Democrats Give Trillions of Our Money Away, but Question Giving a Token Back to American Taxpayers

The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

In 2009 you guys started saying that Obama's recovery wasn't good enough. Was too slow. Meanwhile, you didn't give him the money he needed. This time, Biden is going to give us the money we need to get through this pandemic. And of course you Republicans will want to give us less than he wants to give us. Well, consider this a tax break for middle class and poor Americans. You don't object to tax breaks do you?

Since then, a consensus has emerged among economists that President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, which ended up costing roughly $840 billion, greatly benefited the economy but should have gone much further. It essentially was big enough to anger Republicans but not big enough to fully get the job done for the economy.

Tax break, you poor ignorant person. Wait till you get the tax bill for that "tax break".
Wel wait till your taxes go up to make u for all the threads trump gave to corporations and rich people. How’s it any different?

Now you’re worrying about the debt again? Typical douchebaggery

He gave everyone a tax cut. If you didn't like yours you could always give it back.

You can bet Biden will do away with all tax cuts. Yours included.
Nothing Democrats do is good for Americans. They aim to bankrupt and subjugate the American people for their Chinese masters.

What has Biden done so far that benefits Americans?

Funny you ask

I know you demonize unions but if it weren't for them there would be no middle class. And since Republicans during Reagan first waged war on Unions, union membership has dropped from 35% of our workforce to about 10% today. No coincidence since then, labor hasn't gotten a raise and CEO's pay has skyrocketed. No need for CEO's to share the profits with the workers. Unless of course those workers are organized. This is why you hate unions. They help workers.

Senate and House Democrats renewed their effort to enact sweeping reform to U.S. labor laws on Thursday, reintroducing a broad bill that would expand collective bargaining rights and help rejuvenate labor unions.
The package of measures, known as the Protecting the Right to Organize Act, or PRO Act, is a priority for progressive Democrats and organized labor. If it becomes law, it would be the most significant labor legislation enacted in the post-war period, and the most beneficial to unions in nearly 90 years.
With Democrats controlling both chambers, the legislation now stands a realistic chance of becoming law, but perhaps only if Democrats prove willing to get rid of the legislative filibuster. The bill would almost certainly garner no GOP support, meaning it could not clear a 60-vote threshold. Several moderate Democrats may hesitate to back it as well due to opposition from virtually all major business groups.

Union officials and top Democrats argue the package would go a long way in leveling a field that has tipped more and more toward corporations. Among other significant changes, the bill would:
  • Create monetary penalties against employers who try to illegally bust unions
  • Strengthen protections for workers who are wrongly fired during union organizing campaigns
  • Allow workers to take employers to court when they’ve broken collective bargaining laws
  • Make it easier for newly formed unions to secure their first contracts
  • Bolster workers’ rights related to strikes and boycotts
  • Override anti-union “right to work” laws that have now spread to a majority of states
  • Make it harder for companies like Uber to avoid unions by using “independent contractors”
Rep. Bobby Scott (D-Va.), lead sponsor of the bill in the House, said Thursday that a “decades-long assault” on collective bargaining had “suppressed union membership and eroded America’s middle class.”

While there are many reasons for shrinking membership, many experts agree that one factor is the vehemence with which companies fight union campaigns, using tactics both legal and illegal. The PRO Act could make it harder for such employers to interfere with organizing efforts by unions.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

In 2009 you guys started saying that Obama's recovery wasn't good enough. Was too slow. Meanwhile, you didn't give him the money he needed. This time, Biden is going to give us the money we need to get through this pandemic. And of course you Republicans will want to give us less than he wants to give us. Well, consider this a tax break for middle class and poor Americans. You don't object to tax breaks do you?

Since then, a consensus has emerged among economists that President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, which ended up costing roughly $840 billion, greatly benefited the economy but should have gone much further. It essentially was big enough to anger Republicans but not big enough to fully get the job done for the economy.

Tax break, you poor ignorant person. Wait till you get the tax bill for that "tax break".
Wel wait till your taxes go up to make u for all the threads trump gave to corporations and rich people. How’s it any different?

Now you’re worrying about the debt again? Typical douchebaggery

He gave everyone a tax cut. If you didn't like yours you could always give it back.

You can bet Biden will do away with all tax cuts. Yours included.
What a stupid thing to say. I'm not giving anything back. If you and the rich got yours, I should get my crumbs. I just wouldn't have given that 2 trillion away. That's every year! This 1 trillion stimulus is a one time tax break. If you don't like it send yours back.

