Destroying the Rule of Law to Get Trump

They should have blown her fk'n head off! What kind of animal breaks into Congress and tries to jump thru a secured door w/ guns pulled by agents? The b!tch deserved it and more! :nono: :heehee::stir::eek:;)
According to the "Rule of Law" as laid out in the USA, one only has a Right to Kill in case of Self-Defense when there is a Reason cause to believe one's life is in danger, threatened with injury and/or death.

That agent committed MURDER!

The fact that you support such action indicates that you too are a criminal whom thinks they are above the law and also are a potential murderer.

You also appear to be a fascist and neo-Nazi, and indicative of the Scum common to the Left and member of AntiFa, and BLM.

By your standards Government Forces such as the National Guard should have responded to the illegal insurrection activities of AntiFa and BLM during the Summer of 2020 by shooting en-mass those lawbreakers attacking government buildings and agents.
Stryder50 is a latter-day John Birch Society organizer.

While I might support some of the agenda of an organization like the John Birch Society, I don't support all of their agenda.
Nor am I an organizer or member.
I do however oppose enemies of the USA such as yourself with your phony "Native American" charade and socialist/communist Marxist messaging seeking to destroy the USA from within.
You'd be best advised to immigrant to another country where your failed ideology is still embraced.
I think the concern was that Trump had become mentally unstable and dangerous after he lost the election, and staffers didn't know what he'd do next.
Greater concern is that Biden was never mentally stable enough to be POTUS and is a clear puppet of others seeking to undermine and destroy the USA.
Biden should have returned those documents once out of office. Otherwise he remains as "guilty" as some would claim Trump is.
A replay of "Truman" in wake of Obama would have spared the nation from some of the damage Obama did.

Some differences. Let’s cover them shall we?

First. In the case of Biden. So far, and yes I admit the information could change as we learn more, it appears as though these files were in boxes that nobody looked in. That indicates that these files were mistakenly put into the wrong boxes. Probably towards the end of the Obama Admin when the scramble is on to shit down one administration and transition to the next.

In the case of Trump. The files were located, and were known about for months before they were recovered.

In the case of Biden. When it became possible that he might have some. He sent lawyers to go through every box and insure there were none.

Trump by comparison lied to the FBI and said there were none.

Biden’s lawyers called the FBI when the files were located and reported it immediately. Same day if not the same hour. The FBI searched all boxes to make sure no more files existed.

BTW Pence did exactly the same thing as Biden. Searching for files, and then reporting it to the appropriate authorities as soon as they were found.

Trump lied when he got a letter and said there were no more files.

Trump lied when he got the subpoena and claimed there were no more files.

Trump ordered his staff to hide the files from his own lawyers who would not claim they had done a search if they hadn’t in reply to the subpoena

Trump ranted and raged when the FBI showed up to search for and remove the files with a warrant.

Now the actions of Pence and Biden make the probable story of an inadvertent mistake plausible. Trump can’t really claim it was an accident can he?

So we see it is really two different types of cases. But let’s say you are right. Biden is guilty. Fine. Prosecute him when he leaves office. Until then, Trump will face the music for violations of a dozen different laws.

It is yet another massive Trump Blunder.
You can tell how scholarly the article is by it position that the democrats are the devil.

Yet Trump wounds are self inflicted.

Rule of law is man's law. You can't escape it by putting it on cloud 9 with idealism.

That why you have 9 supreme court justices who rarely agree when hearing the same case.

The rule of government. The government of law for people and determined by people.

It just an idea that will never live up to its hype.

yeah and justice is blind
Article is far more scholarly than you are.

You don't even have guts or integrity enough to provide information on yourself other than a birthdate and age, both of which could be fabrications.
Fiero's "unemployment is still under 4%, gas prices down, no recession or inflation spikes, & recovering from Trump's incompetent handling of Covid-19 P@ndemic!" and OKTexas cannot rebut it with fact or logic.
Biden's "achievements" come at current costs of increase to National Debt of over $6.5 Trillion. Highest rate to date.
The precedent case for Colorado, the only case that tested this set of laws and the courts made a decision on, applies.

