Dems finally starting to wake up


Diamond Member
Mar 25, 2017
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An overwhelming and growing majority of Americans say the U.S. is heading in the wrong direction, including nearly 8 in 10 Democrats, according to a new poll that finds deep pessimism about the economy plaguing President Joe Biden.

Eighty-five percent of U.S. adults say the country is on the wrong track, and 79% describe the economy as poor.

Poor, poor Potato Head.

Most say nation on wrong track, including Dems: AP-NORC poll
Biden is officially below 38% approval across the board... this is an historic low... and he got there with a loving fawning press and social media....
An overwhelming and growing majority of Americans say the U.S. is heading in the wrong direction, including nearly 8 in 10 Democrats, according to a new poll that finds deep pessimism about the economy plaguing President Joe Biden.

Eighty-five percent of U.S. adults say the country is on the wrong track, and 79% describe the economy as poor.

Poor, poor Potato Head.

Most say nation on wrong track, including Dems: AP-NORC poll

I wonder about the brain dead racist Democrats who still approve of Old Joe's performance. Sheesh ...
A few of those 8 in 10 Dems disapprove because they think we're not implementing the far left agenda fast enough. Just some context. Many of them are just as deluded as ever.
Biden is officially below 38% approval across the board... this is an historic low... and he got there with a loving fawning press and social media....

He wouldn't have won were the last president not a flatulating butthead.
The Great groomer king Brandon and his cult of child drag show fans are being hit with reality. These polls are inflated.

Only 1 in 5 Americans will side with Brandon and his cult of child drag show fans.
He wouldn't have won were the last president not a flatulating butthead.
What does flatulating butthead mean never Trumper?.....
You are as much responsible for Biden and his messes as any progressive is... How's your 401K looking today as compared to three years ago?... I just filled my tank and it cost me $156 dollars... never trumpers like you make me sick all you have are anti Trump insults... you guys say he was uncouth and raw... well what is different about your out of touch nasty descriptions of Trump?....
Sometimes we hate what we are.....
What does flatulating butthead mean never Trumper?.....
You are as much responsible for Biden and his messes as any progressive is... How's your 401K looking today as compared to three years ago?... I just filled my tank and it cost me $156 dollars... never trumpers like you make me sick all you have are anti Trump insults... you guys say he was uncouth and raw... well what is different about your out of touch nasty descriptions of Trump?....
Sometimes we hate what we are.....
I think the takeaway is that the Republicans need to do better so we don't end up with clowns like Biden.
The stuttering shit clown has been quite a hit with the entire planet.... hmm?

We had extremely low expectations, but Jesus Fucking Christ....

Thanks Dominion! This isn't over.
Anyone who voted for the dementia man, looked the other way while the election was blatantly stolen or still believes any of the propaganda & lies from DC or MSM is complicit in all this.
Hell, it was easy to see where the world was headed as soon as they were allowed to shut down "2 weeks to slow the spread". It was obvious we would get to this point sooner or later.
DT should've known better than to follow advice from the same swamp that had spent the previous 3 years trying to take him down.
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