Demonstrating for What?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
The public demonstrations in the wake of the killing of George Floyd raise a pithy question: What is the purpose of the demonstrations? The same can be said of the "Take a knee" movement in some American sports. What is the end game?

The stated objective - the end of racism - is not something that is amenable to measurement or even observation. How will we know when racism has been defeated? How will we know whether the demonstrations are having any impact whatsoever? When will the demonstrators stop?

If I demonstrate to stop the segregation of certain facilities, or the exclusion of certain people from a club or an organization, or to promote the opening of some opportunity to people who were previously excluded, then one can see whether the demonstrations have had an effect, and stipulate the time when the demonstrations will be come superfluous, and end. Let me on the bus, allow me to join the country club, or admit me into the program, and it's game over.

But racism - no matter how you define it - is ubiquitous, and will never go away. In fact, the current demonstrations are likely INCREASING the level and intensity of racism in the country, because they are so obnoxious, and also because the demonstrators cannot even point to any manifestation of the racism that they oppose, other than "inequality," which can easily be explained by factors totally unrelated to racism. Specific, measurable, observable racist acts are so rare that they immediately become front page news. Sometimes they have to be contrived. The infamous NASCAR noose? Were you, the reader, shocked and appalled by the "news" that Roger Stone uttered the word, "Negro" under his breath during an interview with a Black journalist? Pass the smelling salts!

If this is "racism" then "we" have an infinitely long way to go before it is eradicated.

I'm afraid that, like the Jews' very existence in Israel is an affront to all Arabs (or Muslims...which is it?), I suppose my very existence as a "white" person in America is an affront to the People of Color who share my home country - presumptive proof of racist intent.

By defining your goal as something that cannot be observed or measured, you have chosen to seek the unattainable. Not very smart, sorry to say.
The public demonstrations in the wake of the killing of George Floyd raise a pithy question: What is the purpose of the demonstrations? The same can be said of the "Take a knee" movement in some American sports. What is the end game?

The stated objective - the end of racism - is not something that is amenable to measurement or even observation. How will we know when racism has been defeated? How will we know whether the demonstrations are having any impact whatsoever? When will the demonstrators stop?

If I demonstrate to stop the segregation of certain facilities, or the exclusion of certain people from a club or an organization, or to promote the opening of some opportunity to people who were previously excluded, then one can see whether the demonstrations have had an effect, and stipulate the time when the demonstrations will be come superfluous, and end. Let me on the bus, allow me to join the country club, or admit me into the program, and it's game over.

But racism - no matter how you define it - is ubiquitous, and will never go away. In fact, the current demonstrations are likely INCREASING the level and intensity of racism in the country, because they are so obnoxious, and also because the demonstrators cannot even point to any manifestation of the racism that they oppose, other than "inequality," which can easily be explained by factors totally unrelated to racism. Specific, measurable, observable racist acts are so rare that they immediately become front page news. Sometimes they have to be contrived. The infamous NASCAR noose? Were you, the reader, shocked and appalled by the "news" that Roger Stone uttered the word, "Negro" under his breath during an interview with a Black journalist? Pass the smelling salts!

If this is "racism" then "we" have an infinitely long way to go before it is eradicated.

I'm afraid that, like the Jews' very existence in Israel is an affront to all Arabs (or Muslims...which is it?), I suppose my very existence as a "white" person in America is an affront to the People of Color who share my home country - presumptive proof of racist intent.

By defining your goal as something that cannot be observed or measured, you have chosen to seek the unattainable. Not very smart, sorry to say.

Most of what we are seeing now is just unorganized rage against "the system" of whatever boogeyman the SJW types can come up with at a moment's notice.
"Equality" is preposterous, sophomoric, and vain.

Where does equality exist in anything? And where it does exist (say, in a union shop) it necessarily fosters injustice. Why should the best worker make the same pay as the worst?

By what device should be smartest, hardest working, most creative people end up at the same level as the least intelligent, laziest, self-defeating people?