Oh and by the way, the last stimulus I only got $43.30 I made too much last year. I probably wont get much on the next one either. But I cashed my $43.30.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

In 2009 you guys started saying that Obama's recovery wasn't good enough. Was too slow. Meanwhile, you didn't give him the money he needed. This time, Biden is going to give us the money we need to get through this pandemic. And of course you Republicans will want to give us less than he wants to give us. Well, consider this a tax break for middle class and poor Americans. You don't object to tax breaks do you?

Since then, a consensus has emerged among economists that President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, which ended up costing roughly $840 billion, greatly benefited the economy but should have gone much further. It essentially was big enough to anger Republicans but not big enough to fully get the job done for the economy.

Tax break, you poor ignorant person. Wait till you get the tax bill for that "tax break".
Wel wait till your taxes go up to make u for all the threads trump gave to corporations and rich people. How’s it any different?

Now you’re worrying about the debt again? Typical douchebaggery

He gave everyone a tax cut. If you didn't like yours you could always give it back.

You can bet Biden will do away with all tax cuts. Yours included.
What a stupid thing to say. I'm not giving anything back. If you and the rich got yours, I should get my crumbs. I just wouldn't have given that 2 trillion away. That's every year! This 1 trillion stimulus is a one time tax break. If you don't like it send yours back.

Oh and by the way, the last stimulus I only got $43.30 I made too much last year. I probably wont get much on the next one either. But I cashed my $43.30.

Don't worry. Biden will do away with everyone's tax cut. You will be happy then.

The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.
Trump gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which they invested in the stock market did and nothing to reduce the national debt that Trump said would happen. Actually, it dramatically increased the national debt.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.
Trump gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which they invested in the stock market did and nothing to reduce the national debt that Trump said would happen. Actually, it dramatically increased the national debt.

Just wait till Biden gets done. He will quadruple the debt. He's well on the way now. Once he gets his green shit in gear he will bankrupt the country.

The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.

Democrats believe that increasing federal tax revenue by raising taxes is better in the long run for the economy than lowering taxes and increasing federal tax revenue by raising income and profit. It is foolish to choose a fabricated approach over an organic approach when it comes to creating a stable and robust economy.
Actually Democrats think killing jobs and raising taxes while increasing spending is sound economic principles.

The funny thing is that it isn't that most of them are that stupid, they are simply unable to apply any reason to anything that doesn't fit neatly into the confines of their indoctrination. Public education has done a true injustice on the last 2 generations in particular.
If many tump followers are an example of public school education, you are correct.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

In 2009 you guys started saying that Obama's recovery wasn't good enough. Was too slow. Meanwhile, you didn't give him the money he needed. This time, Biden is going to give us the money we need to get through this pandemic. And of course you Republicans will want to give us less than he wants to give us. Well, consider this a tax break for middle class and poor Americans. You don't object to tax breaks do you?

Since then, a consensus has emerged among economists that President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, which ended up costing roughly $840 billion, greatly benefited the economy but should have gone much further. It essentially was big enough to anger Republicans but not big enough to fully get the job done for the economy.

Tax break, you poor ignorant person. Wait till you get the tax bill for that "tax break".
Wel wait till your taxes go up to make u for all the threads trump gave to corporations and rich people. How’s it any different?

Now you’re worrying about the debt again? Typical douchebaggery

He gave everyone a tax cut. If you didn't like yours you could always give it back.

You can bet Biden will do away with all tax cuts. Yours included.
What a stupid thing to say. I'm not giving anything back. If you and the rich got yours, I should get my crumbs. I just wouldn't have given that 2 trillion away. That's every year! This 1 trillion stimulus is a one time tax break. If you don't like it send yours back.

Oh and by the way, the last stimulus I only got $43.30 I made too much last year. I probably wont get much on the next one either. But I cashed my $43.30.

Don't worry. Biden will do away with everyone's tax cut. You will be happy then.

Yours is already set to expire. Maybe trump should have made yours permanent not just his.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

In 2009 you guys started saying that Obama's recovery wasn't good enough. Was too slow. Meanwhile, you didn't give him the money he needed. This time, Biden is going to give us the money we need to get through this pandemic. And of course you Republicans will want to give us less than he wants to give us. Well, consider this a tax break for middle class and poor Americans. You don't object to tax breaks do you?

