it is on the banned Politically Correct list, as Sexist. But, I don't have to tarry with "Shrill". There is no need to get a ticket from the Politically Correctness Police when it is not necessary. Left to her natural delivery and ability, this bogus bitch rushes past mere "Shrill" straight to SREECH OWL----her handlers have said no;


3) Both of the above...which of course means that Zombie is the best we can hope for if she is president. Maybe she will be too out of it from the drugs to loot the Treasury...which is what she will do if the drugs don't slow her down.

The Director of the F. B. I. has basically she said she is not competent to be prosecuted for her crimes with the internet server and State Secrets....he basically said she was too "out of it" to be able to form the requisite intent to commit a crime...yet fools educated in the New American Public School System are going to vote for her anyway because they want to keep the Green Check coming.

History repeats itself. We keep improving our machines, but history still repeats itself, because Human Nature doesn't change...or it changes very very gradually.

If Hillary Clinton is elected, we may repeat, the "Caligula Phase" of the Human experience. She's that depraved.
I think you may have insulted Caligula lead acetate was used as a sweetner in his time and it has not yet been demonstrated that her brain has turned into Swiss head cheese.
Her handlers have to keep her doped up when she is in public, and tell her what to say via the earpiece.
How do we help her slow it to a stop?
why ..... do ..... you ..... want ..... smart..... to ..... stop ..... ?
Hitlery is proud of the high level of ignorance you achieved....

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