Democrats...please explain how you think you can “have it all”?

Why? To whom?

I am not here to write thesis I am here for inputting my spunk , thoughts , ideas and wisdom...

If your here to grade posts you are in the wrong forum..

If you don't have the intellect to use proper grammar, you are a long way from ideas and wisdom. Now put down the bottle!

You must live in a blue city..

Because what you say is pure stupid.

How so? Even a moderate mortgage and car payment would eat most of that up.
I am not here to write thesis I am here for inputting my spunk , thoughts , ideas and wisdom...

If your here to grade posts you are in the wrong forum..
If you don't have the intellect to use proper grammar, you are a long way from ideas and wisdom. Now put down the bottle!

If I want to use proper grammar or spelling I would hire a secretary , do you want to be my secretary on here meth head joe?

You would have to wear that cute pink dress you always wanted to wear out in public..

You must live in a blue city..

Because what you say is pure stupid.

How so? Even a moderate mortgage and car payment would eat most of that up.

Once again fool you never left the Chicago area and know what the rest of the country is like..

You have a huge problem doing math and know what low taxes and low cost of living can buy.
I am not here to write thesis I am here for inputting my spunk , thoughts , ideas and wisdom...

If your here to grade posts you are in the wrong forum..
If you don't have the intellect to use proper grammar, you are a long way from ideas and wisdom. Now put down the bottle!

If I want to use proper grammar or spelling I would hire a secretary , do you want to be my secretary on here meth head joe?

You would have to wear that cute pink dress you always wanted to wear out in public..

You must live in a blue city..

Because what you say is pure stupid.

How so? Even a moderate mortgage and car payment would eat most of that up.

Once again fool you never left the Chicago area and know what the rest of the country is like..

You have a huge problem doing math and know what low taxes and low cost of living can buy.

You can buy a damn acre of land, throw a used mobile home on top of it for less then 10 grand..


Then go to work making 60 grand to over a 100 grand a year with (OT) you can afford any toy you like.

You stupid.
More and more young working married couples are choosing not to have kids.....why? Can't afford them even with both working good jobs.

Either that or they opt to not have children so they can spend their money on other things. Do you know what it costs to raise a child today excluding college?
The Republicans just cut taxes, adding hundreds of billions to the debt, and now they want big spending increases adding hundreds of billions to the debt.

Who wants to have it all????

Democrats do.

You forget some of that money was needed for Democrat follies because they wouldn't give Republicans what they wanted unless they got theirs too. So now the majority spends on what they want and has to spend on what the minority wants, so you have double spending.

You can't blame just the Republicans for the spending.
Again yes for the same reason as mentioned in the previous point, and since the cost of it is not to the society as a whole but rather to business interest it wouldn't cost the tax payer nothing.

You have no idea how business works, do you?

You on the left think that when business takes a hit, they just dig deeper into their pockets.

I have bad news for ya, and that is when business takes any kind of financial hit, they pass that burden to the little guy. They either increase the price of their product, layoff workers, invest in automation, outsource work, ask for more contributions for their employees medical care, or cut down on other benefits.

Yes since there is a direct correlation between poverty and stuff as life expectancy, incarceration rate, social mobility, etc. The cost to society is negligible compared to it's benefits.

We on the right adhere to the cart theory:

A village makes a huge cart, and the townspeople are able to pull that cart down the road effortlessly. After a while, some don't want to pull the cart any longer, so they jump inside the cart instead. Before you know it, half of the people quit pulling the cart and jump in the cart, and then the cart stops.

How long have we had these social programs anyway? And if they are so great in regards to life expectancy, incarceration rates, social mobility, why is it that the liberal welfare cities are places you wouldn't dream of walking at night? Why did their businesses close and property value decrease?

There is no such thing as FREE healthcare. What Libs want is everyone covered, most of the industrialized world has this already and they fund it mostly, out of public funds. As a result they are cheaper.In fact the American healthcare system is the most expensive in the world, if you look at the cost of out of pocket plus publicly funded it is way more expensive. So when you are trying to make a case for it being to expensive one should take in consideration that it already is,and for abysmal results compared to other rich nations.Health expenditure, total (% of GDP) | Data

One of the reasons our healthcare is so unaffordable IS because of government.

