
I'm not suggesting in any way that racism was the impetus for the Tea Party movement. But it's blatantly obvious to any objective observer that many racists have since jumped on the bandwagon. And that's a real problem for perception, and denying this fact doesn't make it go away.

As I have no reason to doubt your perception, I accept that this is your perception.

Based on my experience, and without evidence to the contrary, I will have to believe for now that your perception is wrong.
I'm not suggesting in any way that racism was the impetus for the Tea Party movement. But it's blatantly obvious to any objective observer that many racists have since jumped on the bandwagon. And that's a real problem for perception, and denying this fact doesn't make it go away.

As I have no reason to doubt your perception, I accept that this is your perception.

Based on my experience, and without evidence to the contrary, I will have to believe for now that your perception is wrong.

It isn't my perception you need to worry about. It's the general public's perception. And if you're a day older than 5 years old, you most likely understand that perception, even if 100% incorrect, can still make a huge difference.
I'm not suggesting in any way that racism was the impetus for the Tea Party movement. But it's blatantly obvious to any objective observer that many racists have since jumped on the bandwagon. And that's a real problem for perception, and denying this fact doesn't make it go away.

As I have no reason to doubt your perception, I accept that this is your perception.

Based on my experience, and without evidence to the contrary, I will have to believe for now that your perception is wrong.

It isn't my perception you need to worry about. It's the general public's perception. And if you're a day older than 5 years old, you most likely understand that perception, even if 100% incorrect, can still make a huge difference.

It is the perception the Administration, liberal Democrats (and a few liberal Repubicans), and their surrogate media really want to create. And they've done their damndest to create it just like you did here. I'll give you that.

But the reality and the artificially created perception are two different things. The gullible believe the hype they are spoon fed. The intelligent check it out for themselves.

One example, the very few people who brought what we thought were inflammatory or suggestive signs to our tea party rallies were asked to put them away and use something more appropriate. They all did. We did have a handful of folks with inflammatory signs who showed up on the fringes now and then and did not participate other than do their damndest to get those signs in front of the TV cameras. Not one of us had ever seen those people or knew any of them. And when the TV crews left, so did they.

Perception? Plants by those intent on smearing the tea party event.

Draw your own conclusions.

I have my own perceptions.
What has become of today's liberalism that makes it acceptable to attack the mentally handicapped if they or their parents are conservatives?

Consider the following disgraceful posting about Trig Palin published at the left-leaning website Wonkette Monday:

That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history. [...]

Liberal Website Wonkette Disgracefully Attacks Trig Palin On His Third Birthday |

Huggies, Papa John's and Vanguard have pulled ads. People on Twitter are calling for more sponsors to do the same.

The liberals have been deplorable scum to the Palin family. That reflects on their mentality and lack of morals and plain common decency. Every single one of them should be ashamed but being sociopathic are incapable of the thing called shame.
I'm not suggesting in any way that racism was the impetus for the Tea Party movement. But it's blatantly obvious to any objective observer that many racists have since jumped on the bandwagon. And that's a real problem for perception, and denying this fact doesn't make it go away.

Most blatant racists belong to the demonRat party always have. deal with it.
I didn't use to be a birther until people like you would argue a point and did not give good argument. I have discreidted most arguments I have encountered. Thanks for making me a birther, the name is like a shield of honor.

Then it shouldn't be hard for you to cite where I have made bad arguments against those who believe the president isn't a US citizen.

Unless of course you're lying.

I don't recall any discussion you and I have made on the subject.
But my argument still stands on my of my points they haven't been disproven.

But you did say

The birthers have been comprehensively discredited

So you were lying.

Now can I use the OP's logic to broadbrush all conservatives as liars because we know this reb guy is one???
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What has become of today's liberalism that makes it acceptable to attack the mentally handicapped if they or their parents are conservatives?

Consider the following disgraceful posting about Trig Palin published at the left-leaning website Wonkette Monday:

That strange man yelling unintelligibly at Sarah Palin? He’s merely a lowly shepherd proclaiming the birth of our savior. Today is the day we come together to celebrate the snowbilly grifter’s magical journey from Texas to Alaska to deliver to the America the great gentleman scholar Trig Palin. Is Palin his true mother? Or was Bristol? (And why is it that nobody questions who the father is? Because, either way, Todd definitely did it.) It doesn’t matter. What matters is that we are privileged to live in a time when we can witness the greatest prop in world political history. [...]

Liberal Website Wonkette Disgracefully Attacks Trig Palin On His Third Birthday |

Huggies, Papa John's and Vanguard have pulled ads. People on Twitter are calling for more sponsors to do the same.

Absolutely Disgusting...but this is what passes for wit among the humor challenged moonbats.
The reason the liberals attack Palin and also trump for that matter is because 1) they fear them and 2) they cannot mount an intelligent counter argument to the points people like Palin and Trump make.

The birthers have been comprehensively discredited. Where have you been?

Who said anything about birthers?

Reading comprehension! Learn it!

Now you're denying that one of Trump's points has been that Obama wasn't born in the US?

Are you denying that Trump is a birther?
I'm not suggesting in any way that racism was the impetus for the Tea Party movement. But it's blatantly obvious to any objective observer that many racists have since jumped on the bandwagon. And that's a real problem for perception, and denying this fact doesn't make it go away.

Where do you think we racists should go? To the racist democrats, where every black racist in the land has settled down to live? White racists have had it up to here with all the crime and welfare engendered by the paternalism of you socialists, and we are proud to be able to band together under ANY umbrella to protest and combat the loss of civilization caused by you and your ilk. White folks who want to be left alone and not bothered by you liberal, communist, socialist, Marxist, Zionist agitators will soon be taking back our rightful place as the leaders and movers of our country. Say goodnight, Izzy.
I'd rather not.

You, on the other hand, I would LOVE to throw down with you.
I'll beat you so bad, you'll think Perkins is still on the Celtics.

No, you would likely pee yourself.

You seem like the kinda guy who punches like a girl.

******, all you and yo' brothers think about is stealing, fucking white pussy, and basketball, so what fucking good are you creeps ? You will be returning to your motherland soon. See how you like it there without the white man's support and your jungle bros start shrinking your already small heads.
I'll beat you so bad, you'll think Perkins is still on the Celtics.

No, you would likely pee yourself.

You seem like the kinda guy who punches like a girl.

******, all you and yo' brothers think about is stealing, fucking white pussy, and basketball, so what fucking good are you creeps ? You will be returning to your motherland soon. See how you like it there without the white man's support and your jungle bros start shrinking your already small heads.
And i'm quite sure you would be more than willing to head down to South Central L.A. or Watts and talk that shit, eh?

C'mon, be honest.........Would you would be willing to tallk that shit in a black neighborhood?

I'll be waiting for your HONEST reply.:eusa_whistle:

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