Probably a Social Justice Warrior, eh?
The public demonstrations in the wake of the killing of George Floyd raise a pithy question: What is the purpose of the demonstrations? The same can be said of the "Take a knee" movement in some American sports. What is the end game?

The stated objective - the end of racism - is not something that is amenable to measurement or even observation. How will we know when racism has been defeated? How will we know whether the demonstrations are having any impact whatsoever? When will the demonstrators stop?

If I demonstrate to stop the segregation of certain facilities, or the exclusion of certain people from a club or an organization, or to promote the opening of some opportunity to people who were previously excluded, then one can see whether the demonstrations have had an effect, and stipulate the time when the demonstrations will be come superfluous, and end. Let me on the bus, allow me to join the country club, or admit me into the program, and it's game over.

But racism - no matter how you define it - is ubiquitous, and will never go away. In fact, the current demonstrations are likely INCREASING the level and intensity of racism in the country, because they are so obnoxious, and also because the demonstrators cannot even point to any manifestation of the racism that they oppose, other than "inequality," which can easily be explained by factors totally unrelated to racism. Specific, measurable, observable racist acts are so rare that they immediately become front page news. Sometimes they have to be contrived. The infamous NASCAR noose? Were you, the reader, shocked and appalled by the "news" that Roger Stone uttered the word, "Negro" under his breath during an interview with a Black journalist? Pass the smelling salts!

If this is "racism" then "we" have an infinitely long way to go before it is eradicated.

I'm afraid that, like the Jews' very existence in Israel is an affront to all Arabs (or Muslims...which is it?), I suppose my very existence as a "white" person in America is an affront to the People of Color who share my home country - presumptive proof of racist intent.

By defining your goal as something that cannot be observed or measured, you have chosen to seek the unattainable. Not very smart, sorry to say.

One of the FOUNDERs of BLM OPAL TOMETI has stated very clearly the goals of the "demonstrations"
She demands that the black people of the USA and THE WORLD be provided with free housing, free education, quantities of cash and complete freedom. She has so stated in interviews
The riots still ongoing are domestic terrorists, mostly backed and organized by Soros and his antifa filth.

They should all be jailed and/or shot for sedition and/or treason.

Worst part is, they're all backed and supported by the new American Taliban, the democrat party.
The public demonstrations in the wake of the killing of George Floyd raise a pithy question: What is the purpose of the demonstrations? The same can be said of the "Take a knee" movement in some American sports. What is the end game?

The stated objective - the end of racism - is not something that is amenable to measurement or even observation. How will we know when racism has been defeated? How will we know whether the demonstrations are having any impact whatsoever? When will the demonstrators stop?

If I demonstrate to stop the segregation of certain facilities, or the exclusion of certain people from a club or an organization, or to promote the opening of some opportunity to people who were previously excluded, then one can see whether the demonstrations have had an effect, and stipulate the time when the demonstrations will be come superfluous, and end. Let me on the bus, allow me to join the country club, or admit me into the program, and it's game over.

But racism - no matter how you define it - is ubiquitous, and will never go away. In fact, the current demonstrations are likely INCREASING the level and intensity of racism in the country, because they are so obnoxious, and also because the demonstrators cannot even point to any manifestation of the racism that they oppose, other than "inequality," which can easily be explained by factors totally unrelated to racism. Specific, measurable, observable racist acts are so rare that they immediately become front page news. Sometimes they have to be contrived. The infamous NASCAR noose? Were you, the reader, shocked and appalled by the "news" that Roger Stone uttered the word, "Negro" under his breath during an interview with a Black journalist? Pass the smelling salts!

If this is "racism" then "we" have an infinitely long way to go before it is eradicated.

I'm afraid that, like the Jews' very existence in Israel is an affront to all Arabs (or Muslims...which is it?), I suppose my very existence as a "white" person in America is an affront to the People of Color who share my home country - presumptive proof of racist intent.

