
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
This week in “Democrats say the darnedest things”:
  • Joe Biden promises to cure cancer.....IF you give him the Oval Office
  • Norma Torres says Republican Congressmen are “sex starved”
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez demands a raise after a few months on the job
This Week in 'Democrats Say'...
This week in “Democrats say the darnedest things”:
Coleman has also regularly used the phrase "no homo," a homophobic term born in the rap community used by men to make sure what they said won't be construed as gay. Coleman also once said she was too "concerned about safety" to go to a vending machine because there may be Mexicans there, a fear that may make outreach to the Hispanic community difficult.
The party of racism is alive and well despite their best efforts to hide it and convince the world that it’s their opposition who is actually racist.

Just-Promoted DCCC Official Has History of Homophobic, Racist Comments
This week in “Democrats say the darnedest things”: idiot Marianne Williamson asks innocent people to apologize for an atrocity they didn’t commit.

Marianne Williamson Asked White People To Apologize To Black People For Slavery
One wonders if the Republicans don't have 1 or 2 or 3 stealth candidates in the Democratic primaries...
The democrats seem to have 0 that are electable. You better take the Mole.
LMAO! You win post of the day. Hands down.
This week in “Democrats say the darnedest things” - they channel their inner fascist with this little gem:
Some Williams students will have none of it. Maroja says that more than a dozen of them barged into a faculty meeting last November holding signs such as “free speech harms” and saying faculty were trying to “kill” the students.
So the corner-stone of any free society - free speech - “harms” and by allowing it, the faculty were trying to “kill” the students.

College Kowtows to Students Saying 'Free Speech Harms'
"i dont support a public option. i do support...having something there" - John Delaney
"we are underreacting to Trump's presidency" - Buttigieg

"you are not free if you live in a country where your race determines your life expectancy" - Buttigieg
"i have no doubt you would beat Trump. but how the hell are you gonna win the nomination with 0 percent black support?" - Buttigieg supporter to Mayor Pete
"if we put out extreme policies, they're gonna say we're socialists..if we take a more moderate approach, they're gonna say we're socialists...so we might as well do what we think is right!" - Crazy Bernie
Why are all of the Democrats talking about the millions and millions of citizens without health insurance? I thought Obamacare solved that problem? Oops.

I'm starting to get the feeling Democrats are really eyeing 2024. Their best candidate is an old, out of touch, inside the beltway white guy who clearly doesn't fit the party's preferred demographics. Their 2nd best candidate is an angry black woman who slept her way to the top and whose family owned slaves. Their 3rd best candidate is another old rich white guy who pushes socialism while he makes his fortune off capitalism. The rest of the pack is made up of a white woman who thinks she's an Indian, a black guy who thinks he's Spartacus, and self-loathing white guy who is apologizes for being white and a New York mayor who is hated and disrespected by his own police department.

Everyone of them wants to take away your private health care, wants open borders, wants to take care of illegals instead of Americans, pays lip-service to the blacks they supposedly represent and everyone of them wants to raise your taxes.

This is easily the worst field of candidates ever fielded by either party. JFK must be rolling over in his grave.

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