Destroying the Rule of Law to Get Trump

We will never know what it could have been because the Queer Barry administration used the IRS to curtail any organizing or funding.

One of the most despicable things ever done by the Federal government.
I was involved with a local version here.
No real valid national organization or 'card carry' membership.
The movement had impact in many Conservative candidates adopting some of it's platform and gathering votes from those involved.
Doesn't prevent a person(guv'mint employee) from holding political positions when it comes to what they think or how they vote.
Would allow discussing politics away from the workplace.
Doesn't prevent using personal political bias from affecting how they interpret or apply regulations or laws, or which ones they may choose to ignore.

Can you name any such regulations that are being ignored?
What an asswipe you are!
Milley would have legal cause to reject such since USA military policy is to respond to attacks, not initiate them.

Plus it plain crazy common to you Lefturds to think only the Rightwing would give abusive military orders.
See Biden's tuck tail and run out of Afghanistan living Billion$ of weapons and equipment to the USA enemies, the Taliban. If ever there was a case of a POTUS engaged in blatant treason and aid to our enemies ...

You are ignorant as hell. Nobody can countermand the order of the President. If the President orders a nuke strike the two man rule kicks in. But that second man is limited to confirming that the President is giving the order.
Repeat a lie often enough to make it a truth is the game-plan of the Leftist, Libturd, Democrat agenda ala Alinsky.

I'm sure both sides do it. When you're trying to get as many votes as possible to tip the balance, you need to say whatever it takes to move ignorant people over to your side.

"Libturd" though... grow the fuck up, what are you, 12 years old?
I'm sure both sides do it. When you're trying to get as many votes as possible to tip the balance, you need to say whatever it takes to move ignorant people over to your side.

"Libturd" though... grow the fuck up, what are you, 12 years old?
Review the litany of name calling thrown at we on the Right by you Leftists and it's a mild dose of quid pro quo
Review the litany of name calling thrown at we on the Right by you Leftists and it's a mild dose of quid pro quo

"you Leftists"... I don't name call. There are people on both sides who do name calling, it's not about political persuasion, it's about people not having good arguments, not looking at sources to try and find what is real and what isn't.

You're trying to justify insulting by saying "the other side does it too"... I mean, grow the f*ck up.
"you Leftists"... I don't name call. There are people on both sides who do name calling, it's not about political persuasion, it's about people not having good arguments, not looking at sources to try and find what is real and what isn't.

You're trying to justify insulting by saying "the other side does it too"... I mean, grow the f*ck up.
Stryder 50 does all of that because he can't carry the burden of proof on his assertions.
Stryder50 is a little confused. He imagines that the President has to have permission to order the use of nuclear weapons. I pointed out the fact that the President has the authority and doesn’t need permission. In fact. Refusing that order is a Courts Martial Offense. I mentioned the two man rule. Someone must confirm the President is giving the order and reading the correct code off of the biscuit.

Our good friend Strider thinks this is fake. My friend. The President is the Commander in Chief. There isn’t anyone higher that can countermand those or any orders.

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