The fellow in question was not qualified according to the Constitution. He was not a Natural Born Citizen. Colorado ruled he was ineligible in a similar court case. Hassan appealed and argued that his eligibility came into question later, it shouldn’t prevent him from being on the ballot.

But, as the magistrate judge's opinion makes clear and we expressly reaffirm here, a state's legitimate interest in protecting the integrity and practical functioning of the political process permits it to exclude from the ballot candidates who are constitutionally prohibited from assuming office. See generally Munro v. Socialist Workers Party, 479 U.S. 189, 193-95 (1986); Bullock v. Carter, 405 U.S. 134, 145(1972).

The judgment of the district court is affirmed. Appellant's motion for publication is denied.

Entered for the Court

Neil M. Gorsuch

Circuit Judge

So as Justice Gorsuch wrote, it is in the legitimate interest of a State to protect the integrity of the Political Process. It wasn’t decided on who could win. The Court didn’t say that Hassan couldn’t win, or that the question should be decided by the voters. The Court ruled that candidates should be excluded if they are ineligible to serve.

Michigan state laws do not permit them to remove a candidate. So if Hassan was on the ballot there, people could vote for him. But Colorado has a section of laws that allow, or even require the Secretary of State to remove ineligible candidates from the ballot. Ineligible according to the Constitution of the United States.

If or when the Supremes consider this issue from Colorado, they’re going to decide partially based upon a decision written by Gorsuch when he was an appeals court judge.

This is a minefield for Trump. Because there are three questions that must be answered in the decision from the Supreme Court. 1) Was the effort to overturn the election an Insurrection? The Colorado Courts decided that at every level. And here the Supreme Court is supposed to decide it based upon the evidence presented in the trial. The Supremes are free to decide it any way they want. But if they say yes to that first question it raises the next.

2) Was Donald Trump a part of the Insurrection? The 14th does not say people convicted of Insurrection. It merely says those who violated the oath to support the Constitution by participating in or providing aide and comfort to participants of an insurrection. If the court rules that yes Trump was involved in violation of the oath, well Trump’s ability to be President now hinges on the third question.

3) Does the Fourteenth apply to the office of the President? The office is not specifically mentioned. But the Executive Branch is mentioned, and the President is the head of the Executive Branch.

A yes answer to that third question means that Trump is ineligible to be President unless the Congress votes by a 2/3 majority to remove the disability.
There was no "insurrection".
Especially in comparison to that of the Summer of 2020 by the Left and Democrats.
And only one state so far versus 49 others.
He did if China had worries about the mental state of Trump. It's best if everyone with large guns keeps a cool head.
Tell that to CCP China which has an agenda to arm and prepare for making war upon the USA and the West.
Insurrection and social disruption throughout the world has been the goal and agenda/actions of CCP China for decades now and going into future decades.
There was no "insurrection".
Especially in comparison to that of the Summer of 2020 by the Left and Democrats.
And only one state so far versus 49 others.

Two states. Well three. Maine has removed Trump too for the same thing. Michigan found that it was an insurrection, and Trump did participate, but the Michigan State Laws did not permit removal of a candidate.

So three so far have come to the same conclusion and two have removed Trump from the ballot. The third would like to, but can’t.

While I might support some of the agenda of an organization like the John Birch Society, I don't support all of their agenda.
Nor am I an organizer or member.
I do however oppose enemies of the USA such as yourself with your phony "Native American" charade and socialist/communist Marxist messaging seeking to destroy the USA from within.
You'd be best advised to immigrant to another country where your failed ideology is still embraced.
I am American of Americans, my fascist friend. :) Birchers, such as you, are similar to Muslims who consider a lie in defense of their beliefs a righteous deed. You are Bircher.
Article is far more scholarly than you are.