Since then, a consensus has emerged among economists that President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, which ended up costing roughly $840 billion, greatly benefited the economy but should have gone much further. It essentially was big enough to anger Republicans but not big enough to fully get the job done for the economy.

Tax break, you poor ignorant person. Wait till you get the tax bill for that "tax break".
Wel wait till your taxes go up to make u for all the threads trump gave to corporations and rich people. How’s it any different?

Now you’re worrying about the debt again? Typical douchebaggery

He gave everyone a tax cut. If you didn't like yours you could always give it back.

You can bet Biden will do away with all tax cuts. Yours included.
What a stupid thing to say. I'm not giving anything back. If you and the rich got yours, I should get my crumbs. I just wouldn't have given that 2 trillion away. That's every year! This 1 trillion stimulus is a one time tax break. If you don't like it send yours back.

Oh and by the way, the last stimulus I only got $43.30 I made too much last year. I probably wont get much on the next one either. But I cashed my $43.30.

Don't worry. Biden will do away with everyone's tax cut. You will be happy then.

Yours is already set to expire. Maybe trump should have made yours permanent not just his.

LOL Trump doesn't need the money dingbat. He's a billionaire. Hell he gave his salary away.

Oh and mine and yours will expire when Biden's EO's all come to pass.

Hope you're ready for four years of misery under the Biden/Harris shit show.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.

Democrats believe that increasing federal tax revenue by raising taxes is better in the long run for the economy than lowering taxes and increasing federal tax revenue by raising income and profit. It is foolish to choose a fabricated approach over an organic approach when it comes to creating a stable and robust economy.
Biden is going to reverse that huge, unnecessary tax reduction for the super-wealthy which had no effect on the economy since they invested it in the stock market.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.
Trump gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which they invested in the stock market did and nothing to reduce the national debt that Trump said would happen. Actually, it dramatically increased the national debt.

Just wait till Biden gets done. He will quadruple the debt. He's well on the way now. Once he gets his green shit in gear he will bankrupt the country.

Sure getting us out of another huge hole republicans put us in with their mishandling the pandemic and causing another Great Recession in 8 years after bush’s Great Recession.

You didn’t care that trump was on his way to tripling the debt why start now?

The last time republicans handed us an ok economy Clinton got us a surplus. Then bush used the surplus as justification to pass his bad tax breaks. He squandered any hope of paying off the debt. Clinton did step one. Get a surplus. What did bush say? We don’t need no stinking surplus
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

In 2009 you guys started saying that Obama's recovery wasn't good enough. Was too slow. Meanwhile, you didn't give him the money he needed. This time, Biden is going to give us the money we need to get through this pandemic. And of course you Republicans will want to give us less than he wants to give us. Well, consider this a tax break for middle class and poor Americans. You don't object to tax breaks do you?

Since then, a consensus has emerged among economists that President Barack Obama’s 2009 stimulus package, which ended up costing roughly $840 billion, greatly benefited the economy but should have gone much further. It essentially was big enough to anger Republicans but not big enough to fully get the job done for the economy.

Tax break, you poor ignorant person. Wait till you get the tax bill for that "tax break".
Wel wait till your taxes go up to make u for all the threads trump gave to corporations and rich people. How’s it any different?

Now you’re worrying about the debt again? Typical douchebaggery

He gave everyone a tax cut. If you didn't like yours you could always give it back.

You can bet Biden will do away with all tax cuts. Yours included.
What a stupid thing to say. I'm not giving anything back. If you and the rich got yours, I should get my crumbs. I just wouldn't have given that 2 trillion away. That's every year! This 1 trillion stimulus is a one time tax break. If you don't like it send yours back.

Oh and by the way, the last stimulus I only got $43.30 I made too much last year. I probably wont get much on the next one either. But I cashed my $43.30.

Don't worry. Biden will do away with everyone's tax cut. You will be happy then.

Yours is already set to expire. Maybe trump should have made yours permanent not just his.

LOL Trump doesn't need the money dingbat. He's a billionaire. Hell he gave his salary away.

Oh and mine and yours will expire when Biden's EO's all come to pass.

Hope you're ready for four years of misery under the Biden/Harris shit show.
Yea trump and billionaires don’t need the tax breaks but still they got them.

I make almost 6 figures and have no kids and no mortgage. I can afford to pay a little more so you can save. I’ll sacrifice for you rabble
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.

