Despite 'The Covington LIE' Being Exposed, Dems / Snowflakes Still Issue Death Threats & Hate-March


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"longer versions of the encounter soon appeared, showing it began when a group of Hebrew Israelites hurled offensive language at the teens. And the students said they were dancing and singing along with the Native American music, not mocking it.

Like many Americans, Park Hills City Council member Wesley Deters discovered the original video clip on social media.

She found it odd. The behavior didn't fit what she knew of the students at Covington Catholic, where her husband is an alumnus and her three sons are likely to enroll.

But after a nearly two-hour video of the incident started making the rounds, her confusion turned into anger.

"Our children were used as pawns for an ulterior leftist agenda," she said.

"Anybody threatening violence should be totally ashamed of themselves," said Lance Soto, co-chairman of the American Indian Movement Chapter of Indiana and Kentucky, who helped organize the gathering.

"This is a very serious matter that has already permanently altered the lives of many people," the statement read. "It is important for us to gather the facts that will allow us to determine what corrective actions, if any, are appropriate."

"They have been so slammed with messages and threats, very serious threats of violence, that I don't know when they plan to reopen," said Mike Schafer, director of communications for the neighboring Cincinnati archdiocese.

Regardless of whether Covington Catholic was going to be open Tuesday, Marty Boyer had already made his decision: He was going to keep his son, a junior, home for the day.

"When I think about security in the context of this, I evaluate how quickly this story was taken out of proportion; it is not a big deal to keep him home for a day," Boyer said. "Keeping him safe at home for a day is not going to wreck his education."

The entire 'Covington School' scandal was a masterful piece of Leftist Extremist Fake News, and the Leftist Extremists conned and manipulated easily emotionally-manipulated mentally unstable snowflakes into action just as easily as the Russians used social media to get them to organize and march for them back into 2016. They all rushed to answer Hillary's earlier call for more violent intolerance.

CNN, MSNBC, and other Liberal Propaganda-Pushers did not just quickly gulp the bullshit being fed to them and pile on - they went even further, calling for violence against the Covington High School Students - calling for them to be slapped, punched in the face. Other insane Hollywood Nut Bags called for the kids to be thrown into a wood chipper head first.



"Boyer, the Covington Catholic parent, wondered whether the students who took the District of Columbia trip got in over their heads by wearing pro-Trump hats on the Mall. "The young men had on a flag that they were not prepared to defend. Right or wrong, they had a flag on, and that flag is a lightning rod, and those young boys were not prepared for it," Boyer said."

'Those who do not accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy'.
-- Hillary Clinton

Here above you have the Father of a child pondering / wondering if his son 'invited' violence against himself by WEARING A HAT THAT SUPPORTED / SUPPORTS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...IN THE UNITED STATES!


Radical Leftists Extremists have made it dangerous for Americans to wear patriotic gear and to wear clothes that shows support for the President of the United States - THAT IS 'A THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY!'

One Conservative refused to allow Liberal Extremists to hijack the 'MAGA' phrase and Red 'MAGA hat' symbol, attempting to label it the 'new white hood'. Instead he attempted to educate the REAL racists and hate-mongers who tried to do so:

'One man, Don Wegman, came to Tuesday's protest wearing the same red "Make America great again" hat. He said he had supported Trump's campaign and came because he was worried by the threats against children. He had a message of reconciliation. "My hat," he said, "represents coming together, not tearing people down."

OF COURSE snowflakes and Liberal extremists - the same ones who bought this lie, threatened teens with violence, and continue to do so after the entire ;scandal' was exposed as a lie - are going to say the opposite. They have been sore loser, butt-hurt, Trump-hating extremists since Trump beat Hillary. They have incited violence, incited an assassination attempt on GOP politicians, openly called for public harassment of Conservatives, have openly called for an escalation in violent intolerance, and - as seen now - are not dissuaded by TRUTH / FACTS from issuing threats of violence to kids , calling for them to be thrown into a wood chipper head-1st.
The Left and MSM will take advantage of any video they can alter to show religion in a bad light. Its not a search for truth, its a culture war, and the Left and MSM are on the same side. Who threatens kids? The Left.
Snowflakes and Extremists are PISSED that the Covington HS student did not fall for their 'baiting', that he demonstrated extreme discipline in the face of real prejudice / racism, that he did not take a swing at them. :p
Rep. Ilhan Omar faces backlash for new attacks on Covington students

Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., is facing a social media backlash for going after Covington Catholic students anew Tuesday night, even after many in the media acknowledged initially misreporting on their widely viewed confrontation with a Native-American elder in Washington last week.

"Omar weighed in on the subject, responding to President Trump’s tweet defending Covington student Nick Sandmann and his peers -- by claiming they were taunting the black protesters despite accounts to the contrary and citing a videotaped comment about rape, though it's unclear whether it was one of the Covington students who said it."

Evidently being a Liberal Extremist means NEVER having to have evidence to support your false accusations and never having to say sorry after being exposed as being WRONG!
The Communists learned long ago that it's the headline that matters. Most people never see the retractions.
'Sexually abused'....where have I heard that before?