By defining your goal as something that cannot be observed or measured, you have chosen to seek the unattainable. Not very smart, sorry to say.

My take on your post is, it is a good example of sophistry. The conclusion, racism can never be defeated is true, and yet the protests have united a large segment of Americans, showing the world a diverse face protesting in solidarity. Yes there is looting, arson and violence, but that is a small minority in thousands of protesters in many cities and towns all across the United States.

[The likelihood that agent provocateurs, paid by right wing cabals or members thereof have instigated the arson, violence and rioting cannot be dismissed]

The civil rights movement began with the end of segregation in our Military and our Schools; examples of systemic racism. The peaceful silence of taking a knee reaches every corner of the world, and yet the President of the United States makes statements that this silent protest disparage our armed forces and our flag. Only fools believe this outrageous lie, repeated ad nausea from the White House. And an example of another BIG LIE which Trump&Co. use infamously.

Covert racism will exist, it is the overt and systemic racism which will slowly dissipate as people of color continue to blend with the WASPS in social settings as equals, and in families, as can be seen and heard in the next generation of American voters soon to vote for the first time this coming November.
What is the end game?


Strived for during the French Revolution.

The Banner of the Bolshevics.

When do the unwashed masses revolt here, and drag the millionaires and billionaires to the nearest lampposts?

By defining your goal as something that cannot be observed or measured, you have chosen to seek the unattainable. Not very smart, sorry to say.
See: the idiotic "wars" on "poverty" and "terrorism".

It's a common theme with gubmint; find an intractable or unquantifiable "problem" , then create immense money-sucking bureaucracies to allegedly deal with it, though the problem never goes away....Job security.
The public demonstrations in the wake of the killing of George Floyd raise a pithy question: What is the purpose of the demonstrations? The same can be said of the "Take a knee" movement in some American sports. What is the end game?

The stated objective - the end of racism - is not something that is amenable to measurement or even observation. How will we know when racism has been defeated? How will we know whether the demonstrations are having any impact whatsoever? When will the demonstrators stop?

If I demonstrate to stop the segregation of certain facilities, or the exclusion of certain people from a club or an organization, or to promote the opening of some opportunity to people who were previously excluded, then one can see whether the demonstrations have had an effect, and stipulate the time when the demonstrations will be come superfluous, and end. Let me on the bus, allow me to join the country club, or admit me into the program, and it's game over.

But racism - no matter how you define it - is ubiquitous, and will never go away. In fact, the current demonstrations are likely INCREASING the level and intensity of racism in the country, because they are so obnoxious, and also because the demonstrators cannot even point to any manifestation of the racism that they oppose, other than "inequality," which can easily be explained by factors totally unrelated to racism. Specific, measurable, observable racist acts are so rare that they immediately become front page news. Sometimes they have to be contrived. The infamous NASCAR noose? Were you, the reader, shocked and appalled by the "news" that Roger Stone uttered the word, "Negro" under his breath during an interview with a Black journalist? Pass the smelling salts!

If this is "racism" then "we" have an infinitely long way to go before it is eradicated.

I'm afraid that, like the Jews' very existence in Israel is an affront to all Arabs (or Muslims...which is it?), I suppose my very existence as a "white" person in America is an affront to the People of Color who share my home country - presumptive proof of racist intent.

By defining your goal as something that cannot be observed or measured, you have chosen to seek the unattainable. Not very smart, sorry to say.
Humans have evolved through tribalism.
Prejudice is an inherent human characteristic.
It will always be with us.
However it doesn't mean that can't try to mitigate it as much as possible.
There should never be any race based laws, rules or policies.
The problem with the Left is that they are all of the things of which they claim to abhor.
Most Democrat Politicians and Pundits are the despicable racist demagogues who relentlessly mine the racial divide every chance that they get.
Obama was one of the worst ones.
The public demonstrations in the wake of the killing of George Floyd raise a pithy question: What is the purpose of the demonstrations? The same can be said of the "Take a knee" movement in some American sports. What is the end game?