Democrats believe that increasing federal tax revenue by raising taxes is better in the long run for the economy than lowering taxes and increasing federal tax revenue by raising income and profit. It is foolish to choose a fabricated approach over an organic approach when it comes to creating a stable and robust economy.
Biden is going to reverse that huge, unnecessary tax reduction for the super-wealthy which had no effect on the economy since they invested it in the stock market.

Don't hold your breath. Oh he'll get rid of all tax cuts.

He will raise taxes on everyone. Once he finds out he won't get nearly the money he needs taxing the rich, to do the shit he plans to do.

Hope you're ready for four years of misery under the Biden/Harris shit show cause its on its way.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.
Trump gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which they invested in the stock market did and nothing to reduce the national debt that Trump said would happen. Actually, it dramatically increased the national debt.

Just wait till Biden gets done. He will quadruple the debt. He's well on the way now. Once he gets his green shit in gear he will bankrupt the country.

Our country is already bankrupt. Hopefully, the infrastructure repairs will create many jobs and put cash into the economy. Right now Biden has no choice but to deal with the coronavirus, and that is expensive.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.

Democrats believe that increasing federal tax revenue by raising taxes is better in the long run for the economy than lowering taxes and increasing federal tax revenue by raising income and profit. It is foolish to choose a fabricated approach over an organic approach when it comes to creating a stable and robust economy.
Biden is going to reverse that huge, unnecessary tax reduction for the super-wealthy which had no effect on the economy since they invested it in the stock market.

Don't hold your breath. Oh he'll get rid of all tax cuts.

He will raise taxes on everyone. Once he finds out he won't get nearly the money he needs taxing the rich, to do the shit he plans to do.

Hope you're ready for four years of misery under the Biden/Harris shit show cause its on its way.
Actually the economy will boom and only idiots like you will be crying about the taxes.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.
Trump gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which they invested in the stock market did and nothing to reduce the national debt that Trump said would happen. Actually, it dramatically increased the national debt.

Just wait till Biden gets done. He will quadruple the debt. He's well on the way now. Once he gets his green shit in gear he will bankrupt the country.

Sure getting us out of another huge hole republicans put us in with their mishandling the pandemic and causing another Great Recession in 8 years after bush’s Great Recession.

You didn’t care that trump was on his way to tripling the debt why start now?

The last time republicans handed us an ok economy Clinton got us a surplus. Then bush used the surplus as justification to pass his bad tax breaks. He squandered any hope of paying off the debt. Clinton did step one. Get a surplus. What did bush say? We don’t need no stinking surplus

Lets see if you care when Biden Quadruples the debt. Which he will. He will raise taxes on everyone once he finds out raising the taxes on the rich won't get him the money he needs for his green shit.

He's already giving money to Pakistan for "gender bullshit" and billions to South America. Oh yeah. He will Quadruple the debt.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.

Democrats believe that increasing federal tax revenue by raising taxes is better in the long run for the economy than lowering taxes and increasing federal tax revenue by raising income and profit. It is foolish to choose a fabricated approach over an organic approach when it comes to creating a stable and robust economy.
Biden is going to reverse that huge, unnecessary tax reduction for the super-wealthy which had no effect on the economy since they invested it in the stock market.

Don't hold your breath. Oh he'll get rid of all tax cuts.

He will raise taxes on everyone. Once he finds out he won't get nearly the money he needs taxing the rich, to do the shit he plans to do.

Hope you're ready for four years of misery under the Biden/Harris shit show cause its on its way.
The shit show is no longer in the White House. Biden has said that he will raise taxes on all who make over $400,000.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.
Trump gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which they invested in the stock market did and nothing to reduce the national debt that Trump said would happen. Actually, it dramatically increased the national debt.

Just wait till Biden gets done. He will quadruple the debt. He's well on the way now. Once he gets his green shit in gear he will bankrupt the country.

Our country is already bankrupt. Hopefully, the infrastructure repairs will create many jobs and put cash into the economy. Right now Biden has no choice but to deal with the coronavirus, and that is expensive.

Biden is dealing with the same shit Trump dealt with. If the infrastructure repairs get done they will provide jobs. Only time will tell as I've been hearing infrastructure since Bush.

Meanwhile on day one Biden kicked every tax payer in this country in the teeth. He's put people out of work and many more will be out of work before he's done with his crusade to get rid of fossil fuel. His green shit will bankrupt the country.

I have no doubt he will add to the debt big time. Every POTUS does.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.
Trump gave the super-wealthy a huge tax reduction which they invested in the stock market did and nothing to reduce the national debt that Trump said would happen. Actually, it dramatically increased the national debt.

