DeSantis tells WEF to take a hike

Then they need to move out of FL. Who needs a neo-slaver as governor?
/------/ Thanks for the straw man argument.
I agree. Most have no idea who the world economic forum is or what they are doing. They right them off as a conspiracy theory or not real. They don't realize the world economic forum is run by very real people we all know like Charles Schwab, bill gates, Anthony fauci and companies like apple are a part of them.

They also don't realize all the super elite folks from all over the world run and create their agendas and a lot of them own media outlets and politicians to get their agendas pushed.

They literally are a group of elites molding the world in their own personal vision. But the idea is so outlandish most people won't ever realize it's very very real. And they don't realize their agendas are becoming real.

The world economic forum knows what they are doing.

They know you can't trap a wild boar. You have to put out food, then another day you put out food with one side of fence, then another day more food with another side of fence and so on till one day the boar goes for the food and the gate closes behind it.

Or if you drop a frog in boiling water it jumps out. But if you put a frog in water and slowly raise the temperature eventually the frog will boil to death just sitting there.
They are the people who were behind trying to remove Trump from office as he is a threat to the 666 NWO.

BTW as we speak, 12 American Banks are about to undergo testing on The Digital Dollar. One step away from The Mark of The Beast.
Don’t even know who he is. Must only be important in the fevered brains of the MAGA crowd, i.e. irrelevant to the lives of real Americans.
I suppose you admire President Dentures giving away all of our money to every shithole on earth.
What are you on about? The only ones trying to force lifestyles on anyone are the Trump and DeSantis fans.
It’s not them trying to force deviant sexual teachings onto grade schoolers who can’t even write their names yet. That’s you and yours.
Don’t even know who he is. Must only be important in the fevered brains of the MAGA crowd, i.e. irrelevant to the lives of real Americans.
Thanks for proving yourself Mr Not Current Events. Klaus Schwab is the head of the WEF the same group you're cheerleading in this thread


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