The stated objective - the end of racism - is not something that is amenable to measurement or even observation. How will we know when racism has been defeated? How will we know whether the demonstrations are having any impact whatsoever? When will the demonstrators stop?

If I demonstrate to stop the segregation of certain facilities, or the exclusion of certain people from a club or an organization, or to promote the opening of some opportunity to people who were previously excluded, then one can see whether the demonstrations have had an effect, and stipulate the time when the demonstrations will be come superfluous, and end. Let me on the bus, allow me to join the country club, or admit me into the program, and it's game over.

But racism - no matter how you define it - is ubiquitous, and will never go away. In fact, the current demonstrations are likely INCREASING the level and intensity of racism in the country, because they are so obnoxious, and also because the demonstrators cannot even point to any manifestation of the racism that they oppose, other than "inequality," which can easily be explained by factors totally unrelated to racism. Specific, measurable, observable racist acts are so rare that they immediately become front page news. Sometimes they have to be contrived. The infamous NASCAR noose? Were you, the reader, shocked and appalled by the "news" that Roger Stone uttered the word, "Negro" under his breath during an interview with a Black journalist? Pass the smelling salts!

If this is "racism" then "we" have an infinitely long way to go before it is eradicated.

I'm afraid that, like the Jews' very existence in Israel is an affront to all Arabs (or Muslims...which is it?), I suppose my very existence as a "white" person in America is an affront to the People of Color who share my home country - presumptive proof of racist intent.

By defining your goal as something that cannot be observed or measured, you have chosen to seek the unattainable. Not very smart, sorry to say.
Its none of the above, its just the democratic party, this is the fucking democratic party! They are gonna sweep the elections in just three months time, you are looking upon the new political leadership democrats and their allies, the CCP, have created for you... Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, the Koch's, Dorcey, ect ect ect, all of whom really control the United States, all of whom tell the congress and the senate how high to jump and when, have made decisions regarding your future, and "ahh" contrary to all you think is true and real, you have absolutely no voice in the matter, no choice! So, take a good long look at BLM and antifa, those are your new overlords, the collectivism is for you, not the billionaires who control it all, just as in China the collectivism isn't for the politburo, its for the peasant's, you are an American peasant... :wink:
What is the end game?


Strived for during the French Revolution.

The Banner of the Bolshevics.

When do the unwashed masses revolt here, and drag the millionaires and billionaires to the nearest lampposts?

View attachment 366058

Did you forget those Americans who wanted to be Citizens and not Subjects?

If the "unwashed" & "peasants"*** continue to suffer from Trumpism, what you suggest may result in real violence such as the Federal Building in Oklahoma. Consider Davies hypothesis on Revolution:

J-curve hypothesis, also called Davies’ J-curve, in sociology and political science, theory that attempts to identify the reasons behind the collective rebellion of individuals who are perceived as victims of injustice. The J-curve hypothesis was introduced in 1962 by American sociologist James C. Davies, who believed that social and political unrest was precipitated by a brief period of sharp decline in economic development after a prolonged period of economic growth and improvement.

J-curve hypothesis | sociology and political science

***The protesters are a diverse coalition of mostly young adults, not all of them can be labeled as
"unwashed" or "peasants", the diversity is the face of America, something which strikes fear and hate in many Americans, and is what brings those so affected to support Trump.
What is the end game?


Strived for during the French Revolution.

The Banner of the Bolshevics.

When do the unwashed masses revolt here, and drag the millionaires and billionaires to the nearest lampposts?

View attachment 366058

Did you forget those Americans who wanted to be Citizens and not Subjects?

If the "unwashed" & "peasants"*** continue to suffer from Trumpism, what you suggest may result in real violence such as the Federal Building in Oklahoma. Consider Davies hypothesis on Revolution:

J-curve hypothesis, also called Davies’ J-curve, in sociology and political science, theory that attempts to identify the reasons behind the collective rebellion of individuals who are perceived as victims of injustice. The J-curve hypothesis was introduced in 1962 by American sociologist James C. Davies, who believed that social and political unrest was precipitated by a brief period of sharp decline in economic development after a prolonged period of economic growth and improvement.

