DemonRATS Capture Va. Legislature, Will Push Bill Legalizing Infanticide & Abortion Up to birth

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
LIFE NEWS ^ | Nov. 6, 2019

Virginia could be the next state to legalize the killing of unborn babies up to birth after Democrats won control of the state legislature Tuesday.

National Review reports voters elected slim Democrat majorities in both state chambers, with unofficial election results showing 21 of the 40 Senate seats and 53 of the 100 House seats now in Democrats’ power.

Celebrating the victory, former pro-abortion Democrat Gov. Terry McAuliffe said: “The era of Republican obstruction in the Commonwealth of Virginia is now over. While tonight we celebrate the history we have made, tomorrow we must begin rewarding voters with action.”

Gov. Ralph Northam, a pro-abortion Democrat caught up in numerous scandals involving racism and comments supporting infanticide, is expected to push a radical pro-abortion agenda now that Republicans no longer have a majority to block it.

“We are one vote, one election, and one bill away from being New York and California,” Republican state Senate candidate Todd Pillion predicted in May.

Earlier this year, Virginia saw an extreme pro-abortion bill in its state legislature that would have allowed abortions up to the point of labor, even if there are no physical health problems with the mother or baby. Pro-life Republican lawmakers blocked the bill, sponsored by state Del. Kathy Tran, who won re-election despite her radical pro-abortion agenda, but it likely will return in the next legislative session.

A second area of concern is the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), which would amend the U.S. Constitution to guarantee equal rights for all born citizens no matter what their sex is. Thirty-eight states need to ratify it, and Illinois became the 37th last year. Virginia Republicans defeated an attempt to ratify it in January, but state Democrats could resurrect the effort. Pro-life advocates long have warned that abortion activists would use the amendment to destroy the limited protections that America provides to unborn babies. Under the amendment, even widely-supported abortion restrictions such as the partial-birth abortion ban and parental consent for minors could be overturned.

Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life, noted how pro-abortion groups funneled huge amounts of money into the state to elect pro-abortion Democrats.

“Earlier this year, Gov. Northam and Del. Tran made it clear where they would like to see Virginia in terms of abortion policy, that is allowing abortion up until birth and, as Northam explained, maybe even after birth,” Mancini said. “While pro-life Virginians rose up to defeat the Tran abortion extremism in committee and to condemn infanticide earlier this year, pro-abortion candidates in the state were helped by a $1.2 million PAC gift from New York billionaire George Soros, including a $350,000 check to Planned Parenthood Virginia.”

Pro-abortion groups vastly outspend pro-life organizations on elections. According to the Pacific Standard, groups lobbying on behalf of the billion-dollar abortion industry have spent as much as 900 percent more than pro-life groups in elections going back to 1990.

Students for Life Action president Kristan Hawkins said young pro-life advocates will never give up the fight to defend unborn babies and mothers.

“We know that elections have consequences, and we will be working to make a strong stand for LIFE in the coming election,” Hawkins said. “We won’t quietly accept cheers and celebrations for abortion up to the point of infanticide.”

The pro-life organization made more than 70,000 phone calls and knocked on more than 15,000 doors to inform voters about candidates’ positions on abortion.

“The pro-life generation will not remain silent when the abortion lobby tries to introduce their infanticide agenda in Richmond this January. We’re ready for the battle,” said Matt Lamb, executive director of Students for Life Action.

Virginians could see something similar to what happened in January in New York after Democrat lawmakers took control of the state legislature. The pro-abortion politicians quickly used their political power to pass a law legalizing abortions for basically any reason up to birth and stripping away protections for pregnant mothers. The law drew national outrage after Gov. Andrew Cuomo celebrated abortion by lighting up state landmarks in pink.

Vermont, Rhode Island and Illinois passed similar pro-abortion laws this year, despite strong public opposition. Recent polling by Gallup and Marist both found that most Americans oppose late-term abortions.


Remember, folks, every demonRAT who voted for the baby killer representatives are also baby killers. They are you neighbors, family and friends,..... SO SAD, we have lost our morals, ethics and principles!
Heard a Virginia resident voicing her huge displeasure with the Democrats winning basically unopposed in her state today while on the talk radio shows. It was a really heartfelt rant she gave on the issue. Sad times this nation is going through, it really is sad.

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