Democrats causing gun crime, Chicago: Man arrested for illegal gun possession 5 times in 13 months...released from prison day he arrived.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
We don't have gun crime because normal people own and carry guns.

The anti-gun extremists do not want to recognize the actual problem.......the democrat party keeps releasing violent, repeat gun offenders over and over again.....these individuals do almost all of the gun crime and gun murder in the cities the democrat party controls.......

What have you been up to for the past 13 months or so?

If you’re Shemar Barber, you’ve been charged with illegal gun possession five times. Well, he did do more than that. He went to prison for one of the gun cases, but the state released him on the day he arrived. The other three gun cases, including one he picked up Sunday, are still pending.

It all started on June 27 of last year when prosecutors charged him illegally carrying a gun in West Englewood. He posted a $200 deposit to get out of jail on that.

On August 13, prosecutors charged him with carrying another gun illegally in West Englewood. He posted a $3,000 deposit, and a judge told him to stay in the house from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., but the judge didn’t make him wear a device to enforce the curfew, records show.

Then, on April 22, prosecutors charged him with another felony count of illegally carrying a firearm in West Englewood.

He pleaded guilty to one of the earlier felony gun cases on May 20. A judge sentenced him to one year in prison, records show. Authorities shipped him to Stateville Correctional Center on May 24, gave him the state’s standard 50% sentence reduction and credit for time spent in jail after his arrest, and sent him home the same day.

On Saturday, police who responded to a call of a person with a gun saw Barber on the street and determined he matched the gunman’s description, prosecutors said this week. He saw the cops and began walking away while holding his waistband, prosecutors said. When officers stopped him, he allegedly had a loaded handgun tucked into his pants.

Prosecutors on Sunday charged him with felony aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and three counts of resisting police.

“The state outlines for me a roadmap that is alarming,” Judge John Lyke said after hearing the latest allegations. “This defendant is 19 years of age. Nineteen. Just pled guilty in May to a gun case. So that gives him one felony. He got one year. But he has two other pending gun cases. And now he’s in front of me with another gun case. So that’s 4 gun cases in the matter of about a year.”

Lyke set bail at $250,000 and ordered Barber to go onto electronic monitoring if he can post a 10% deposit. The judge also ordered Barber held without bail for violating the terms of bond in the other two pending gun cases.

Prosecutors did not mention any state plans to revoke Barber’s parole.

Please.....can any of the various anti-gun extremists here on U.S.message board explain how they still think that normal people owning guns is the problem?

Over and over again, the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians release violent gun offenders.......and yet the anti-gun extremists blame gun crime on people who do not commit any crime with their legal guns....while hiding their eyes from the democrat party, the party that keeps releasing violent gun offenders.....

Any brave gun control advocates who want to actually address this issue?
We don't have gun crime because normal people own and carry guns.

The anti-gun extremists do not want to recognize the actual problem.......the democrat party keeps releasing violent, repeat gun offenders over and over again.....these individuals do almost all of the gun crime and gun murder in the cities the democrat party controls.......

What have you been up to for the past 13 months or so?

If you’re Shemar Barber, you’ve been charged with illegal gun possession five times. Well, he did do more than that. He went to prison for one of the gun cases, but the state released him on the day he arrived. The other three gun cases, including one he picked up Sunday, are still pending.

It all started on June 27 of last year when prosecutors charged him illegally carrying a gun in West Englewood. He posted a $200 deposit to get out of jail on that.

On August 13, prosecutors charged him with carrying another gun illegally in West Englewood. He posted a $3,000 deposit, and a judge told him to stay in the house from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., but the judge didn’t make him wear a device to enforce the curfew, records show.

Then, on April 22, prosecutors charged him with another felony count of illegally carrying a firearm in West Englewood.

He pleaded guilty to one of the earlier felony gun cases on May 20. A judge sentenced him to one year in prison, records show. Authorities shipped him to Stateville Correctional Center on May 24, gave him the state’s standard 50% sentence reduction and credit for time spent in jail after his arrest, and sent him home the same day.

On Saturday, police who responded to a call of a person with a gun saw Barber on the street and determined he matched the gunman’s description, prosecutors said this week. He saw the cops and began walking away while holding his waistband, prosecutors said. When officers stopped him, he allegedly had a loaded handgun tucked into his pants.

Prosecutors on Sunday charged him with felony aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and three counts of resisting police.

“The state outlines for me a roadmap that is alarming,” Judge John Lyke said after hearing the latest allegations. “This defendant is 19 years of age. Nineteen. Just pled guilty in May to a gun case. So that gives him one felony. He got one year. But he has two other pending gun cases. And now he’s in front of me with another gun case. So that’s 4 gun cases in the matter of about a year.”

Lyke set bail at $250,000 and ordered Barber to go onto electronic monitoring if he can post a 10% deposit. The judge also ordered Barber held without bail for violating the terms of bond in the other two pending gun cases.

Prosecutors did not mention any state plans to revoke Barber’s parole.

