Deserter Returns to US


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Get AOL News Alerts » 4 Years Later, Deserter to Return to ArmyBy RUSS BYNUM, AP
posted: 13 HOURS AGOcomments: 784filed under: Iraq News, National NewsPrintShareText SizeAAASAVANNAH, Ga. (Feb. 10) --

Sporting a dragon tattoo on his forearm and skulls on both biceps, Cliff Cornell looks tough. But he dissolves into tears as he reflects on his return to the Army four years after he fled to Canada to avoid the war in Iraq.
"I'm nervous, scared," Cornell said, wiping puffy eyes beneath his sunglasses Monday at a Savannah hotel after a three-day bus ride from Seattle. "I'm just not a fighter. I know it sounds funny, but I have a really soft heart."

Fleeing War Duty in IraqStephen Morton, AP3 photos Cliff Cornell, here in a hotel room Monday in Savannah, Ga., planned to surrender Tuesday to military police in nearby Fort Stewart. The 29-year-old fled to Canada in 2005 to avoid being deployed to Iraq and will likely face criminal charges. "I'm nervous, I'm scared," Cornell said.

Cornell, 29, of Mountain Home, Ark., planned to turn himself in to military police Tuesday at nearby Fort Stewart, where he'll likely face criminal charges for abandoning his unit before it deployed to Iraq in January 2005.

4 Years Later, Deserter to Return to Army

I'm not about to judge this guy, and I don't have any thoughts on what his punishment should be. My question is "why do people like this join in the first place? When you join the military, you know you may be put in a position where killing other human beings is the objective, whether you like it or not. If you know that you are incapable of doing such a thing, then why join?
If he had some conscientious objection to fighting in Iraq specifically, I'd understand. But saying "I'm not a fighter" does indicate that he should have looked into another profession.
Get AOL News Alerts » 4 Years Later, Deserter to Return to ArmyBy RUSS BYNUM, AP
posted: 13 HOURS AGOcomments: 784filed under: Iraq News, National NewsPrintShareText SizeAAASAVANNAH, Ga. (Feb. 10) --

Sporting a dragon tattoo on his forearm and skulls on both biceps, Cliff Cornell looks tough. But he dissolves into tears as he reflects on his return to the Army four years after he fled to Canada to avoid the war in Iraq.
"I'm nervous, scared," Cornell said, wiping puffy eyes beneath his sunglasses Monday at a Savannah hotel after a three-day bus ride from Seattle. "I'm just not a fighter. I know it sounds funny, but I have a really soft heart."

Fleeing War Duty in IraqStephen Morton, AP3 photos Cliff Cornell, here in a hotel room Monday in Savannah, Ga., planned to surrender Tuesday to military police in nearby Fort Stewart. The 29-year-old fled to Canada in 2005 to avoid being deployed to Iraq and will likely face criminal charges. "I'm nervous, I'm scared," Cornell said.

Cornell, 29, of Mountain Home, Ark., planned to turn himself in to military police Tuesday at nearby Fort Stewart, where he'll likely face criminal charges for abandoning his unit before it deployed to Iraq in January 2005.

4 Years Later, Deserter to Return to Army

I'm not about to judge this guy, and I don't have any thoughts on what his punishment should be. My question is "why do people like this join in the first place? When you join the military, you know you may be put in a position where killing other human beings is the objective, whether you like it or not. If you know that you are incapable of doing such a thing, then why join?
to get money for college or to be able to support their children or a way out of their neighborhood. When I see footage from Irag I have noticed quite a bit of African American females and males along with hispanics. When watching the news I have noticed quite a bit of the ones who have killed are african american or hispanic.
My ex boyfriend was raised by a single mother and had his first child his senior year, he joined before 9/11 so he could support his child better and to recieve help for college.
There's no way to understand the military until you're actually in the military. He'll probably get a few months in the stockade, and a discharge that is less than honorable. If he was that ill- equipped to go to Iraq, he probably did everyone else a favor by running away.
Could he not get a Job in the military that doesn't involve the actual combat? Not all jobs in the military involve actual fighting, at least that was the case the last time I checked.
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Cliff Cornell is a coward. He didn't have the stomach for it and took the cowards way out. He could have gotten a discharge for mental illness if he really couldn't handle it.
Could he not get a Job in the military that doesn't involve the actual combat? Not all jobs in the military involve actual fighting, at least that was the case the last time I checked.

It is not that simple. For one the military is very resistant to even granting objector status, for another EVERYONE in Iraq does patrols and guard duty. There are no "behind the line" jobs in Iraq.

This guy is a coward. He had other options besides fleeing to Canada. If he honestly objected to fighting he could have refused to board the plane and faced his music that day. Instead he tried to run away and hide in Canada.

There is only one person in the military that has ever done it right. A Lt at Fort Lewis Washington refused to obey orders claiming they were illegal. He did not run away, he did not hide, he stood up and said "this is what I believe" he faced the music for his choice. He was wrong, but THAT is how you do it.

This guy had to have joined KNOWING we were in a war. After he got all the free room and board, training and pay he objected to actually fulfilling his CONTRACT. And instead of being a man about it, he ran away to avoid punishment. He made absolutely no effort to be placed in a status that would have avoided combat. He just cut and ran. He probably got a bonus for joining as well.

As for the claim that "he just joined for college" sorry that is not how it works and it is made clear when you join it does not work that way.

