Democrats New Tactic to Beat Trump: Use Stupidest Possible Method


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Convince voters the economy is not good.

Like I’ve said many times, politicians can BS a lot of things to voters, but the one thing voters know for certain is their own economic situation and that of their friends and neighbors.

Pelosi hosted a special speaker's meeting on Tuesday with a top Obama economics adviser to explain to Democrats why the economy isn't actually as strong as Trump claims and how they can message that to voters.

Actually, they're testing out two different messages, each of which completely contradicts the other:

1, The economy is, despite your lyin' eyes, terrible.

2, The economy is great and it's all because of Obama.

What a hoot.

With impeachment in rear view, Pelosi looks to next attack on Trump
Regressives are masters of twisting reality to fit their beliefs. During the Hussein economic malaise they were pounding their chests about how great unemployment was, as well as the stock market once it finally started growing. There was no howling about Middle East policy even though the Hussein fueled the ISIS movement and spread in the ME.

Then President Trump comes along and suddenly lower unemployment rates and much higher stock market levels are indicators of a bad economy. President Trump oversaw the total inhalation of ISIS, keeps us out of new stupid wars, and the left act like it’s the end of the world.
Democrats New Tactic to Beat Trump: Use Stupidest Possible Method

Use your opponents own tactics against them.

Very sun tzu of them.
Trump is doing nothing but giving you Leftards the stage.
Are you shitting me? He's been campaigning since inauguration day.

Where do you come up with these lies?
Yes, well, shifting the debate to Trump's best battleground isn't going to help. Try impeachment.
Its pretty hilarious to watch leftist meltdowns. I enjoy every single bit of it.

But what if they actually don't hate Trump, and they're putting on a show to make sure he gets re-elected? :D
Democrats New Tactic to Beat Trump: Use Stupidest Possible Method

Use your opponents own tactics against them.

Very sun tzu of them.
Trump is doing nothing but giving you Leftards the stage.
Are you shitting me? He's been campaigning wife inauguration day.

Where do you come up with these lies?
What’s it cost to tweet videos of Nancy?
Depends on how much he's paying the hacks that make the fakes for him.

Why do you ask?
Democrats New Tactic to Beat Trump: Use Stupidest Possible Method

Use your opponents own tactics against them.

Very sun tzu of them.
Trump is doing nothing but giving you Leftards the stage.
Are you shitting me? He's been campaigning since inauguration day.

Where do you come up with these lies?
Yes, well, shifting the debate to Trump's best battleground isn't going to help. Try impeachment.
You're correct. No democrat can lie as often as a tRumpling.
Convince voters the economy is not good.

Like I’ve said many times, politicians can BS a lot of things to voters, but the one thing voters know for certain is their own economic situation and that of their friends and neighbors.

Pelosi hosted a special speaker's meeting on Tuesday with a top Obama economics adviser to explain to Democrats why the economy isn't actually as strong as Trump claims and how they can message that to voters.

Actually, they're testing out two different messages, each of which completely contradicts the other:

1, The economy is, despite your lyin' eyes, terrible.

2, The economy is great and it's all because of Obama.

What a hoot.

With impeachment in rear view, Pelosi looks to next attack on Trump

Or -- you could take the Klobachure approach and just promise a "kinder, gentler" kind of President that doesn't bully people... Even WHEN, they deserve it...
The MOST disturbing thing about Democrats is that they will say absolutely ANYTHING that furthers their political Narrative. Even if a simple, quick check on the Internet can prove them utterly false, they will continue the bullshit. Let's see:

Unemployment down for ALL DEMOGRAPHIC GROUPS,
Wages UP
Stock market UP
Energy costs DOWN
Excessive inflation in healthcare costs is stabilized

But they lie, lie, lie all the time. And their stupid constituents eat it up.

Trump states an opinion that is subject to disagreement; they immediately characterize it as a LIE (or a crime), then respond with an actual, provable lie. Every day. Every day.

Trump tweets his unhappiness with DoJ sentencing recommendation for Roger Stone (a matter of OPINION), they immediately and falsely accuse him of interference with the process. Provably FALSE. The Tweet preceded the DoJ revision. But the lying liars don't long as it fits the Narrative.

I can't wait until we get a chance to shove that FOREVER Impeachment right up Madam Pelosi's ass in November.

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