Dems want a 1000% tax on rifles


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
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House Democrats want to draft a measure aimed at severely restricting access to the AR-15-style weapon used by different gunmen in the carnage. Rep. Donald Beyer of Virginia, a member of the tax-writing Ways and Means panel, wants to impose a 1,000% excise tax on assault weapons.
"What it's intended to do is provide another creative pathway to actually make some sensible gun control happen," Beyer told Insider. "We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation."

The Democrats just need an issue for the mid term election.
But, this could backfire on the these far left extremists Democrats.
This could drive more mainstream voters to the polls.
This would mean a lot of crates full of AR15's can be expected to fall off of the back of trucks if this kind of levy would pass.

Further, expect a lot of these weapons to be smuggled across the border, and new weapons not subject to this tax to be developed.

Taxes on coffin nails as well as the "master tobacco settlement" of 1998 or so, are what caused the Vaping Revolution after all.

The great thing about this country is that we find ways around this silliness pretty quickly.
I see this as no different than requiring people to go and get another voter ID even though they have had one for years and I support neither.

Seems someone is always wanting to put restrictions on someone else.
They know that they are done in November so they ain't stopping for shit. Of course Beyer has the safest district in Virginia so he can afford to run his yap.
This bill just makes dumb people feel safe
House Democrats want to draft a measure aimed at severely restricting access to the AR-15-style weapon used by different gunmen in the carnage. Rep. Donald Beyer of Virginia, a member of the tax-writing Ways and Means panel, wants to impose a 1,000% excise tax on assault weapons.
"What it's intended to do is provide another creative pathway to actually make some sensible gun control happen," Beyer told Insider. "We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation."

The Democrats just need an issue for the mid term election.
But, this could backfire on the these far left extremists Democrats.
This could drive more mainstream voters to the polls.

Not going to happen and the Supreme Court has ruled in like cases several times.

One of the more popular cases in this regard was Minneapolis Star Tribune Company v. Commissioner, 460 U.S. 575.
You cannot tax an item associated with the exercise of a Constitutionally Protected Right with the intent of the tax to be prohibitory
in the ability for someone to actually exercise that Protected Right.

In reference to a 1000% tax on rifles, to create a hindrance in exercising one's Right ... That would be Unconstitutional.
There is a long list of Supreme Court Decisions referencing the sloppy attempts by the government
to pretend they can willfully infringe on the People's Rights through taxation.

Since it isn't a secret, has been attempted and failed on many occasions ...
It is safer to suggest the Progressives in the House are just trying to bullshit some more for the sake of politics alone.

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What is needed is a 1000% tax on any income above their salary of all elected officials.
Ban ssri's
I would rather have you carry liability insurance

An example of how Progressives will do whatever they can to prohibit or infringe upon our Constitutionally Protected Rights ...
In order to fail yet again at creating their imaginary Utopia.

The intent to try and prohibit exercising a Protected Right is Unconstitutional.
Liability Insurance doesn't have anything to do with protecting anyone
and is an attempt to punish someone for or prohibit someone from exercising their Rights.

A person would not be liable until someone else is already dead/injured ... So it is not a safety issue.
Liability Insurance would have no effect on a life until someone has already been killed/injured ...
And legislating Liability Insurance would be done only with the intent to hinder or prohibit the exercising of one's Rights.

There are already laws that make any unlawful exercise a crime.
Victims are already able to address monetary compensation in Civil Proceedings.

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Why should Criminals who get shot by a citizen be entitled to file a claim against their victims' insurance companies?

Sound like you are encouraging crime here.
Anyone can file a claim against anyone. The deciding factor would be whether the use of the gun was legal and necessary. Legitimate self defence is certainly legal and necessary.
House Democrats want to draft a measure aimed at severely restricting access to the AR-15-style weapon used by different gunmen in the carnage. Rep. Donald Beyer of Virginia, a member of the tax-writing Ways and Means panel, wants to impose a 1,000% excise tax on assault weapons.
"What it's intended to do is provide another creative pathway to actually make some sensible gun control happen," Beyer told Insider. "We think that a 1,000% fee on assault weapons is just the kind of restrictive measure that creates enough fiscal impact to qualify for reconciliation."

The Democrats just need an issue for the mid term election.
But, this could backfire on the these far left extremists Democrats.
This could drive more mainstream voters to the polls.
....shall not be infringed
Anyone can file a claim against anyone. The deciding factor would be whether the use of the gun was legal and necessary. Legitimate self defence is certainly legal and necessary.

That's correct with the inclusion that one can still be sued in Civil Proceedings even if the shooting occurred in "self-defense" and was ruled "justified".
It's not just a qualifier either and has been attempted both successfully and unsuccessfully.

If the Dems are able to get away with this, it will open the door to putting a tax on guns that people already own.
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