You don't even have guts or integrity enough to provide information on yourself other than a birthdate and age, both of which could be fabrications.
Another ad hom and another set of allegations by Stryder50 without evidence.

Anyone who cites The Epoch Times as a source is by evidence defined as person who does not belief in morals and truth. You act like a true fascist and Bircher.
As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff it was MOST definitely his call to make. In fact, the only other person with sufficient authority to make such a call, is the Secretary of State.

As for your second sentence, Joe Biden isn't batshit crazy, unlike Trump. Yesterday was the aniversary of Trump's assassination of the Iranian defense minister - a violation of international law. Nor has he ever asked the military why we can't use the nukes.
OMG !!!
Are you really that STUPID, and/or intentionally an agent of Dis-information and Lies ??? !!!

Both "Joint Chief of Staff"* and Secretary of State are offices within the Executive Branch of USA Government and under the Control and Authority of the POTUS. Neither are independent operatives nor "Agent Plenipotentiary" without instruction from the POTUS and/or consent of Congress, especially with regard to anything approaching foreign treaty nature.

Milley was definitely out of line, insubordinate, and should have been subject to "Courts Martial". Only had he retired from Military and withdrew his rank as General could he have been a "free agent" and even then may have been subject legal charges.

Similar applies to any "Secretary of State" whom acts as person in place of POTUS in relation top foreign states and is only allowed to legal speak as authorized by the POTUS.

Biden is beyond "batshit crazy", he is rampant denominational and feeble. A mere puppet.
As for "Iranian defense minister", with USA in a covert war with Iran and Iranian policy of death and destruction to the USA, well within authority of POTUS to sanction the kill of a leader whom has led attacks against Americans and been responsible for hundreds of American deaths.

BTW, that wasn't the "Iranian defense minister" it was;
Qasem Soleimani (Persian: قاسم سلیمانی, romanized: Qâsem Soleymâni; 11 March 1957[note 1] – 3 January 2020) was an Iranian military officer who served in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). From 1998 until his assassination by the U.S. in 2020, he was the commander of the Quds Force, an IRGC division primarily responsible for extraterritorial and clandestine military operations. In his later years, he was considered by some analysts to be the right-hand man of the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei, as well as the second-most powerful person in Iran behind him.[12][13][14]
Considering his attacks against the USA, which might also be considered outside the "international law" the USA was well within our rights toi remove this Islamic Jihadist Terrorist threat.

Try getting your facts straight and learn more before making an idiot of yourself.
A general's duty is to corral crazies like Trump.
A general's duties are to obey all lawful orders and protect the Constitution of the USA. In this and all cases they come ultimately from Commander-in-Chief/CNC = POTUS (President Of The United States).

Nowhere in the oath taken by USA military officers nor in their Codes of Conduct are they empowered to "corral crazies" of any sort. Even if they are Biden and his goons.

It's clear you've never been in the USA military, know Constitutional, nor have a clue what you are talking about.
A general's duties are to obey all lawful orders and protect the Constitution of the USA. In this and all cases they come ultimately from Commander-in-Chief/CNC = POTUS (President Of The United States).

Nowhere in the oath taken by USA military officers nor in their Codes of Conduct are they empowered to "corral crazies" of any sort. Even if they are Biden and his goons.

It's clear you've never been in the USA military, know Constitutional, nor have a clue what you are talking about.
So if Trump told Milley to fire nuclear missiles at China, he should have just said “yes sir” and done it.

According to you.
The reason The Tea Party never blossomed into a national political force is because the Queer Negro's administration illegally used the power of the Federal government to disenfranchise a grassroot liberty movement.

The same kind of oppressive shit we saw when the Democrats stole the 2020 election and then used the Federal Government to attack any political opposition. You know, Banana Republic type of oppression.
The "TEA* Party" was an ideological movement meant to object to certain National Policies coming from a rogue Democrat Party Administration in the White House.

It was never meant to be, or intended to be another Political Party on level with the RNP or DNP.

* TEA = Taxed Enough Already

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