J-curve hypothesis | sociology and political science

***The protesters are a diverse coalition of mostly young adults, not all of them can be labeled as
"unwashed" or "peasants", the diversity is the face of America, something which strikes fear and hate in many Americans, and is what brings those so affected to support Trump.

Blaming it on 'Trumpism'?

Were the riots in Ferguson Trumps fault?

Were the riots in Watts Trumps fault?

See a doctor for your Trumpism.

I suggest this one:


(Maybe he can reverse what seems to inflict you)
What is the end game?


Strived for during the French Revolution.

The Banner of the Bolshevics.

When do the unwashed masses revolt here, and drag the millionaires and billionaires to the nearest lampposts?

View attachment 366058

Did you forget those Americans who wanted to be Citizens and not Subjects?

If the "unwashed" & "peasants"*** continue to suffer from Trumpism, what you suggest may result in real violence such as the Federal Building in Oklahoma. Consider Davies hypothesis on Revolution:

J-curve hypothesis, also called Davies’ J-curve, in sociology and political science, theory that attempts to identify the reasons behind the collective rebellion of individuals who are perceived as victims of injustice. The J-curve hypothesis was introduced in 1962 by American sociologist James C. Davies, who believed that social and political unrest was precipitated by a brief period of sharp decline in economic development after a prolonged period of economic growth and improvement.

J-curve hypothesis | sociology and political science

***The protesters are a diverse coalition of mostly young adults, not all of them can be labeled as
"unwashed" or "peasants", the diversity is the face of America, something which strikes fear and hate in many Americans, and is what brings those so affected to support Trump.

Blaming it on 'Trumpism'?

Were the riots in Ferguson Trumps fault?

Were the riots in Watts Trumps fault?

See a doctor for your Trumpism.

I suggest this one:

View attachment 366067

(Maybe he can reverse what seems to inflict you)

Grow up Will. Your partisan defense of Donald Trump has affected your thinking, and your biases prevent you from considering alternative views which disturb you. Your comment above offers nothing of substance, nothing thoughtful and clearly not thought provoking. It is not an argument, it is a logical fallacy, and ad hominem.

You're bright enough to offer a reasoned response and not use overt attacks on my beliefs, and thus my only reason for posting. Trump has exacerbated violence in America, he has not done one damn thing to quell the tens of thousands of diverse Americans all around our country who see a problem and march to mitigate it.
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What is standing in the way of any individual Black person in the U.S.? Certainly not race.

Go to school, optimize the FREE public education that is placed in front of you. If you do well in K-12 and you are Black, the world is at your feet. You will surely be offered a subsidized opportunity to either go to college, or to get some valuable training in a trade.

Don't casually dismiss the opportunity to get education, training, and valuable work experience in the Armed Forces. Save some money while you are at it. [That's what I did]. If you make your choice intelligently, you can tailor a military experience that will involve no dodging of bullets or other missiles filed in anger.

Get part-time jobs while in school; that's what middle-class "white" people do. Don't make disastrous life-decisions like having children while single. Don't get involved in petty crime, or associate with people who do. Don't use controlled substances - or alcohol, if you are serious about pursuing success. Indeed, you should associate with successful people.

Speak the Queen's English. Dress and groom yourself appropriately - the examples of successful Blacks are all around you.

I assure you, if you do these simple things, you will almost certainly achieve the middle-class lifestyle to which all Americans are entitled.

But wait...maybe you can achieve this middle-class lifestyle simply by demanding it.

Good luck with that.
The protests aren't natural. Anyone can see that. This stuff is the work of vested interests. People who want a more powerful, more expansive central government.

And, unfortunately, the electorate is playing right into it. As well, it should come as no shock that the feds would also participate in it.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.
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