Just wait till Biden gets done. He will quadruple the debt. He's well on the way now. Once he gets his green shit in gear he will bankrupt the country.

Sure getting us out of another huge hole republicans put us in with their mishandling the pandemic and causing another Great Recession in 8 years after bush’s Great Recession.

You didn’t care that trump was on his way to tripling the debt why start now?

The last time republicans handed us an ok economy Clinton got us a surplus. Then bush used the surplus as justification to pass his bad tax breaks. He squandered any hope of paying off the debt. Clinton did step one. Get a surplus. What did bush say? We don’t need no stinking surplus
Clinton got us a surplus by stripping the military bare ass naked, putting our national security at risk.
The DC swamp creatures say eat cake.
Gender studies in Pakistan is more important than our homeless shivering on the street.

Republicans want to give nothing.
Only hundreds of billions of dollars that they don't have.


How Much Trump's Tax Cuts Cost the Government
Tax cuts under the Trump Administration increased the deficit and debt

Trump administration, promised that it would add $1.8 trillion in new revenue. That would more than pay for the $1.5 trillion cost of the tax cuts themselves

This increase in the federal debt means that formerly budget-conscious federal Republicans have done an about-face on fiscal policy.

For example, In 2011, Republicans supported the Budget Control Act, which automatically cuts spending across the board between 2013 and 2021.9 These mandatory spending cuts were called sequestration.

In 2013, Republicans threatened to not raise the debt ceiling to force budget cuts.10 That would have forced the U.S. to default on its debt. Fortunately, better-than-expected revenue meant the debt ceiling debate was postponed until the fall.11

In these instances, Congressional Republicans were focused on limiting debt and deficit growth at the expense of government functioning. However, with the TCJA, Republicans in the federal government passed a law that significantly increased both deficit spending and the federal debt.

Supporters of tax cuts believe in the theory of supply-side economics. This theory states that freeing up businesses to grow more will drive economic growth. When the government cuts taxes or regulations, companies will hire more workers. The resultant job growth creates more demand which boosts the economy.

Supply-side is the opposite of Keynesian theory. It says that consumer demand drives the economy. It supports more government spending on infrastructure, unemployment benefits, and education.

In general, tax cuts work when the economy is sluggish, businesses need money, and tax rates are high.

For example, the Treasury Department found that the Bush tax cuts gave the economy a short-term boost. This was because the economy was in a recession.12 The tax cuts gave businesses extra capacity they could put to use immediately.

According to a 2017 survey, many large corporations said they didn’t need the money from the Trump administration's tax cuts. They were sitting on a record $2.3 trillion in cash reserves, double the level in 2001.

If the individual cuts are made permanent, the cost will rise to $2.3 trillion without having been successful at significantly boosting wages or increasing jobs.

So lets undo Trump's tax breaks so we can get this stimulus to people who really need it.

Well said but the trump supporters do not understand, nor do they want to understand.
The economically blind leading the blind....roflmfao
Got news for you. Reagan/Bush/Trump's trickle down is not working. Well, it's working for the rich. They've never been richer. And you like the way things are? Weird.
America had the best economy in the world under Trump.
God Bless trickle down.

BTW - JFK specifically cut taxes for trickle down economics.

That he did. Raegan and Trump did the same. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

The dumbass Dems will never learn that. All they want to do is raise taxes. Imbeciles.

Democrats believe that increasing federal tax revenue by raising taxes is better in the long run for the economy than lowering taxes and increasing federal tax revenue by raising income and profit. It is foolish to choose a fabricated approach over an organic approach when it comes to creating a stable and robust economy.
Biden is going to reverse that huge, unnecessary tax reduction for the super-wealthy which had no effect on the economy since they invested it in the stock market.

Don't hold your breath. Oh he'll get rid of all tax cuts.

He will raise taxes on everyone. Once he finds out he won't get nearly the money he needs taxing the rich, to do the shit he plans to do.

Hope you're ready for four years of misery under the Biden/Harris shit show cause its on its way.
The shit show is no longer in the White House. Biden has said that he will raise taxes on all who make over $400,000.

That he will. Once he finds he can't get enough from those folks he will raise everyone's taxes.

He never learned what Kennedy, Raegan and Trump knew. cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and the Fed coffers than raising them ever did.

His green shit is going to cost up the ass and when all of his EO's kick I have no doubt people will be hating his stupid ass.

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