Government typically only pays about 2/3 of the cost of their patents expenses. Medical facilities and personnel have to increase their prices to recoup those losses. That's why when you see such facilities close down, they are usually in lower income areas where there are mostly government patients; there are not enough privately insured patients to make up the loss.

So where would these facilities get the money to recoup the losses of government if government was the only provider?
If I want to use proper grammar or spelling I would hire a secretary , do you want to be my secretary on here meth head joe?

You would have to wear that cute pink dress you always wanted to wear out in public..

Dude, your weird fantasies aren't appropriate here.

You can buy a damn acre of land, throw a used mobile home on top of it for less then 10 grand..

Again, only you would consider living in a USED double wide as "affluent".
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

I want to give billions of dollars to billionaires!

It's the only thing that makes sense!

It does? How do you know that makes sense when nobody ever gave billionaires a thing?
It does? How do you know that makes sense when nobody ever gave billionaires a thing?

Naw, they just took stuff from the people who did the work.


Battered housewife Republicans, everyone. Battered Housewife Republicans.
The Republicans just cut taxes, adding hundreds of billions to the debt, and now they want big spending increases adding hundreds of billions to the debt.

Who wants to have it all????

Democrats do.

You forget some of that money was needed for Democrat follies because they wouldn't give Republicans what they wanted unless they got theirs too. So now the majority spends on what they want and has to spend on what the minority wants, so you have double spending.

You can't blame just the Republicans for the spending.

I can blame the Republicans for the spending because if the Democrats had gotten NOTHING in the budget deal, the Republicans still would have passed the spending increases they wanted,

and coupled with reducing the tax revenue designed to pay for spending,

that would have been the GOP trying to have it all.
50 grand a year...I don't care if you live in theicecoldnorth or backwards south.....ain't much. After rent and a used clunker vehicle, there's not much left. Simp!e math. Yep.
The Republicans just cut taxes, adding hundreds of billions to the debt, and now they want big spending increases adding hundreds of billions to the debt.

Who wants to have it all????

Democrats do.

You forget some of that money was needed for Democrat follies because they wouldn't give Republicans what they wanted unless they got theirs too. So now the majority spends on what they want and has to spend on what the minority wants, so you have double spending.

You can't blame just the Republicans for the spending.

I can blame the Republicans for the spending because if the Democrats had gotten NOTHING in the budget deal, the Republicans still would have passed the spending increases they wanted,

and coupled with reducing the tax revenue designed to pay for spending,

that would have been the GOP trying to have it all.

That is correct, however the spending would have been much lower.

Trump ran on rebuilding the military and taking a strong stance against immigration, so people voted him in. Hillary ran on Obama's policies and got voted down.

To be honest, without Democrats interfering, there probably would have been enough cuts to offset our new spending.
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

I want to give billions of dollars to billionaires!

It's the only thing that makes sense!

So who's giving these billionaires billions of dollars?
The poor?
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

The point is, it's like believing the earth is flat.

You can't THINK it, because if your frontal lobe is functioning you will understand it is impossible for the earth to be flat, and it's impossible for collectivism to work. However there are "people" out there who believe the earth is flat or that their "great leader", be it Kim Jung Un, Stalin, Pol Pot, Obozo, Hitlery, can or even would make collectivism "work".

There are people out there apparently who do believe the earth is flat. As stupid as that is, at least there is a perspective you see yourself that tells you what you stand on is flat.

With collectivism there is no evidence of it working properly and leading to prosperity that expands beyond borders. What few nations function at all with socialist economies only do so thanks to US military protection and subsidies. The rest of them are shit holes. Asian countries that maintain free markets are exploding while euroweenies are being displaced in their own countries by middle eastern folk.

Liberals CAN NOT BE THINKING, and come up with the conclusions they do. When pressed for answers and not snide retorts, they will parrot what they've been programmed to believe. It is not the result of cognitive analysis on their own part.
You want free health care...right?
You want free college...right?
You want ‘welfare’ increased...right?
You want higher minimum wage...right?
You want more spent on ‘science’...right?
AND you want to extend all of what you want to 12-50 million illegal aliens...right?

Soooo, how do you think this all happens and why do you think our most productive, positive contributors should happily embrace the idea of funding it all?

Okay, let's look at that.

