Democrats: Losing the midterms cannot mean the end of democracy. Are you listening to yourselves?

How could losing an election mean the end of democracy?

I know that your president and your media are telling you that, but how does it make sense?

Basically it will be the end of democracy for those demonic rats if they don't wind up getting their own way. They're no different than if a child had a toy and another child was trying to grab it and pull it away from them claiming it was theirs but were being told no by their parents. Similar situation anyways.
It is not the losing of an election. It is what will happen if the Republicans take the House and keep the Senate . They are already making plans. Very serious plans which affect millions of people. That is what matters. What those changes mean to both Republicans, Democrats, Independents, etc. And not for their good or well being.
What plans? To secure the border so millions of illegals don’t March through? To stop the unnecessary handouts to people have to work? To stop accusing Republicans of wanting to arrest and kill children? To go back to Trump’s shut-off of money to the anti-Israel HAMAS-led Palestinians? To allow free speech? To stop scaring people - like you, I see - that our democracy is over if the other side wins?
It’s really ironic that we have Democrats screeching about election deniers who won’t accept the results of an election on one hand, and then also screeching that if Americans vote for the opposing side they are destroying democracy.
Anybody with half a brain realizes that whichever way this election goes, neither side is going to win a super majority in the Senate and that means most of what the next House of Reps decides to do will end up going nowhere in the Senate because they require 60 votes to pass anything and they won't get it. Maybe they'll be able to pass some things on a bipartisan basis, but every democrat has to know that a democrat is still in the White House and even if the GOP takes both the House and the Senate, the prez will veto whatever he doesn't like. IOW, democracy is not at risk in this election and anyone who says so is flat out lying or ignorant as hell. Maybe both.

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