Dems Would Get More Blame Over Govt Shutdown

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
This is exactly what I suspected would be the case if a government shut down were to occur. The Democrats seem to have been thinking they could score political points because the last shut down hurt the GOP, but this is not like 1995. The Republicans controlled both chambers of Congress that year. This time they only have the House. The Dems have the Senate and the White House and the Senate adjourned before the budget was even sent to them last week to vote on it. The American public would seem to recognize that a government shut down would be on the shoulders of both parties, not just the one like before. It sounds like the Senate Democrats are starting to come to that conclusion as well, or always knew that and were just bluffing to see if the Republicans would back away from the $60 billion in cuts.

A stunning reversal from Senate leaders last week on a Republican plan to keep the government running beyond Friday’s deadline reveals the growing understanding among Democrats that a government shutdown could be politically disastrous for them.

That’s also reflected in a new poll on a potential shutdown conducted for The Hill that shows voters would blame Democrats over Republicans 29 percent to 25 percent. That compares to the two-to-one margin by which voters blamed Republicans ahead of the 1995 shutdown.

While many voters remain undecided about who to blame, part of the Democratic problem has been on messaging. While House Speaker John Boehner has been insistent that he does not want a shut down, Senate Majority leader Harry Reid had been using amped-up rhetoric and seemed to be almost daring Republicans to force a shutdown.

Read more: Dems Lose First Round of Shutdown Struggle -
Why would Democrats get blamed? Prior to the GOP taking control of the House again, the government had no problems staying open. Immediately following the GOP takeover, rumors begin of a shut down. You do the math.
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Why would Democrats get blamed? Prior to the GOP taking control of the House again, the government had no problems staying open. Immediately following the GOP takeover, rumors begin of a shut down. You do the math.

Take your own advice. I have done the math and apparently so have a lot of the people polled. The Republicans were swept into control with historical support to get spending under control. They are attempting to do that and the Democrats are the ones standing in the way. The Republicans only control the House. The Democrats control the Senate. For some reason you and the other partisans seem to think that only the Republicans have to compromise with the Democrats over the budget despite the fact they are doing what they were elected to do. Why do the Democrats not have to compromise? They lost the election and I seem to remember many people on left following the 2008 election told the Republicans and conservatives to take a seat and shut up because they lost and accused them to being obstructionists when they stood in the way of the Obama agenda. Now the shoe is on the other foot and yet strangely these rules no longer apply.

The American people see what is happening here and the poll validates it. If the Democrats take the advice of you and TM, which they appear not to be now, it will be to their own detriment. Boehner has repeatedly stated he doesn't want a shut down to occur, whereas the Democrats like Schmuck Schumer are publicly encouraging it. People see what's happening here.
Why do government shut downs only occur when Republicans take control of the House?
What you're missing is that the people aren't the same as in 1995, they've woken up. Folks are much more attuned to and pay attention to all things political these days and with the internet, it makes it that much easier for us . . . and that much harder for the pols to play ball-as-usual.

I honestly don't know what part of the Nov massive Rep sweep the Dems and RINOs aren't getting. If they don't listen to us they will be booted asap, regardless of party.
What you're missing is that the people aren't the same as in 1995, they've woken up. Folks are much more attuned to and pay attention to all things political these days and with the internet, it makes it that much easier for us . . . and that much harder for the pols to play ball.

I honestly don't know what part of the Nov massive Rep sweep the Dems and RINOs aren't getting. If they don't listen to us they will be booted asap, regardless of party.

You are living in a fantasy land
What you're missing is that the people aren't the same as in 1995, they've woken up. Folks are much more attuned to and pay attention to all things political these days and with the internet, it makes it that much easier for us . . . and that much harder for the pols to play ball.

I honestly don't know what part of the Nov massive Rep sweep the Dems and RINOs aren't getting. If they don't listen to us they will be booted asap, regardless of party.

You are living in a fantasy land

People haven't been awakened political-wise? You're the one in fantasy land if you believe that.
What you're missing is that the people aren't the same as in 1995, they've woken up. Folks are much more attuned to and pay attention to all things political these days and with the internet, it makes it that much easier for us . . . and that much harder for the pols to play ball-as-usual.

I honestly don't know what part of the Nov massive Rep sweep the Dems and RINOs aren't getting. If they don't listen to us they will be booted asap, regardless of party.

"The partisan differences are striking. Fifty-eight percent (58%) of Democrats prefer avoiding a shutdown by going with current spending levels. But 80% of Republicans -- and 59% of voters not affiliated with either major party -- think a shutdown is a better option until the two sides can agree on spending cuts.

"Congress never passed a budget for 2011 but authorized spending for a few months. That authorization will expire soon, and Congress must act quickly or some federal government services could be shut down. Payments for things like Social Security, Medicare and unemployment benefits would continue, however."

58% Favor Government Shutdown Until Spending Cuts Are Agreed Upon - Rasmussen Reports™
Why do government shut downs only occur when Republicans take control of the House?

Because they are not little girlie men and they have the guts and the stones to do what needs
getting done.:clap2:

Of course I didn't provide a link so my statement means nothing so therefore it's my opinion..
And I may be wrong! :(
Why would Democrats get blamed? Prior to the GOP taking control of the House again, the government had no problems staying open. Immediately following the GOP takeover, rumors begin of a shut down. You do the math.

Yeah, no problems.... print a trillion here, borrow a trillion there.... no problem!

Why do government shut downs only occur when Republicans take control of the House?

Well, sometimes that's what has to be done to bring free-spending Progressives back to Earth.

I say go for it. It didn't affect the Republicans the last time it happened. Go for it.
Why do government shut downs only occur when Republicans take control of the House?

Well, sometimes that's what has to be done to bring free-spending Progressives back to Earth.

I say go for it. It didn't affect the Republicans the last time it happened. Go for it.

"When your only tool is a hammer....every problem looks like a nail"
I'm beginning to think a Government Shutdown might be the right way to go. Maybe we can save some money that way. It's pretty obvious this President & the Democrats are not serious about tackling our terrible problems. They're just content in playing their usual Class Warfare Games. It's definitely Party before Country for the Democrats at this point. I don't see how anyone can see it any other way. Maybe a Government Shutdown is the answer for now.
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I say go for it. It didn't affect the Republicans the last time it happened. Go for it.

I don't know about that. The Republicans certainly think it hurt them the last time. My point, however, is that I don't believe the result this time will be the same because the dynamics are quite different.

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