Let's start with the easy one. Health care. The United States currently spends 17% of it's GDP on health care. Meanwhile the other industrialized nations which have universal coverage spend between 8-11%. Lots of people making a lot of money off our current system, and it produces the worst statistics in the industrialized world. So just by going to single payer, we free up 6% or more of GDP to spend on other things.

Next up- Free College- Again, the problem here is that college has become a money making venture. You put a single payer system in place, and you aren't going to see universities spending huge amounts of money on facilities that add nothing to the learning experience, but are just meant as advertisements to attract customers.

So that's actually two areas where doing it the left's way would SAVE money. This isn't complicated, the Europeans have already figured this out. (We could have the discussion about whether everyone needs to go to college later.)

No one wants welfare increased. We'd prefer to have everyone make a living wage on their own. Having a 15/Min wage would do a lot to accomplish that.

Investing in science pays for itself. Economic innovation and technological innovation makes us all better off. We wouldn't HAVE an internet if the government hadn't kicked it off.

as for illegals, nobody has suggested granting amensty to all 11 million of them, most of whom have jobs and are probably more productive than you are, Cleetus.

AWESOME...I’m so happy to see you in on this Gustavo...I take such great pleasure in making you look like the lost, twisted fool you are.

“Let's start with the easy one. Health care. The United States currently spends 17% of it's GDP on health care. Meanwhile the other industrialized nations which have universal coverage spend between 8-11%. Lots of people making a lot of money off our current system, and it produces the worst statistics in the industrialized world. So just by going to single payer, we free up 6% or more of GDP to spend on other things.”

Healthcare in America is doubt. Our medical professionals are paid well, our facilities, equipment and pharmaceuticals are top notch...that’s why people with FREE healthcare from around the world end up here for the best care. That all said...using cost to GDP ratio is what uninformed retards do to beg for shit. Anyone sane knows the real problems....nearly half of our citizens DO NOT contribute by paying taxes...Britain for example, offers “free healthcare” by imposing a 20% tax on EVERYONE earning a wage up to $31,785 and 40% on EVERYONE earning more. Imagine your cries if we taxed the working poor by 20% to GIVE them “FREE” healthcare.
Further....NO other nation spends $17 BILLION on healthcare every year for illegal Mexicans....NO NATION!

“Next up- Free College- Again, the problem here is that college has become a money making venture. You put a single payer system in place, and you aren't going to see universities spending huge amounts of money on facilities that add nothing to the learning experience, but are just meant as advertisements to attract customers.”

Again, “FREE” college is never free.
Using your comparative methods with other nations...let’s have a quick look. The countries below with the red arrows offer free college, with the exception of the US. Again, all achieved through high taxation with more contributing.
Further, NO other nation spends $46 BILLION each and every year educating illegal Mexicans...NO NATION!


“So that's actually two areas where doing it the left's way would SAVE money. This isn't complicated, the Europeans have already figured this out. (We could have the discussion about whether everyone needs to go to college later.)”
You’re right...there’s is nothing “complicated” in my teachings....and you’re right...the “Europeans” know how to tax the shit of of their working poor to provide “FREE SHIT”...huh?

“No one wants welfare increased. We'd prefer to have everyone make a living wage on their own. Having a 15/Min wage would do a lot to accomplish that.”’re a damn beg for better social services all the time...better is more...More is an INCREASE.

“Investing in science pays for itself. Economic innovation and technological innovation makes us all better off. We wouldn't HAVE an internet if the government hadn't kicked it off.”
Investing in technological advancement is far different than investing in fighting global warming.

“as for illegals, nobody has suggested granting amensty to all 11 million of them, most of whom have jobs and are probably more productive than you are, Cleetus.”
I never said anything about amnesty Gustavo....(which we know you advocate) you want to extend the freebies you beg for to you not? That’s what was said....follow along bud...we’re speaking English.
The Republicans just cut taxes, adding hundreds of billions to the debt, and now they want big spending increases adding hundreds of billions to the debt.

Who wants to have it all????

The revenue lost from those tax cuts you got are the Republicans giving you something for nothing.

I’m fascinated with how you’re able to twist you honestly believe yourself?
Do you honestly believe that TAKING less from someone is effectively GIVING them something?
Think about it before responding without considering the logic.

If Disneyland once charged $100 per entry then dropped their price to $75 do you really see it as Disneyland GIVING $25 to their patrons?
“Hey kids, let’s go to Disneyland today...they’re giving us $25 for going.”

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