Oh yeah, from the sick demented Leftist extremists who called for the president's son to be ripped from the 1st Lady's arms, kidnapped, caged, and raped by pedophiles....who called for women on Trump's team to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped on camera for 'posterity'.....

Yeah, you're right - 'Fake News' .... people doing such things could never happen.

"longer versions of the encounter soon appeared, showing it began when a group of Hebrew Israelites hurled offensive language at the teens. And the students said they were dancing and singing along with the Native American music, not mocking it.

Like many Americans, Park Hills City Council member Wesley Deters discovered the original video clip on social media.

She found it odd. The behavior didn't fit what she knew of the students at Covington Catholic, where her husband is an alumnus and her three sons are likely to enroll.

But after a nearly two-hour video of the incident started making the rounds, her confusion turned into anger.

"Our children were used as pawns for an ulterior leftist agenda," she said.

"Anybody threatening violence should be totally ashamed of themselves," said Lance Soto, co-chairman of the American Indian Movement Chapter of Indiana and Kentucky, who helped organize the gathering.

"This is a very serious matter that has already permanently altered the lives of many people," the statement read. "It is important for us to gather the facts that will allow us to determine what corrective actions, if any, are appropriate."

"They have been so slammed with messages and threats, very serious threats of violence, that I don't know when they plan to reopen," said Mike Schafer, director of communications for the neighboring Cincinnati archdiocese.

Regardless of whether Covington Catholic was going to be open Tuesday, Marty Boyer had already made his decision: He was going to keep his son, a junior, home for the day.

"When I think about security in the context of this, I evaluate how quickly this story was taken out of proportion; it is not a big deal to keep him home for a day," Boyer said. "Keeping him safe at home for a day is not going to wreck his education."

The entire 'Covington School' scandal was a masterful piece of Leftist Extremist Fake News, and the Leftist Extremists conned and manipulated easily emotionally-manipulated mentally unstable snowflakes into action just as easily as the Russians used social media to get them to organize and march for them back into 2016. They all rushed to answer Hillary's earlier call for more violent intolerance.

CNN, MSNBC, and other Liberal Propaganda-Pushers did not just quickly gulp the bullshit being fed to them and pile on - they went even further, calling for violence against the Covington High School Students - calling for them to be slapped, punched in the face. Other insane Hollywood Nut Bags called for the kids to be thrown into a wood chipper head first.



"Boyer, the Covington Catholic parent, wondered whether the students who took the District of Columbia trip got in over their heads by wearing pro-Trump hats on the Mall. "The young men had on a flag that they were not prepared to defend. Right or wrong, they had a flag on, and that flag is a lightning rod, and those young boys were not prepared for it," Boyer said."

'Those who do not accept the results of elections are threats to our democracy'.
-- Hillary Clinton

Here above you have the Father of a child pondering / wondering if his son 'invited' violence against himself by WEARING A HAT THAT SUPPORTED / SUPPORTS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...IN THE UNITED STATES!


Radical Leftists Extremists have made it dangerous for Americans to wear patriotic gear and to wear clothes that shows support for the President of the United States - THAT IS 'A THREAT TO OUR DEMOCRACY!'

One Conservative refused to allow Liberal Extremists to hijack the 'MAGA' phrase and Red 'MAGA hat' symbol, attempting to label it the 'new white hood'. Instead he attempted to educate the REAL racists and hate-mongers who tried to do so:

'One man, Don Wegman, came to Tuesday's protest wearing the same red "Make America great again" hat. He said he had supported Trump's campaign and came because he was worried by the threats against children. He had a message of reconciliation. "My hat," he said, "represents coming together, not tearing people down."

OF COURSE snowflakes and Liberal extremists - the same ones who bought this lie, threatened teens with violence, and continue to do so after the entire ;scandal' was exposed as a lie - are going to say the opposite. They have been sore loser, butt-hurt, Trump-hating extremists since Trump beat Hillary. They have incited violence, incited an assassination attempt on GOP politicians, openly called for public harassment of Conservatives, have openly called for an escalation in violent intolerance, and - as seen now - are not dissuaded by TRUTH / FACTS from issuing threats of violence to kids , calling for them to be thrown into a wood chipper head-1st.
Here above you have the Father of a child pondering / wondering if his son 'invited' violence against himself by WEARING A HAT THAT SUPPORTED / SUPPORTS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...IN THE UNITED STATES!

That's how this entire slide happened. one parent, then another, and so on. OMG. Stand up for your fking son you fking illiterate! You live in fking America, the greatest country in the world, you should be proud of your son and not drop to your knees for forgiveness. fk you weak ass parents.
They must have found the pictures of those students in blackface harrassing black kids.

Republicans raise their children to be so nasty.

Blackface, racism, sexual assault, Squee. Where does it end?
They must have found the pictures of those students in blackface harrassing black kids.

Republicans raise their children to be so nasty.

Blackface, racism, sexual assault, Squee. Where does it end?
dude, any fking day. your insulting behavior is puke for you to drink. keep in your house fk head.

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