You will have to provide me statistics backing up the claim that more blacks and Hispanics die then as a percentage are in the military. The same claim was made in Vietnam and it was a bald faced lie. If a higher percentage of blacks and Hispanics join the military then are in society that is not a problem, unless you plan to establish quotes and stop enlistments when a certain number is reached. It is an ALL VOLUNTEER force, no one forces anyone to join, in fact if a Judge orders it the military does not approve.
I'm not about to judge this guy, and I don't have any thoughts on what his punishment should be. My question is "why do people like this join in the first place? When you join the military, you know you may be put in a position where killing other human beings is the objective, whether you like it or not. If you know that you are incapable of doing such a thing, then why join?

No matter how many times the recruiters point out that you may be called upon to kill another human being, it is an abstract concept until the reality is staring you in the face. I served with guys who appeared to be great soldiers, until we started gearing up for Desert Shield. Some guys cracked. They weren't cowards, in fact we had deployed before, I knew they weren't cowards. There's no way to tell what is going to make some guys lose it. That's probably why the Army goes lenient on a lot of these guys, they know that it is just not possible for a recruit to make an informed decision as to their ability to kill. I think the fact that this person had not been previously deployed will work in his favor.
Get AOL News Alerts » 4 Years Later, Deserter to Return to ArmyBy RUSS BYNUM, AP
posted: 13 HOURS AGOcomments: 784filed under: Iraq News, National NewsPrintShareText SizeAAASAVANNAH, Ga. (Feb. 10) --

Sporting a dragon tattoo on his forearm and skulls on both biceps, Cliff Cornell looks tough. But he dissolves into tears as he reflects on his return to the Army four years after he fled to Canada to avoid the war in Iraq.
"I'm nervous, scared," Cornell said, wiping puffy eyes beneath his sunglasses Monday at a Savannah hotel after a three-day bus ride from Seattle. "I'm just not a fighter. I know it sounds funny, but I have a really soft heart."

Fleeing War Duty in IraqStephen Morton, AP3 photos Cliff Cornell, here in a hotel room Monday in Savannah, Ga., planned to surrender Tuesday to military police in nearby Fort Stewart. The 29-year-old fled to Canada in 2005 to avoid being deployed to Iraq and will likely face criminal charges. "I'm nervous, I'm scared," Cornell said.

Cornell, 29, of Mountain Home, Ark., planned to turn himself in to military police Tuesday at nearby Fort Stewart, where he'll likely face criminal charges for abandoning his unit before it deployed to Iraq in January 2005.

4 Years Later, Deserter to Return to Army

I'm not about to judge this guy, and I don't have any thoughts on what his punishment should be. My question is "why do people like this join in the first place? When you join the military, you know you may be put in a position where killing other human beings is the objective, whether you like it or not. If you know that you are incapable of doing such a thing, then why join?
to get money for college or to be able to support their children or a way out of their neighborhood. When I see footage from Irag I have noticed quite a bit of African American females and males along with hispanics. When watching the news I have noticed quite a bit of the ones who have killed are african american or hispanic.
My ex boyfriend was raised by a single mother and had his first child his senior year, he joined before 9/11 so he could support his child better and to recieve help for college.

So? His motive for signing on the dotted line is irrelevant. If your primary motive is not to serve, then don't sign.

All you're really saying is it's okay to scam the government and not pay it back if and when it calls.
Could he not get a Job in the military that doesn't involve the actual combat? Not all jobs in the military involve actual fighting, at least that was the case the last time I checked.

If you can prove you are a conscientious objector, the military will assign you to a noncombat role for the duration of your contract. You will NOT be asked to stay on.

This issue crops up every now and again and it always interests me to see people say "Im not a fighter." Well HELLO! You joined the military. What's its primary purpose? :cuckoo:
I'm not about to judge this guy, and I don't have any thoughts on what his punishment should be. My question is "why do people like this join in the first place? When you join the military, you know you may be put in a position where killing other human beings is the objective, whether you like it or not. If you know that you are incapable of doing such a thing, then why join?

There are a lot of military service personnel who serve in support roles and never see a day of combat. My sister in law served 20 years in the Navy, and ran the base postage operations for years wherever she served (last place of service being Gitmo).
I'm not about to judge this guy, and I don't have any thoughts on what his punishment should be. My question is "why do people like this join in the first place? When you join the military, you know you may be put in a position where killing other human beings is the objective, whether you like it or not. If you know that you are incapable of doing such a thing, then why join?

Maybe he was hoping for a way out of his life's options - and the army seemed like a good coice, education, a job, etc. not thinking that he would lose complete faith in the commander in chief... haha, I know he said he's not a fighter, but anyone is if they feel threatened, I guess he was threatened enough by Iraqis.

btw - what is the penalty for not deploying, or refusing, etc, when ordered?
I'm not about to judge this guy, and I don't have any thoughts on what his punishment should be. My question is "why do people like this join in the first place? When you join the military, you know you may be put in a position where killing other human beings is the objective, whether you like it or not. If you know that you are incapable of doing such a thing, then why join?

Maybe he was hoping for a way out of his life's options - and the army seemed like a good coice, education, a job, etc. not thinking that he would lose complete faith in the commander in chief... haha, I know he said he's not a fighter, but anyone is if they feel threatened, I guess he was threatened enough by Iraqis.

btw - what is the penalty for not deploying, or refusing, etc, when ordered?

Not sure as to the penalty. In this guy's case, he will be getting a General Court Martial. No two ways about it. You can pretty much be sentenced to forever at a General Court Martial.

Not applicable here, but FYI, the penalty for desertion in the face of the enemy is death.
He will most like get a dishonable discharge and confinement for a year or two.

I'd prefer they make an example of him, and give him the maximum, just to make the point that if you join a volunteer force you don't get the choice to just runaway when things become dangerous.
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