Desperate Seditious Dems Launch Latest False Accusations Against Trump Team...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Notice how the two Alaskan Senators supposedly being 'blackmailed' in this case are NOT the ones calling for the investigation, not making these accusations, and are not even complaining about this having happened.... The accusations are bing made by Go figure. :p

Trump’s Interior Secretary Under Investigation For Pressuring Lawmakers On Obamacare

The Interior Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) is investigating Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke for allegedly pressuring both of Alaska’s senators to support a Trump-backed health care bill, The Hill reported Thursday.

Deputy Inspector General Mary Kendall announced the OIG’s intent to investigate Zinke in a letter to two congressman Wednesday.

Democrat Reps. Raul Grijalva of Arizona and Frank Pallone of New Jersey had asked the OIG to investigate Zinke, alleging he broke federal lobbying laws in his phone calls to Alaska Sens. Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan.

Zinke said accusations that he threatened cutting off federal funds to Alaska over the health care vote are “laughable.”

The Interior secretary drank a beer with Murkowski Thursday following the fallout over the phone calls. He announced the meeting on Twitter with a picture of him and the Alaska senator holding a couple brews."

1. Murkowski and Sullivan are adults, cully capable of standing up for themselves if they felt pressured or if they were being 'blackmailed'. They don't need sleazy Democrats from ARIZONA and NEW JERSEY making (false) accusations on behalf of Alaska and / or them.

2. Snowflakes are just pissed the situation was handled the way Barry handled his / his professor friend's racist faux pas - with a BEER SUMMIT.

Another butt-hurt snowflake scam / scheme shot to hell. Nice try, losers.

Very simple. Any time Trump or a member of his team speaks to anyone about anything at all claim it's a threat or a lie. The hyper response will eventually cause the administration to cease communicating with democrats and even some rinos. Then the complaint can be that the administration refuses to speak to others.

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