Democrats fearing 2020 election scramble for panic button with loser candidates

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
For nearly three years, Democrats were certain they would eat President Trump’s lunch in 2020. The 25 dreamers seeking the party’s nomination are testament to the conviction that one of them definitely would be the next president.


Suddenly, after just two debates, the Nervous Nellies are climbing the walls. Many Dems are worried that the battle is too nasty and too negative, and that the front-runner, Joe Biden, is looking awfully wobbly.

Equally worrisome, Biden’s strongest challengers, Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, are leaning so far left that their appeal could be limited to the most radical elements. Some of their supporters are even attacking the sainted Barack Obama.

What to do? My modest suggestion: Panic!

All three top contenders are looking like losers in a general election. Here’s why, starting with Biden.

Years ago, in a discussion about how hard it is to get elected president, the late Democratic Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan offered an example. Bob Dole, his friend and Republican colleague, was so perfectly qualified and would have been chosen as prime minister in a heartbeat if America had a parliamentary system, Moynihan insisted.

The discussion took place after Dole was crushed by Bill Clinton in the 1996 presidential race. Dole was his party’s grand old man when he got the nomination, having been in the House and Senate for a combined 35 years.

He was the vice-presidential nominee in 1976, when Jimmy Carter defeated Gerald Ford, and sought the top spot in 1980 and 1988 before dropping out.

A World War II hero who was seriously wounded and awarded two Purple Hearts, Dole finally got his turn at age 73, but lost in a landslide.

Dole, now 96, is long retired, but his political doppelgänger — Biden — seeks one last hurrah.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


This really nails the Rats...pass! it! around! EVERYWHERE!

1. Cory Booker says he wants to punch the president.
2. Joe Biden says he wants to beat up the president.
3. Maxine Waters says to get in Republicans’ faces out in public.
4. Jimmy Kimmel and other late night hosts joke about assassinating the president.
5. Snoop Dog makes a video of a fake assassination of the president.
6. Kathy Griffin poses with a severed bloody head of the president.
7. Johnny Depp jokes about assassinating the President.
8. Madonna says she wants to blow up the White House.
9. Black Lives Matter chants they want dead cops and fry ‘em like bacon.
10. Antifa routinely assaults conservatives.
11. AOC calls our border agents Nazis and refuses to condemn violence against them.
12. The so-called “Squad” supports terrorists of Palestine and Hamas and routinely spews anti semitic rhetoric.
13. Congress refuses to call out Ilhan Omar for making anti semitic remarks.
14. Rashida Tlaib calls the president a motherf**ker.

Yet Trump is the one inciting hatred and violence?
The establishment Democrats would rather have Trump reelected than
a true progressive like Bernie or Tulsi.

Because Trump is not a Neoconservative nor a true Republican.

Trump is Trump and will swing any way he can to get what he want and after 2020 just watch him ditch his base and work with Democrats if reelected...
The establishment Democrats would rather have Trump reelected than
a true progressive like Bernie or Tulsi.

Because Trump is not a Neoconservative nor a true Republican.

Trump is Trump and will swing any way he can to get what he want and after 2020 just watch him ditch his base and work with Democrats if reelected...
This would throw a hammer in their spokes--

"If I am reelected, Tulsi Gabbard has agreed to be my new Secretary of Defense"
( a brief murmer of shock and confusion followed by loud applause from the crowd)

Hillary to Bill " I wish someone would shoot him, but he is a clever bastard. "
"Yeah I'm beginning to like him...." SLAP
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The establishment Democrats would rather have Trump reelected than
a true progressive like Bernie or Tulsi.

Because Trump is not a Neoconservative nor a true Republican.

Trump is Trump and will swing any way he can to get what he want and after 2020 just watch him ditch his base and work with Democrats if reelected...
This would throw a hammer in their spokes--

"If I am reelected, Tulsi Gabbard has agreed to be my new Secretary of Defense"
( a brief murmer of shock and confusion followed by loud applause from the crowd)

Hillary to Bill " I wish someone would shoot him, but he is a clever bastard. "
"Yeah I'm beginning to like him...." SLAP

Tulsi on Defense

Manchin as Secretary of State

Michelle Obama as his Secretary of Education

Oh and the Tesla owner as his Secretary of Energy...

Cortez would drop dead on the House floor and all of Trump voters would have massive heart attacks!!!

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