Democrats Taxing The Rich And Powerful To


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
Republicans have drawn a line in the sand on not changing anything, and I thought the 2017 tax bill was a very unfair bill, and weighted to a side that basically did not benefit the average American. So I voted against it," Manchin said. "I think there are some adjustments that need to be made."

Those adjustments are clearly coming—the sooner, the better. Democrats taking a hatchet to a GOP tax law that largely benefitted the rich in order to make the tax code more equitable for working people is ideal political positioning for 2022. Democrats will rightfully be able to say they fought for working Americans while Republicans shilled for the rich.

Democrats are raising taxes because that's what they do.

You kleptos could tale ALL of the money held by the eeeeevil "wealthy" and you wouldn't have enough loot to run the gubmint for two months.

But you avaricious peckerheads are somehow "uniters".
YEP.....they just do not know any kind of's amazing. But then again it's wrong and racist to teach math now.

Republicans have drawn a line in the sand on not changing anything
Look on the bright side. We now have billionaires going into space! (or almost) :D
True...but the price is something we need to look at. The SLS has cost near 20 billion dollars to develop and will cost a minimum of 1 billion a launch and perhaps 2 billion. The private companies are much cheaper. And Musk has a space system called the Starship that if it works will make the SLS look like a Communist end game corrupted project.
Democrats are raising taxes because that's what they do.

You kleptos could tale ALL of the money held by the eeeeevil "wealthy" and you wouldn't have enough loot to run the gubmint for two months.

But you avaricious peckerheads are somehow "uniters".
YEP.....they just do not know any kind of's amazing. But then again it's wrong and racist to teach math now.


The crackpot looter skews easily fits into the red box on the right...

Wrong Enemy.jpg
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They need tp have corporations to pay taxes and those corporations that moved overseas to be pay the same tax rate as if they were still here.
But the Dems are trying to scare companies to move across seas. That is why we need Tariff man back in office.
If one makes billions then surely they should pay alot more. If ones makes 40 grand(which we all know is poverty) then one should still pay, but alot less.
Hey Republicans, cut spending first, then cut taxes. All you did in the prior administration was cut taxes and TALK about "limited government" (ha ha).

Stop bitching and be "fiscally responsible" for a change. The 2022 elections are on the way. Here's your chance.

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It's all just propaganda and nothing else. They won't really tax the rich because it's the rich that donate money to them and are the ones who keep business going in America. Not to mention they are also rich, they don't want to pay taxes either just like everyone else.

Even if they did the rich have armies of tax attorneys and tax lawyers working around the clock for loopholes. And if nothing else they will just move operations to other countries.

This whole "tax the rich" is a sham because they think the average Joe will be dumb enough to blindly believe it and cheer them.
For some god awful reason, "tax the rich" only means to raise rates while leaving open loopholes and deductions. So many in fact, they still wont pay anything in.
All this shit is, is political theater for the socialist rubes. Thats all. Because they know they only have to appeal to their base. And they know their base is 99% morons.
Decent minded people tell the duopoly to fuck off.
Does saying "tax the rich" beat saying stupid stuff like "tax the poor" or "all taxes matter"? Where's the money? Who should be taxed? Who should be paying more than they currently do as a percentage of their income? Who needs their tax loopholes closed?

Yes, saying "tax the rich" isn't enough. It must be followed up with actions.. demanded and shaped by an informed, critical constituency..

Else yes, expect saying "tax the rich" to do nothing as usual.

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