Please.....can any of the various anti-gun extremists here on U.S.message board explain how they still think that normal people owning guns is the problem?

Over and over again, the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians release violent gun offenders.......and yet the anti-gun extremists blame gun crime on people who do not commit any crime with their legal guns....while hiding their eyes from the democrat party, the party that keeps releasing violent gun offenders.....

Any brave gun control advocates who want to actually address this issue?
Not only do they keep releasing these criminals they have also disarmed the good with illegal laws setting up a safe work environment for the criminals. THE BRADY CENTER PUT OUT A STATEMENT OVER 10 YEARS AGO SAYING THE STATS ARE SAYING GUN DEATHS AMONG CHILDREN IS SKY ROCKETING i knew this was bull shit so I checked What the Brady center did was take the age one becomes an adult, 18 and changed it to 26. Now the number would include most of your drug and gang related deaths. When the Fort Hood terrorist attack happened this lying group put out a statement 'If a mass shooting can happen on an army base with all their weapons it can happen anywhere. All military bases inside the U.S. WERE MADE GUN FREE BY BILL CLINTON. HIS PRIVATE SECURITY GOT TIRED OF HAVING ALL MEN REMOVE THEIR BOLTS FROM THEIR RIFLES AND THEIR SLIDES FROM THEIR HAND GUNS EVERY TIME BILL ENTERED A MILITARY BASE, JOE DON'T KNOW WHAT HE IS MESSING WITH AS I know no one that will disarm for that brainless tyrant. No one will disarm for a bunch of crazed government jack booted thugs that can burn to death men women and children that were members of a church group Remember, not a day went by you didn't read of half a family killed in a botched raid on the wrong house somewhere in the US EVERY DEATH WAS BLAMED ON SOME MILITIA. If you brainless idiots don't want anyone armed go to China, or Cuba, or Hell.
Democrats blame the gun, not the man who pulled the trigger. And if the Dems have their way, then also blame the manufacturer who made the gun and the merchant that sold it.
We don't have gun crime because normal people own and carry guns.

The anti-gun extremists do not want to recognize the actual problem.......the democrat party keeps releasing violent, repeat gun offenders over and over again.....these individuals do almost all of the gun crime and gun murder in the cities the democrat party controls.......

What have you been up to for the past 13 months or so?

If you’re Shemar Barber, you’ve been charged with illegal gun possession five times. Well, he did do more than that. He went to prison for one of the gun cases, but the state released him on the day he arrived. The other three gun cases, including one he picked up Sunday, are still pending.

It all started on June 27 of last year when prosecutors charged him illegally carrying a gun in West Englewood. He posted a $200 deposit to get out of jail on that.

On August 13, prosecutors charged him with carrying another gun illegally in West Englewood. He posted a $3,000 deposit, and a judge told him to stay in the house from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., but the judge didn’t make him wear a device to enforce the curfew, records show.

Then, on April 22, prosecutors charged him with another felony count of illegally carrying a firearm in West Englewood.

He pleaded guilty to one of the earlier felony gun cases on May 20. A judge sentenced him to one year in prison, records show. Authorities shipped him to Stateville Correctional Center on May 24, gave him the state’s standard 50% sentence reduction and credit for time spent in jail after his arrest, and sent him home the same day.

On Saturday, police who responded to a call of a person with a gun saw Barber on the street and determined he matched the gunman’s description, prosecutors said this week. He saw the cops and began walking away while holding his waistband, prosecutors said. When officers stopped him, he allegedly had a loaded handgun tucked into his pants.

Prosecutors on Sunday charged him with felony aggravated unlawful use of a weapon and three counts of resisting police.

“The state outlines for me a roadmap that is alarming,” Judge John Lyke said after hearing the latest allegations. “This defendant is 19 years of age. Nineteen. Just pled guilty in May to a gun case. So that gives him one felony. He got one year. But he has two other pending gun cases. And now he’s in front of me with another gun case. So that’s 4 gun cases in the matter of about a year.”

Lyke set bail at $250,000 and ordered Barber to go onto electronic monitoring if he can post a 10% deposit. The judge also ordered Barber held without bail for violating the terms of bond in the other two pending gun cases.

Prosecutors did not mention any state plans to revoke Barber’s parole.

Please.....can any of the various anti-gun extremists here on U.S.message board explain how they still think that normal people owning guns is the problem?

Over and over again, the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians release violent gun offenders.......and yet the anti-gun extremists blame gun crime on people who do not commit any crime with their legal guns....while hiding their eyes from the democrat party, the party that keeps releasing violent gun offenders.....

Any brave gun control advocates who want to actually address this issue?
Do you call a person who carries a gun because he frightened his shadow might assault him, is normal?
You're all bloody nuts.
Do you call a person who carries a gun because he frightened his shadow might assault him, is normal?
You're all bloody nuts.
The nuts are you idiots on the left. A perfect example is the guy who thinks he's a woman who the moron biden appointed.
How about a change in the administration?
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