Democrats growing fear, they are being lied to just like in 2016


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Georgia Mountains

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter
1. All politicians lie, but the Dem do it more often IMHO.

2. All the media lies, but the left-leaning ones do it more often IMHO.

3. There was a lot of talk 2-3 years ago about moderate Dems leaving the Dem Party cuz it kinda moved further left. I don't know that many of these people will cross-over to vote for Trump, they might just decide to stay home or maybe vote for a 3rd party.

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter
What BS
Its like 2018 did not happen.

Does it feel strange to only see what reinforced your priors? What do you fill in vast swaths of time with that do not comport with your agenda?

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.
1. All politicians lie, but the Dem do it more often IMHO.

2. All the media lies, but the left-leaning ones do it more often IMHO.

3. There was a lot of talk 2-3 years ago about moderate Dems leaving the Dem Party cuz it kinda moved further left. I don't know that many of these people will cross-over to vote for Trump, they might just decide to stay home or maybe vote for a 3rd party.

Please hold your breath for that to happen. Trump has provided more than adequate reason for those that didn't vote in 2016 to show up at the polls in 2020.

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.
You are the one who posts bullshit.
1. Trump kept his 2016 promises Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
2. The 2016 polls were totally inaccurate. They said Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Trump had no way to 270 because of the "Blue Wall"

3. Those 3-million "popular votes" in 2016 are bullshit too, just like the (59) 300,000 to 0 precincts were legitimate in 2012

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.
You are the one who posts bullshit.
1. Trump kept his 2016 promises Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
2. The 2016 polls were totally inaccurate. They said Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Trump had no way to 270 because of the "Blue Wall"

3. Those 3-million "popular votes" in 2016 are bullshit too, just like the (59) 300,000 to 0 precincts were legitimate in 2012

He kept his promises? Did that check from Mexico finally show up?

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.
You are the one who posts bullshit.
1. Trump kept his 2016 promises Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
2. The 2016 polls were totally inaccurate. They said Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Trump had no way to 270 because of the "Blue Wall"

3. Those 3-million "popular votes" in 2016 are bullshit too, just like the (59) 300,000 to 0 precincts were legitimate in 2012

He kept his promises? Did that check from Mexico finally show up?

Good luck running on that in 2020 while siding with foreign illegals invading the US. This is where I laugh in your face and you run and hide. :auiqs.jpg:

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Let me be one of the first to try and put their fears to rest....DEMOCRATS ARE LYING TO YOU.

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.
You are the one who posts bullshit.
1. Trump kept his 2016 promises Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
2. The 2016 polls were totally inaccurate. They said Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Trump had no way to 270 because of the "Blue Wall"

3. Those 3-million "popular votes" in 2016 are bullshit too, just like the (59) 300,000 to 0 precincts were legitimate in 2012

He kept his promises? Did that check from Mexico finally show up?

Good luck running on that in 2020 while siding with foreign illegals invading the US. This is where I laugh in your face and you run and hide. :auiqs.jpg:

You really are in a right wing bubble, aren't you?

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.

All the more reason for the Electoral College to have a true representation of what the Country chooses and not have New York and Los Angeles chooses. Obama would agree.

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.
You are the one who posts bullshit.
1. Trump kept his 2016 promises Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
2. The 2016 polls were totally inaccurate. They said Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Trump had no way to 270 because of the "Blue Wall"

3. Those 3-million "popular votes" in 2016 are bullshit too, just like the (59) 300,000 to 0 precincts were legitimate in 2012

He kept his promises? Did that check from Mexico finally show up?

Good luck running on that in 2020 while siding with foreign illegals invading the US. This is where I laugh in your face and you run and hide. :auiqs.jpg:

You really are in a right wing bubble, aren't you?

Translation, you got nothing.

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.
President Hillary agrees with you!!


Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.

All the more reason for the Electoral College to have a true representation of what the Country chooses and not have New York and Los Angeles chooses. Obama would agree.

Will you make a list of the people whose vote you want to make useless? I always believe in one person, one vote. Obviously you don't.

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.
You are the one who posts bullshit.
1. Trump kept his 2016 promises Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
2. The 2016 polls were totally inaccurate. They said Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Trump had no way to 270 because of the "Blue Wall"

3. Those 3-million "popular votes" in 2016 are bullshit too, just like the (59) 300,000 to 0 precincts were legitimate in 2012

He kept his promises? Did that check from Mexico finally show up?

The checks from Mexico need congress to get off their wrinkly pruny asses and pass a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US. That would fund the wall and ICE.

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.
You are the one who posts bullshit.
1. Trump kept his 2016 promises Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
2. The 2016 polls were totally inaccurate. They said Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Trump had no way to 270 because of the "Blue Wall"

3. Those 3-million "popular votes" in 2016 are bullshit too, just like the (59) 300,000 to 0 precincts were legitimate in 2012

He kept his promises? Did that check from Mexico finally show up?

Good luck running on that in 2020 while siding with foreign illegals invading the US. This is where I laugh in your face and you run and hide. :auiqs.jpg:

You really are in a right wing bubble, aren't you?

Translation, you got nothing.

True. I'm not trained to deal with someone as delusional as you.

Wow. Go read the article linked in there from the local Pennsylvania paper about how many democrats are switching to the GOP or just dropping the democrats in general!

Oh and THIS is a must read by Schlichter

Your silly Gateway Pundit article is their usual bullshit. The only lying in the 2016 election was from your great orange fool. The polls were accurate and were born out by more than 3 million votes above what trump received.
You are the one who posts bullshit.
1. Trump kept his 2016 promises Promises Kept | President Donald J. Trump's Accomplishments
2. The 2016 polls were totally inaccurate. They said Hillary had a 95% probability of winning. Trump had no way to 270 because of the "Blue Wall"

3. Those 3-million "popular votes" in 2016 are bullshit too, just like the (59) 300,000 to 0 precincts were legitimate in 2012

He kept his promises? Did that check from Mexico finally show up?

The checks from Mexico need congress to get off their wrinkly pruny asses and pass a "remittance tax" on money sent out of the US. That would fund the wall and ICE.

So Trump hasn't got that done, right?
Its like 2018 did not happen.

Does it feel strange to only see what reinforced your priors? What do you fill in vast swaths of time with that do not comport with your agenda?
2018 was because MOST of those Republicans in the House RETIRED and in California the STATE allowed harvesting of ballots, in a lot of the lost seats districts Democrats showed up with thousands of ballots that in any other State would have been illegal. Hell in at least 3 districts more then 100 percent of the registered voters voted.

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